Anonymous ID: 85b35d Sept. 20, 2022, 10:04 p.m. No.17553777   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>17552406 pb

>>>17552257 Anon on Difference between a Democracy and a Republic




>Well-said anon.

>Dif between Republic and Democracy is not a small thing.

>Dems calling our country a democracy over and over is throwing a LIE in our face, knowing many people don't know the dif.


Wikipedia has articles on democracy and republic in Simple English, anons should read them, they are written in an easily understandable style.


the opposite of "Republic" is not "Democracy" but Monarchy.


Most of the countries of the world are republics …


The USA is both a republic and a democracy.

the UK is a democracy but not a Republic.

Saudi Arabia is neither a republic nor a democracy.

China is a republic but not a democracy … well, China disagrees.


I think the confusion arises because the party anons hate is called the Democratic Party and their voters are called liberals … so when it's pointed out that the USA is a so called Liberal Democracy, Maga patriots and anons get mad because they don't know the definitions of the concepts/terms