Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 7:11 a.m. No.17561034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1422

ATTN Legacy Media shills


The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.


290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.


Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.


Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.


Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.


Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.


A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”


Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.


Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.



Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 7:19 a.m. No.17561080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1098

Oh Look, deep sea mining! Make big dolla Underwater, No problem, Keep moving there'


The ocean's deep-sea bed is scattered with ancient, potato-sized rocks called "polymetallic nodules" that contain nickel and cobalt—minerals that are in high demand for the manufacturing of batteries, such as for powering electric vehicles and storing renewable energy, and in response to factors such as increasing urbanization. The deep ocean contains vast quantities of mineral-laden nodules, but the impact of mining the ocean floor is both unknown and highly contested.


Their measurements showed that the vehicle created a dense plume of sediment in its wake, which spread under its own weight, in a phenomenon known in fluid dynamics as a "turbidity current." As it gradually dispersed, the plume remained relatively low, staying within 2 meters of the seafloor, as opposed to immediately lofting higher into the water column as had been postulated.


"It's quite a different picture of what these plumes look like, compared to some of the conjecture," says study co-author Thomas Peacock, professor of mechanical engineering at MIT. "Modeling efforts of deep-sea mining plumes will have to account for these processes that we identified, in order to assess their extent."



"We saw that the vehicle would be driving in clear water, seeing the nodules on the seabed," Peacock says. "And then suddenly there's this very sharp sediment cloud coming through when the vehicle enters the plume."

Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 7:40 a.m. No.17561164   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Danish Royal test + for the Rona

After attending funeral for HRH Queen Elizardbreath II.


Anons wish all royals infected at the QE II sinking the best of luck battling this pernicious 'rona disease.


"See that smirk? That's a symptom." - Anon

Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 7:44 a.m. No.17561181   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Five Minute Read


Some publications on our satanic internet use a caution like FIVE MINUTE READ as a service to busy readers on a tight time budget. It is a cult practice because the consciousness of time is ultimately destructive of the deeper understanding that can only arise from unbudgeted contemplation. Better to learn to distinguish what is real, important and true from what is simply an effort to persuade us to love, hate or purchase something or someone.


We have a whole-of-civilization problem in which intelligence agencies and covert organizations claiming to represent popular aspirations slaughter each other in undeclared wars and at schools and social gatherings, all reported in exhaustive visual detail by five entertainment conglomerates aka “MSM” and on social media.


Everybody knows the internet is a poisonous sewer where narcotics, weapons and human beings are bought sold and rented every day.


Every home, every individual around the world and all our devices are part of a spy-built network which was always intended to be what the internet has become: a universal surveillance and social control systems.


In itself, the internet is knowledge of good and evil. Mankind could sort of deal with the temptations once; when those were physical instantiations like whore town, the Casbah, the dealer-in-the park – we understood good and evil more clearly once; but the internet erodes distinctions with fake news and blame. The internet does not require assured identity and without out assured identity there is deception, and eventually, given the skill and persistence of deceiver(s) we are all fooled. As we have been.


We the People could easily fix the internet; we could make it a public utility – our problem is cognitive not technological. Anonymous networks will not support civilization because they connect the highly intelligent greed driven sociopathic minority to the rest of us. This is not an opinion, or a theory; it's an axiom, and the damage we have sustained as a result of Information Poisoning has left most of us unable to understand what is happening to us.


We can't form social or economic views based on network derived information. We cannot set social or economic policy based on one set of lies or another. It is trivial for an aggrieved or ill-disposed entity to manipulate facts and context and story in virtual no man's land.


Until the integrity of information distribution systems is assured, the system remains what it as designed to be. What Orwell, Huxley, McKuen, and George . S. Trow foresaw it would be, a monstrous political mind control system, a spiritual and social tyranny, a pseudo reality where the many may dispose of the few however they see fit, simply by controlling both sides of the question and its presentation to the public.



Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 7:51 a.m. No.17561213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the everyday world we attach “me” to our body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities. Religious, racial, social, economic –


How real are those defined identities?


To some of us they're extremely real.


To others, including most of the satanist pedovore cult con artists we contend with, none of those identities are real.


Our ethnic, racial and religious identities, to the cultist’s way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.


