pure. fucking. poetry.
I wonder…
What would happen if we all doxxed ourselves simultaneously? I mean, really…what is there to be afraid of? Clowns at your door? That means you're important. Lose all your money? Jokes on you, fuckers…IRS says I owe $250K…good luck collecting.
It occurs to me that "we" stay in the shadows because we're afraid of something…and I'm thinking there will come a time when we'll have to come out of the shadows.
Seriously, what is there to fear?
<NOT suggesting doxxing…just asking what if…
>You could be swatted or fired or have a family member swatted or fired or kicked out of school, for starters. Doxxing can lead to very bad things, thus the strict rule here.
I get all that…and it's still fear-based thinking…doesn't answer my original question though…
>Some people have to learn truths that should've been self evident the hard way and you appear to be one of them
I'm 47, and there's a lot of truth in your statement…you sound like a college kid.
I will explain how that started one day…
Yeah, no…been following "the game" since '96…on the big L Libertarian side.
One thing I've learned is no one pays attention to you if you blend in with everyone else…and I ain't the blendin' type.
>Just know, I filter anyone with that skank pic.
not a pic…GIF…and you might end up filtering the baker
<actually seen that happen a couple of times. KEK
>Anyways remember during the election when the Libertarian Party had a conference and some fat hairy guy stood naked in front of everybody and gave a speech?
Nah, I stopped following after Harry Browne…pegged 'em for losers right quick…
OK, I should rephrase…
There's a time to be quiet and unnoticed…and the converse is just as true. kek
yeah, that's pretty much why that party is doomed to failure…fuckin weirdos
Back in my day we didn't have any internets or websights or meemees or anything else like that.
We had ping-pong tables and juke-boxes and telephones…and if we wanted to "hook up" we had to make a phone call and get past parents.
Boys dressed like boys and girls dressed like girls…there was very little confusion.
I want my MTV back.
you're quick.
nothing wrong with being average…most people are…
Nikola Tesla knew GEOTUS' uncle John, corrrect?
fuck, never mind…got that one twice
play nigger games, win nigger prizes. kek
a healthy fear of JC is a good thing. kek
that was assumed from the beginning