"An honour to be a part of this historical moment on Iceland's behalf"
ThePresident of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and the first lady, Eliza Reid here at the State Funeral yesterday. Behind Jóhannesson is Joe Biden, the President of the United States and to the left you can see the French President, Emmanuel Macron. AFP
"This was an impressive and a historical moment to experience the funeral of Elizabeth II. She was a monarch who has done her duties concientiously, dutifully and diligently for over 70 years," says Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, the President of Iceland to mbl.is.
The President and the first lady, Eliza Reid, attended the State Funeral of Elizabeth II. Queen of Britain in Westminster Abbey in London earlier today. The queen passed away on September 8th after serving the British empire for over 70 years. Jóhannesson says that the funeral was a historical moment, and many of the world leaders were present as well as the royal family.
"It was an honour be a part of this historical moment on Iceland's behalf, both for me and my wife Eliza."
As can be seen in the picture above, the Icelandic President and Eliza Reid were sitting in front of Joe Biden, the President of the United States and the first lady, Jill Biden.
When asked if he knew why that was, he thinks it might simply be that the seating was done in alphabetical order. (Bidan's last name is before his)
"I think that makes sense, because Eliza and I were sitting next to the President of Ireland and the Irish first lady, and close to the President of France and the President of Hungary. The President of Italy was also close to us. The President of Cyprus was in front of us and the President of the United States behind us."
Remember the British Crown determined that Royalty is seated up front and politicians behind them, giving the reason why Bidan was in the 14th row. Well guess what President of Iceland and Macron were seated in front of Bidan's. So you have the President of a tiny country sitting in front of the US president. Seems intentional to me. Kekkity.
As an anon pointed out on the last bread Trump is related to the President of Iceland too.
Donald Trump is related to most Icelanders and Danish and Norwegian Royalty
President Donald J. Trump is the direct descendant of Hakon V King of Norway according to Icelandic genealogist Oddur F. Helgason. Mr. Trump is also related to Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, Icelandic President Guðni Th. Johannesson of Iceland, and in fact almost all Icelanders.
Donald Trump, “Son of Norway"
Helgason became interested in Trump’s lineage after speculation about Donald Trump’s potential kinship to Icelanders went viral on Facebook. Helgason, a former fisherman, is one of Iceland’s most prominent genealogist and president of ORG-genealogist service in Reykjavik.
In his exploration of Trump’s kinship to Icelanders, Helgason also traced him to Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, current President of Iceland. “Naturally, as he is the Icelandic head of state,” Helgason wrote on Facebook.
The two presidents are in fact related back through 25 generations and share a common ancestor in no other than King Hakon V of Norway, a Viking-age king who reigned from 1299 to 1319. Mr. President Trump is a descendant of Hakon’s only legitimate daughter, Duchess Ingibjörg Hákonardóttir (Ingebjørg Håkonsdatter) who by marriage became a Swedish princess and was the mother of King Magnus of Norway and Sweden. President Jóhannesson is the descendant of King Hákon’s illegitimate daugther Agnes.
According to Helgason, most Icelanders are in fact related to Mr. Trump through the same lineage, albeit by a tiny fraction. “The President of Iceland and the President of the United States are related through 25 generations,” Helgason writes on Facebook, “while the author [Helgason himself] is related to him through 20 generations.”
Most Icelanders can trace their ancestry back to Gottskálk “grimmi” (or Gottskálk the cruel), Helgason writes, “and you can look him up to see how you are related to Trump.” Iceland has one of the best genealogy records in the world thanks to Landnámabók that documented the Viking settlement of the island, the Iceland Sagas, and fairly decent record keeping over the ages.
President Trump’s royal ancestry: Denmark and Scotland
Mr. Trump is a descendant of King Christian I of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Trump can also trace his ancestry to the Scottish royalty. Christian I of Denmark was the father of Queen Margaret of Scotland, the spouse of King James IV of Scotland. Their son, King James IV of Scotland is also Mr. Trump’s forefather.