What's the significance of 49? Please?
Any Yall think sumpin BIG gonna happen tomorrow on 9/24? What would it be?
EQ? Nuke? Nothing?
I'm a pure anon. Ain't neither of them.
Then is 9/24 doom just made-up sheet?
No fucking shit!
ha ha
Well now.. Guess you're having Ryan Bones over tonight? ha ha
Like what/ He does seem on fire or faster than usual. Wonder what it is? Guesses?
Does Trump know about 9/24 er sumpin? What is it, pray?
Wow! Something is up fer sure.
I'm older. well, sort of. Don't know or do Reddit. Can't ya tell me. Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Huh? You like to lock up white pussy er sumpin?
Being a Baby Boomer - I am very smart and focus on several things at once. But thank you. ha ha
With each other's jizz?
"Long and hard " NO HOMO ha ha ha ha