io if you love someone and they tell you they don't love you, but you still love them after four years of not seing them, and you would always take them back in a aheartbeat, how can you continue living your life, and confidently tell other people that you love them, and build a new relationship, when the feeling just wont go away?
this is eating me up
is dauntless hope a fool's errand? a folley? A sisyphus task? Not worth my time?
caught by what
nonstop kekkery
Elaborate, I do not understand
yes no big gestures just the feeling you get in an instant that lights up the world
Q? Who is Q? I'm talking about muh bb
no way
ah fuck this shit
so what now
is this just nuke war games
MAD = Mutually Assured Destruction= Mistrust
Our movie's better than yours
I believe the politically correct term is "bioluminescent african-american federal agent"
hdgdl marlene
God does not contradict himself
They are ugly
release the kraken
The term “weaponized autism” is frequently used on extremist platforms. To better understand this, we conducted a discourse analysis of posts on Gab, an alt-right social media platform.
We analyzed 711 posts spanning 2018–2019 and filtered for variations on the term “weaponized autism”.
This term is used mainly by non-autistic Gab users. It refers to exploitation of perceived talents and vulnerabilities of “Weaponized autists”, described as all-powerful masters-of-technology who are devoid of social skills.
The term “weaponized autism” is simultaneously glorified and derogatory. For some autistic people, the partial acceptance offered within this community may be preferable to lack of acceptance offered in society, which speaks to improving societal acceptance as a prevention effort.
Anons they are doing research on aliens without consent
Authors and Affiliations
University of Toronto, 500 University Ave, M5G 1V7, Toronto, ON, Canada
Christie Welch
Trudeau literally paying for research on Autists