The Medici family are a well known Black Nobility involved in the Vatican, banking, medical industry, secret societies, and Zionism. Many of the Florentine noble families are ancestors of Assyro-Chaldeans that practiced Kabbalah and migrated into Florence during ancient Rome. During the Moorish invasion more of these clans migrated into Florence and brought large amounts of gold with them. Napoleon Bonaparte was the first political Zionist who proclaimed for all "Jews" to settle in Jerusalem. Zionism is really about domination. Zion is a hill in Jerusalem which is considered a holy land by Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Zion refers to a military triumph. The Medici family were one of the wealthiest banking families in Europe for centuries. They produced 3 Popes and 2 Queens of France. The Medici and Bonaparte families are closely related and are still working together. Both of these families still exist today. Emilio Garrastazu Medici was a Brazilian dictator that established the military government in Brazil. The Brazilian Andre Cezar Medici works at the World Bank as a health economist in Washington DC today. The name Medici means medical and they have been linked with practicing sorcery. Pharmacy derives from the Greek word Pharmakeia which means sorcery and poison. The most common symbol used in medicine is the Rod of Asclepius which is of a serpent coiled around a rod similar to the Staff of Hermes. The Medici family are involved in alchemical witchcraft and run the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. They have a statue of Hermes at their palace in Rome. The Medici family founded the Botanical Garden of Pisa which is the oldest botanical garden in Europe and also established the Botanical Garden of Florence. They use herbs and plants for alchemy which is about the manipulation of the human psyche and physiology. They use members of their Hermetic Order to infiltrate food and drug companies.
The Dreyfus family have similar ancestry as the Medici family and they are extremely wealthy. The French Dreyfus branch work as Court Factors for the House of Bonaparte. Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte was the first President of France. French presidents are the heads of the Bonaparte's Legion of Honour which has many members that are billionaires and heads of major corporations and banks like Alfred Dreyfus, Pierre Louis-Dreyfus, Benoit Potier, Pierre-Andre de Chalendar, Patrick Pouyanne, Rene Obermann and Bernard Arnault who is worth tens of billions. Cosimo III de' Medici the last Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany bankrupted the state bank right after receiving large deposits of gold from the Elector of Bavaria. I believe the Medici family used this gold to finance the Rothschild family as the new top bankers. The Rothschild family have worked with the House of Medici with Carl Mayer von Rothschild who ran the Naples Bank financing the House of Medici and working with Prince Luigi de Medici of Ottajano. The Medici family developed the Double-Entry book keeping system used for tracking debts. Current members of these crime families include Prince Ottaviano de Medici, Prince Julian (Guliano) de Medici, Prince Lorenzo de Medici-Tornaquinci-Foscari and of the House of Bonaparte there is Prince Charles Napoleon Bonaparte, and Prince Jean Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte. Prince Jean Christophe worked for Morgan Stanley and Advent International which is a major buy out firm with assets estimated at over 30 billion. The Medici family are Rome's tax collectors and they oversee the IRS through Rome's network of power. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York shares a similar architectural design with the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi in Florence. The Medici family command the IRS to financially persecute people that Rome has declared as heretics. Not only is income tax immoral but the IRS make up debts out of thin air and they persecute people based on these made up or inflated debts. Prince Ottaviano de Medici is the head of this evil bloodline and a ruthless tyrant.