Anonymous ID: 8185b6 Sept. 23, 2022, 9:43 p.m. No.17571685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1696 >>1697 >>1707 >>1713 >>1908 >>2051 >>2123

"Qanon" Salute Banned At Trump Rallys


Apparently "Qanon" has a salute.


'''The salute made its popular debut during a Trump rally in Youngstown, Ohio, last weekend. Some have suggested that the salute is a reference to the "where we go one we go all" motto of the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory.


"When the crowd holds up their fingers again at the Trump rally tonight to give the QAnon sign, security moves through them and has them put it down," political commentator and former federal prosecutor Ron Filipkowski commented while tweeting the video clip of Friday's rally.'''



Anonymous ID: 8185b6 Sept. 23, 2022, 11:50 p.m. No.17572079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Ever notice how Hollywood has a billion anti-Hitler movies, but not a single one against Lenin, Mao, or Stalin?


Not exactly true. There are a few anti Lenin, Mao, Stalin Movies. But anon raises a great point.


But the same is true of Pedophilia. The vast majority of Hollywood movies are anti-pedophilia, anti child sex trafficking, anti murder etc. Very few, if any, outwardly supporting said behavior.


Psyops/Counter Psyops, mind wars are unpredictable. Which is what makes them effective/Affective. The average modern human mind can only handle so many levels of conspiracy before it bogged down. Those who control your mind, (yes your mind) know this. Mind control is the staple craft of those who have been controlling this world since before the days of Noah.


Make no mistake. The Nazis are attempting to bring in the New World Order from underground. They are allied with Chinese, Japanese, Canadians, British, Arab and Jewish elites.

Anonymous ID: 8185b6 Sept. 24, 2022, 12:17 a.m. No.17572133   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RaHoWa = Helter Skelter = Jihad = Social Justice = Gay Pride = Black vs Blue Lives Matter = Hate Speech = Moo Joo = Great Reset = New World Order.


Us united is their greatest fear. Biblical.