the architect of the EuroMaidan
worked with ASU
on Human Trafficking
keks in "SMILES"
we never proved that Fast & Furious, Patrick Fitzgerald, Eric Holder and Loop Capital
laundered the Mexican Cartel $
COVID kind of interrupted everything
>The half dozen or so Anons who have done all the clockwork are real people
clockfags are like COVID
they have their own public relations team
just link to the clock proofs thread
>Q introduced the clock
>Anons picked it up in good faith
>found it useful for linking certain events
>if you're going to criticize, get specific
it has not forecast a single event
and the smell
just like all the other pilpul and non sequitir questioning
combative proponents
tag team
the PR team says it's not a PR team
i filter any and all
and don't appear to have missed anything of value
i tell you you are filtered
and you reply anyway
you say you are jew
i call you jew
you get angry
it must suck to be jew
>Attacking the clockfags.
i filter the clockfags
it is the PR team
that i use
to provide comic relief
as i filter them too