Find andrew c weber, CIA lifer who takes credit for working with RU intell and removing sarin from Syria. Andy was underseretary of State for nuclear chemical and biological wafare. He left that post to put out the ebola fire in north africa.
Find him and you find answers.
Bio chenical connect to
Also in bio warfare, Beth Jones, currently Tillerson's pr flack is CIA is probably his cult handler.
She was ambassadoress to Khazakastan.
(Should have seen her Reeeeeee anons when I called her pet 'stan "a primitive country.")
i asked her about the 175000 Saiga, huge herds of which had all abruptly died.
"Never happed."
But it's front page NYT.
More Reeeeeeing from this mean, evil pinch-faced cabel bitchwith a face like a clenched fist.
BJ is also deeply connect to Bengahazi.
Worth a dig?–days-BEFORE-U-S-Ambassador-UN-said-spontaneous-attack.html