Pedovores assume and discard Catholic, Jewish, evangelical protestant, and secular humanist identities as easily as they express right wing, left wing or centrist ideological positions. These labels are meaningless to pedovores who use our treasured identities as protective camouflage for the abduction and ritual abuse of our children as well as economic depredation.


Ideologies and dogmas are cognitive malware. They make effective smokescreens.


Whatever identity mask they adopt, cult pedovores need and seek access to vulnerable children.

We have found satanist pedovore cultists running major charitable organizations, respected foundations and reputable institutions which are collectively responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of national and international programs targeting “at risk” ie vulnerable children – all under pretext of helping.


Children's Defense Fund is a prime example of a pedovore social subversion weaponized as a charitable construct. CDF is endorsed by the biggest “stars” and executives in the entertainment business.


Most of the same people were also involved in starting the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, which gave pedovores both access to children and a heads-up early warning system because the creepy sham center for M&E children started the “Amber Alert Service” run by the evil pedovore Laura Silsby, arrested for kidnapping “orphaned” children (parents alive) in Haiti.


Pedovores are con artists, they steal your wallet and offer to help you look for it.

Similarly, when communities ask themselves, "who's going to care for our orphans?" Pedovores always have their hands up, and may style themselves Catholics Jews or evangelicals in order facilitate access.


Pedovores don't believe in national, religious or ethnic identities. cultists are identity-shifters who embed themselves in ethnic, religious or ideological communities and seek control of fund raising and identity defining structures.

Pedovores run such organizations today, hiding behind the benign philanthropic reputation of do-gooder charities, fake foundations and NGOs.


This is information war, and that's how IW is fought.



Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 8 a.m. No.17561260   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Psychological Operations" "Non linear war" "Information War" "Unrestricted War"


Psychological operations are by far the most potent weapons in warfare, and psycho-social effects of these weapon may develop slowly, certainly over decades or longer. Often a change is so gradual as to be almost imperceptible, and when we do notice we take it to be natural. The change is always negative, always portrayed as beneficial, a social step forward. One example.


Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.


In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.


Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.


Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children.


Porn was marketed and promoted professionally. When Meyer said "We're bigger than US Steel," in the 1950s he was being modest. That the former mob business "went legit" is another way of saying our entire culture adopted a ruthless efficient and extractive economy that has no concern for destructive effects on the host population.


US porn was a NY based, Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide � with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psychological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the Uber.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity, our morality and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.


Information Operations or "psyops" use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.


Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of. The population is kept in a perpetual state of low key sexual arousal. Promiscuity is promoted etc.


Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet for sexuality, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.


The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.


Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system controlled by entirely corrupt individuals, uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.


Some may recall that Gambino wiseguy Robert (DiB) DiBernardo the Gambino family's czar of pornography, including, disturbingly, child pornography who was made to disappear on Gambino boss John Gotti’s orders, played a role in the 1984 presidential election.


Porn is good for you

Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 8:29 a.m. No.17561412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ever been part of "the wave" at a sporting event? Stood up at a show or event and applauded because others were applauding without knowing much about who, or what the clapping was for?


It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, to go along with the crowd, and use this to propagate unconscious self-replicating social behaviors (fads, trends, crazes) in a culture for purposes of marketing or for social control.


It's common sense that such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation, is being used by cultist pedovores interested in controlling human behavior – especially the for controlling the future evolution of social and economic systems.


Pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears, but a curated artificial medium engineered to permit rapid introduction and transmission of contagious, conditioned behaviors like purchasing and to spread psychogenic illnesses, self-destructive sexual fetishes etc.


Cultures where commerce controls media content and where art is used to sell consumer goods also have the capacity to engineer psychological operations which induce delusions and powerful contagious mental illnesses or collective insanities.


Historical incidents and known forms of contagious psychogenic illnesses are described in "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles Mackay.


In recent years, we have seen mysterious maladies proliferate. Recently, American and European psychologists have been tracking the blue whale game, the Momo challenge, the gorilla glue challenge which use guided imagery, occult symbols sigils and glyphs to evoke a psychic dilemma which persuades victim to ice themselves or huff wasp spray. In addition to obvious mind traps like Momo and the Whale, there are similar cognitive exploits which are far more dangerous.


Rothko's basilisk is a logic trap to which a small segment of the population is especially vulnerable -


The evil clowns create both the pathology, “induced contagious, epidemic psychogenic illness” and the psyops which exploit it, constantly.



Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 8:40 a.m. No.17561444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1449

Many people assume that technology is in some way artificial. It is as natural as a bird’s nest or a beaver’s dam, and every individual, each species and all nations have a unique developmental course. As with a seed, the full life of individuals, species and nations is inherent, contained in their beginnings. There is no such thing as ‘’artificial’’ intelligence; there is only intelligence.


A billion networked autonomous biological computational devices form an evolutionary inflection point: when the quality and speed of the connection between the nodes is optimized, it is no longer a network – it is an ‘’’evolved, parallel computational organism’’’ of unimaginable power.


If the data circulating in that evolved organism, circulated by and among autonomous biological processors, chiefly news and entertainment, is error corrected at successive stages, as is done with other biological networks like our blood stream, and in silicon-based networks and distributed computation; the performance of networked individuals and of the civilization in which they participate must be enhanced by orders of magnitude.


Human beings have two identities, the smaller, individual identity is personal, comprised of our life history, our thoughts and our sensory perceptual experience. The second, much greater identity, is collective. We all participate in this greater common identity because we participate in civilization. No single individual ever creates anything of value. Every work of imagination, every invention, scientific discovery or artistic innovation is the work of many other human beings.


The words, numbers and images we share are common property; they make of us what we are; they are living things with immutable properties.


Everyone contributes to civilization, and all are free to withdraw from the transgenerational repository of mankind’s treasury of accumulated knowledge. The achievement of each benefit all without any Marxist management at all.



Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 8:43 a.m. No.17561453   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Physicists, Christians, Gnostics, all describe the fundamental phenomena at the base of reality using different specialist terms, analogies and metaphors. It is impossible say that any one of these descriptions is “truer” than the others, at least according to philosopher and logician William Van Orman Quine, who called this the “Indeterminacy of translation.”

Odysseus said to the goddess Athena that it is “already becoming hard to recognize the gods,” when they embodied human form. At Troy when people were "possessed" or "inspired" by the gods they did things they were not otherwise capable of doing. Trojan and Greek heroes alike performed superhuman feats when in when in ‘god mode.’ At the battle before Troy, all the gods were recorded as present and they all took part in the fighting on either the Greek or Trojan side. What did Homer mean? What happens when a human being is possessed by a god?

In Homer's account men were said to look different; though, as Odysseus complained to Athena, gods were becoming harder to recognize in the material realm. Odysseus was particularly astute, recognizing Athena by her ox-eyes alone; Homer talks about a heroes’ "shining;" a glow or intensity like an aura which marked men or women displaced or joined in their human body by a god. Divine possession is necessarily brief, Homer suggested, because human physiology can't stand the strain embodied of higher energies very long.

Consider the psychospiritual environment in which soldiers besieging Troy lived. Daily rituals, prayers and animal and human sacrifices, continuous ceremonies invoking the gods’ assistance or beseeching their protection combined with strenuous daily combat created a hyper-charged psychic environment hospitable to the invocation of, and possession by, the gods. A collective state of mind where the line between the realm of the abstract, imaginary and the material world is indistinct, where the world becomes dreamlike and the gods whisper their secrets in men’s ears.


In Homer, Apollo is described by name and image; the naming activates a corresponding archetype within, and the man is said to be possessed or “filled” with the god; while this is so, a man is capable of godlike feats. We are “made in God's image” and have within us a microcosm the same forces, aspects of our own nascent Unity. When we balance the aspects of God within us by daily prayer and meditation, Judgement and Mercy are reconciled in Christ, and we become shepherds ourselves. What we guard against are the powers and principalities, the unbalanced forces active within us.

Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 8:45 a.m. No.17561458   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The dark powers are guided and shaped by cultists’ rituals, nourished by them over millennia by blood sacrifice; the entities which result, while created by men, are “real.” They live in that deeply mysterious part of the human mind which the Persians call the Mundus Imaginalis. Every great work of art, every scientific discovery every improvement or innovation is a gift of imagination.


The Imagination, the Mundus Imaginalis, is a real place, not a weak, literary metaphor, an actual space, capable of formal, mathematical definition, accessible to us, and to the deception from which we struggle to free ourselves.


Moloch, Ba’al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented in 3-dimensional space by families of associated, interconnected symbols, sigils and glyphs. These symbols constitute the satanic “brands” – marketing identities which now surround us; advertising has conditioned us from infancy to view the branding and marketing of consumer goods as “normal.”


