The Art of Domesticating Animals wearing Human Costumes
by Anon
The greatest story ever told is how it all began and everything that had happened since,
and it all boils down to one simple teaching - If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.
If you teach a man to fish, then he can feed himself for life - which also explains why there are
governing laws among us if you have the cognitive ability to perceive it.
The fault in today's society is the inability of animals wearing human costumes to perform a
simple exercise of cognitive ability at recognizing the difference between righteous and unjust laws
and practices, of good and evil, right and wrong, truth and lies, correctness and error.
The absence of cognitive ability among these animals is directly related to the failure of the community at
educating their children - clearly a situation of the blind leading the blind with an ego to control.
The perception of the difference between correctness and error is always debatable but correctness and error is not debatable.
A truth is a fact and a lie is false.
I will begin by correcting the perception of how it all began because perception is the foundation of understanding
and it goes like this…
If you eat shit, you will die.
You won't die right away but you will spread disease until your body is cremated.
It is possible to detox your body after eating shit but it can take decades to recover from it.
I cannot communicate any method to detox from eating shit because that would be construed as giving medical advice unlawfully
but is something you need to know should you ever be intentionally fed shit to eat.
So how would you go about learning methods to detox your body? Especially after eating shit!
Jesus taught you to pull the weeds out of your eyes before you try to wipe away a speck of sand from the eye of another.
It helps to have a cognitive ability where you can recognize someones shared intellect that could be helpful to you.
We all need to teach each other to not be deaf or blind because that is the true strength of a cohesive community.
I truly love parodies and satire but many people are offended by them. Why? What is it about their perception that they even
become violent when confronted? That is answered when you understand the space in their head is theirs alone and they never choose
otherwise but you must conform which is why they are a danger to everyone and everything around them.
It is very easy to spot these shallow headed animals and teasing them is an art that has reached a PhD level which I hope to use to
herd them into functional domestication. Yes, these animals are a problem but the bigger problem is the tools to heal and
raise them are being misused as the lunatics are running the asylum. Who's responsible for this? I'm hearing too many people in
agreement that it has to be this way. Sure, fuck Jesus! Oh, wait! You can't force Jesus on anyone, that is until you fuck them silly
and leave them no choice!! It only gets better when you realize you have been too stupid to know you are an idiot.