Anonymous ID: aabe8f Sept. 23, 2022, 10:55 p.m. No.17571942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2051 >>2123

Origin of a predicted event on the date of September 24, 2022


24 September 2022 full German speech - A day to remember by Friedrich Merz

Sep 16, 2022


[english subtitles]


"Dear colleagues, this twenty-fourth of September 2022 will remain in our memories as a day that we will all remember. Later we will say, "I know exactly where I was when I heard the first news of the war in Ukraine and saw the first pictures of it." Our first thoughts in those minutes were and they are still valid today for the whole people of Ukranian."


This speech took place last February. Friedrich Merz opens his speech with a day to remember and a date of September 24, 2022. He clearly says September and the audience responds by a murmur of voices who later go quiet for the rest of the speech. Fact checkers say he miss-spoke, he meant February 24, 2022. Fair enough, it happens, people do mix up dates but usually the date is in the ball park not six months out. In listening to the speech his purpose is to influence the audience opinion of both Russia and Ukraine - Putin bad guy and Zelensky good guy. But the opening statement of his argument is "a day that will be remembered" and he got the date wrong. Usually when speaking, people are sensitive to the audience because the speaker needs to know if the audience is following and if the speaker needs to adjust rhetoric. It looks like Merz has been in the game for a long time and should have some skill at oration. But he plows ahead and essentially looses his audience because he opened his whole argument on a date that had not occurred.

One thought is this was intentional, his whole speech is about promoting a narrative. His goal was to make a statement and never an argument or plea to his audience.

Another thought is the wrong date was a device used to cause stress, to induce fear in the audience (extended through media coverage) and make them more susceptible to propaganda.

Another angle is he had "intelligence" and knew what was planned in the future and he made a freudian slip because he was stressed (too generous) or it could be he is letting his enemy know he knows the plan, or worse he and his "team" have a plan for a specific date.


Either way Putin is busy callin' their bluff.

Anonymous ID: aabe8f Sept. 24, 2022, 12:37 a.m. No.17572159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2162

Bill Gates new corn campaign


Ask me about corn

For me

I really like corn

What do you like about corn?

It's corn

7 yr old me

corn (aka maize) is a really important crop

It has the juice!

It has the juice!

It accounts for 30% of the food consumed in Africa

It has the juice!

But is is at risk

Corn is being impacted by climate change

But here is hope

I mean look at this thing!

African crop researchers are creating a new more resilient type of corn.

It's corn!