calling out FBI crimes -nothing to do with HRC'
you're the crooks who protect HIllary.
so untrustworthy.
No one 's empowered for Federal crimes?
FBI sure ain't stopping any Federal crimes. They run them.
They do the Federal crimes.
Maybe when they're gone local police -responsible to the people, can do the investigations - in coordination with other LOCAL POLICE.
that's why they NEED to get rid of local police
Local police are too responsive to the public.
Local police could've investigated 9/11
but no
FBI had to come in, shoo everybody away, as they do EVERY TIME and COVER _ UP
else how could the scam go forward?
They reputedly are college educated.
but dude here thinks we're pro-hillary?
How smart is that?
doesn't do his own homework.
believes his own PR.
lost in his or her own delusions.
FBI doesn't always fail,
it's usually on purpose and they just appear incompetent.
It's a ruse. ( we cant find osama. we think planes can fly through walls, we think trump colludes with russia (when they knew all along it was a bogus charge)
Without the TV show in their honor they'd have no rep; And a few Hollywood movies.
That's how shallow and dirty they are.
I 'm not the only one who wants them gone.
there must be millions of Trump supporters who do also.
No wonder biden government are declare us 'enemies of the State'
Next they'll do their 'emergency power' ploy, like Adolf; they're building up to it.
(lucky all their GLADIO style simulations only made people buy more guns?.)
They really should step down and do us all a favor.
they lied to the secret court FISA in order to spy.
they act so entitled to it, too.
remember when PAGE clamed it was her government.
where do they find these pricks?
Must be all screened by Hoover clones?
Place needs to go. Needs to be cleaned /dismantled