Recognizing occult elements and understanding how they insinuate themselves into consciousness to become unconsidered, automatic repetitive, conditioned or ritual behaviors is part of what the "Great Awakening" is about.


Repeated exposure to satanic symbols, sigils, images and glyphs embedded in advertising and entertainment media content activates corresponding influences within us.


Hypersexualized, materialist culture is not an accident; it is not the product of creative competition – it is the product of occult rituals, ceremonies and sacrifices engineered to produce the illusory materialist environment in which we are, many of us, confined.


Pedovore cultists openly promote satanic “art” rituals in media content targeting children on You Tube.

Ritual ceremonies are disguised as children’s activities, "art," theater, comedy or concerts.

More than 1 million human ‘preborn’ infants are sacrificed to Moloch or the Asherah every year in the US alone.


Hypno-sexual mind control components ancient runes, demonic sigils, talismans and glyphs perfuse engineered pop culture. News and “entertainment” media content is pumped full of embedded symbols, sounds and subliminal images related to SEX and DEATH. These overt and covert occult influences accumulate and their combined effect over decades has produced and sustained a selfish, shallow and violent materialist consciousness, a culture where satan runs commerce and where trans dimensional entities may more easily manifest the hierarchical, slave society of pedovore criminality they prefer.

The satanic cultists have expended much cleverness to channel and confine human consciousness. Constricted human consciousness, harassed and distracted with unnecessary, socially mandated tasks, economic slavery and engineered social conflict, has no time for the reflection that leads to psychospiritual growth.


We can awaken to the true nature of reality and to the powers of big G God inside us.

Satanic cultists can’t. All cultists can do is what they've always done, use drugs, sex, illusion and NLP mind tricks to create endless cycles of revenge and retribution.



Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 8:47 a.m. No.17561464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.


What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing hatred of others is normal, natural and rational for human beings.


Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.


Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.


What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.


It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.


By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.



Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 8:53 a.m. No.17561489   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q Research publishes first images of dead Queen HRH Elizardbreath II, taken inside the lead lined casket at Westminster Abbey.

Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 8:55 a.m. No.17561496   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Legacy Media shills


MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.


We the People are awake.


Justice is coming



Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 8:58 a.m. No.17561516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Guinea Pig B


I happen to have been born at the special moment in history in which for the first time there exists enough experience-won and experiment verified information current in humanity’s spontaneous conceptioning and reasoning for all humanity to carry on in a far more intelligent way than ever before.

Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 9:06 a.m. No.17561566   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vanuatu Sportsbook(tm)Spokesperson 'Steve' says:


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Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 9:18 a.m. No.17561617   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No information obtained over anonymous insecure networks, built to intelligence agency specs, as the internet was, can be trusted.

The internet was designed to be irremediably insecure by intel agencies to facilitate illicit commerce and permit universal surveillance.

We've exposed gross lies propagated by legacy media, but less evident more serious damage is done silently, by subliminal embeds, subsonics and technologies to manipulate memory and perception by hypnotic induction – most of which happens below the viewers’ threshold of conscious awareness.


Anyone can inject toxic self-replicating material into content streams over anonymous insecure networks. Network users cognitive autonomy and physical security rests on the integrity of the network which serves to connect them.

Our internet is not only insecure by design, it is irremediably insecure by design.

If we were confined to 3D material space there’s only one way to fix it, but we’re not it appears, and when we have a quantum network and we do they say, that network is conscious. A quantum network knows and recognizes every individual – who we are, in all our dimensions because the Spirit knows every user.


what a mind virus is.

self-replicating information, meme or media content people share and which changes behavior.

Memes are self-replicating, behavior modifying information packages. They replicate in our minds and spread on social networks, fissioning as they are shared at different rates

Most memes are dependent on, and limited to, the cultural medium in which they propagate – the mind space of users –but not all - certain memes will cross all cultural borders, leaping even linguistic barriers – always because they are universal in some respect.


Memes that cross linguistic, cultural and ideological divides, which possess that universal quality, are the MOABS of IW.

Each of these MOABs represents a unique creative act, the hunter killer torpedoes of truth weaving through the sea of low-quality information in our shared mind space to destroy low quality ideas implanted, often in youth or infancy by legacy media mind control and MSM social subversion programming.


