ty baker
fortunately I see no toes
he needs congress' cooperation because he needs congress to make a real reforms
that's step 1
wrong question
why is the US & EU Deep State waging war against Russia on Ukraine's soil?
fixed it for ya
thank you internet person
I have no thoughts of my own and am empty inside so I'll just pour your thoughts in there without any resistance or questions
nibiru is not a planet or star
you could look it up in the Assyrian dictionary in Chicago, but that would be doing research
Zachariah Sitchen is a fraud. He knows no ancient languages and has no degrees in that area.
I'm true to your wife though
you have no self awareness
you have no idea how stupid you look when you accuse someone of being what they are not
nothing and I mean NOTHING will get through to anyone from assholes like you
Barr has an obvious DS link
daddy barr hooked Epstein up early on
bill off'd him when he was ready to spill it
the Benedict Arnold story turns out to be a complex one
basically he got fucked over and over until he cracked
I'm not taking sides, just saying
Paul. Is the blonde Linda M?
>Did we get freed from admiral law?
courts know just how to strike that crazy theory down, here and in canada
pass it up
they're pretty
when He comes back, He won't be bringing cupcakes
Sovereign Citizen Tries To Smuggle Weapons Into Canada - It Doesn't Go Well For Him
>Repent, for the Day of the Lord is barely 7 years hence.