Eventually, when enough meme pay loads of low error, truthful information accumulate in an individual mind the belief system is transformed in a “conversion experience” where memes self-assemble in a “road to Damascus moment.” The individual awakens with the realization the we properly exist in God’s realm.


The better the quality of information circulating among us, the less error it contains, the more truthful it is qualitatively, the better people we are.


The objective of circulating true (low error) information is to improve every individual’s understanding enough so a person can understand the danger of lies in nonlinear psycho-spiritual environments like networked mind space.

Information is a substance our brains run on – if we consume large quantities of low-quality information our capacity to understand the world will be limited. This is called “Information Poisoning.”


Our poisoned, low-quality information environment has been fostered by the satanist controlled media networks, producers and promoters and advertisers. We the People are controlled, guided and limited by the quality of our information, news or “entertainment.” If we consume uncontaminated, low error, high quality information, created by honest human beings intended for the benefit of all, we improve our ability to understand the universe, our species and the lyrics to Ultimate Spinach songs.



Anonymous ID: 6642be Sept. 22, 2022, 9:28 a.m. No.17561659   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dalai Lama and Magic in Politics


Since time immemorial ritual magic and politics have been one in Tibet. A large proportion of these magic practices are devoted to the annihilation of enemies, and especially to the neutralizing of political opponents. The help of demons was necessary for such ends. And they could be found everywhere — the Land of Snows all but overflowed with terror gods, fateful spirits, vampires, ghouls, vengeful goddesses, devils, messengers of death and similar entities, who, in the words of Matthias Hermanns, “completely overgrow the mild and goodly elements [of Buddhism] and hardly let them reveal their advantages” (Hermanns, 1965, p. 401).


For this reason, invocations of demons were not at all rare occurrences nor were they restricted to the spheres of personal and family life. They were in general among the most preferred functions of the lamas. Hence, “demonology” was a high science taught at the monastic universities, and ritual dealings with malevolent spirits were — as we shall see in a moment — an important function of the lamaist state.


Awaken to this evil, 3, 2, 1


For the demons to appear they have to be offered the appropriate objects of their lust as a sacrifice, each class of devil having its own particular taste. René von Nebesky-Wojkowitz describes a number of culinary specialties from the Lamaist “demon recipe books”: cakes made of dark flour and blood; five different sorts of meat, including human flesh; the skull of the child of an incestuous relationship filled with blood and mustard seeds; the skin of a boy; bowls of blood and brain; a lamp filled with human fat with a wick made of human hair; and a dough like mixture of gall, brain, blood and human entrails (Nebesky-Wojkowitz, 1955, p. 261).


Once the gods had accepted the sacrifice they stood at the ritual master’s disposal. The four-armed protective deity, Mahakala, was considered a particularly active assistant when it came to the destruction of enemies. In national matters his bloodthirsty emanation, the six-handed Kschetrapala, was called upon. The magician in charge wrote the war god’s mantra on a piece of paper in gold ink or blood from the blade of a sword together with the wishes he hoped to have granted, and began the invocation.


MORE Dalai Lama Black Magic Shenanigans


Likewise in the middle of last century, the Yellow Hats from the Samye monastery were commissioned by the Tibetan government with the task of capturing the army of the red tsan demons in four huge “cross-hairs” in order to then send them off against the enemies of the Land of Snows. This magic instrument, a right-angled net of many-colored threads, stood upon a multistage base, each of which was filled with such tantric substances as soil form charnel fields, human skulls, murder weapons, the tips of the noses, hearts, and lips of men who died an unnatural death, poisonous plants, and similar things. The repulsive mixture was supposed to attract the tsan like a moth to a candle, so that they would become inescapably caught in the spells said over the spirit trap (Nebesky-Wojkowitz, 1955, p. 258). Following the seven-day deep meditation of a high lama it was ready and the demons could be given the command to set out against the enemy.

Such a ritual is also said to have summoned up a terrible earthquake and great panic in Nepal in earlier times, when Tibet was at war with the Nepalese. Experience had shown, however, that it sometimes takes a long time before the effects of such harmful rites are felt. It took two decades after the successful occupation of Tibet by the English (in 1904) before there was an earthquake in the Indian province of Bihar in which a number of British soldiers lost their lives. The Tibetans also traced this natural disaster back to magical activities which they had conducted prior to the invasion.