Anonymous ID: 58d63a Sept. 24, 2022, 2:33 p.m. No.17575260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5362 >>5385 >>5569 >>5713 >>5767 >>5857 >>5918

Quadruple Vaxxed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Tests Positive for COVID Again


I have tested positive for COVID. I’m feeling well & symptom free. I’ve not had the new bivalent booster yet, as I was following CDC guidelines to wait 3 months since my previous COVID case which was back in mid-August. While we’ve made great progress, the virus is still with us.

Anonymous ID: 58d63a Sept. 24, 2022, 2:39 p.m. No.17575285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5362 >>5385 >>5569 >>5713 >>5767 >>5857 >>5918 >>5950

Key lawmaker worried FBI whistleblowers facing retaliation as evidence of politicization mounts


Suspension of FBI agent, SWAT team member raises concerns after his name outed on TV, Rep. Jim Jordan says.


An FBI whistleblower who alleges the bureau has been diverting resources to create a false political narrative that America has a violent domestic extremism problem has been suspended, raising concerns about retaliation for cooperating with Congress.


Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee and its likely chairman if the GOP wins the House in November, confirmed to Just the News that Steve Friend, a whistleblower whose identity was outed on TV recently, is facing some form of disciplinary action.


"We now understand based on what we've learned that he's been suspended, which appears to be some kind of retaliation," Jordan told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "I don't know, maybe there's some other reason for that. But, obviously, the law says that whistleblowers, agents coming forward as whistleblowers, are protected by the law. There's not supposed to be retaliation.


"I'm sure the Bureau has some reason they're saying that this took place. But we'll have to wait and see."


Fox News and The New York Post reported earlier this week that FBI Special Agent Steve Friend, a SWAT team member, had filed a whistleblower complaint with the Justice Department inspector general alleging improper politicization of cases and manipulation of crime statistics.


Friend's complaint alleges the bureau has been "cooking the books to exaggerate the threat of domestic terrorism and ­using an 'overzealous' Jan. 6 investigation to harass conservative Americans and violate their constitutional rights," the Post reported.


Jordan gave a broad description of the allegations 14 separate FBI whistleblowers have brought to his office, saying the concerns range from improperly targeting parents as domestic terrorists to politicizing investigative decisions.


He said the allegations Friend brought raised serious concern that unnecessary force has been used to arrest conservatives accused of minor crimes and resources have been diverted from other crimes to create a false portrait about the state of domestic violent extremism in the country to fit the Biden administration's narrative.


The whistleblowers came to his office to "say they were being pressured by their superiors to catalog cases as DVEs, domestic violent extremism cases when they weren't," Jordan explained.


"And then the most recent ones have come and said that not only are they juicing the numbers, they're cooking the books in the way they allocate where these investigations happen," Jordan recounted. "Even though they're all relative to January 6, it makes it appear as if there's a domestic violent extremist behind every door in every city around the country.


"And they're so focused on this, they're so obsessed, this whistleblower said, that they're pulling agents off of child abuse cases and trafficking cases to focus on this narrative."


Jordan said the whistleblower's detailed description of the bureau conduct "seems to be in line with the narrative we heard from President Biden, when he in the last several weeks called Republicans fascist, half the country, I guess, fascist and extremists. That's what this whistleblower tells us."

Anonymous ID: 58d63a Sept. 24, 2022, 3:05 p.m. No.17575401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5408 >>5468 >>5569 >>5713 >>5767 >>5781 >>5857 >>5918

EXPOSED: Dead Children In The CPS System Near Bohemian Grove And Pelosi’s Pedophilia Links


The Child Protective Services Crisis Is Ravaging America


The deaths of numerous children in the Child Protective Services (CPS) system in Contra Costa County, California are raising suspicions, especially considering the county’s proximity to Bohemian Grove, home of an alleged elitist Moloch-worshipping cult. The deaths highlight the CPS crisis in northern California. Nancy Pelosi personally rents office space to a pedophilia-linked “child welfare” group that was designed by a notorious pedophile in the Bay Area. The political class in northern California allegedly lords over a child sex trafficking epidemic in which foster care kids are being used as sex workers, according to our recent documentary Save the Babies. So why are children dying in the system and why is Contra Costa County forcing dead babies to be cremated so their families can’t see their bodies? What are they trying to hide?


Foster care kids have a 42 percent greater chance of dying than kids who are not in foster care, according to a 2020 analysis conducted by a Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia fellow and others. One-to-four year old children have a substantially higher death rate in foster care than in the normal world, as do children of every racial category that the analysts studied.


In Contra Costa County, California, child trafficking and sexual exploitation run rampant, as evidenced by the 2020 arrest of an oral surgeon on child porn, human trafficking and attempted kidnapping charges. The foster care system in Contra Costa County was exposed by the 2019 arrests of a foster “dad” and his grown son on child sex abuse charges, along with the revelation that the son admitted to a CPS investigator that he made out with a foster child. CPS kept placing vulnerable kids in that foster home for years after the admission. Additionally, Contra Costa County placed children with a foster “parent” named Michael Mallett, who was gunned down by police officers who were trying to arrest him on numerous counts of child molestation. A father named Fred Keuck, whose daughter was placed with Mallett, told me: “Apparently an 11-year old girl who was living on the same property with (my daughter), she said something. She said that she was molested for some time while being there, for four years. She finally said something when she was 11. CPS is not willing to take any responsibility for it. I confronted CPS about it, and they said you should be happy you got your kids back and if you have a problem with what we did then get a lawyer.”


The Dead Native American Baby


A Native American mother in Contra Costa County, California told NATIONAL FILE about her dead baby, and the case is especially disturbing. The Native American mother’s baby died in county government custody. The baby was put in a sealed coffin so the mother could not figure out the true cause of death. The mother’s other children have been seized by Child Protective Services (CPS).


The Native American mother tells NATIONAL FILE: “After the paramedics took my Native American son in the ambulance and refused to do CPR on him, or offer him any life-saving techniques, they then took my son’s body to the morgue and they would not allow me to see his body once it entered the ambulance, and when they took his body to the morgue they still would not let me see it, and they said that if I want to have a funeral for him it has to be a closed casket, and I’m not allowed to view it, even though I requested a viewing. They would not allow me to see my son at all. The casket was locked at the viewing, and I was not able to identify if my son was there or not.”


“A 60-year old Native American woman was murdered in Concord, in Contra Costa County California, in August of 2022. There are many Native American indigenous women that go missing and are murdered and they are never investigated by the police. This woman was targeted by the Children and Family Services her whole life, and her Native American daughter was ripped from her arms by racist social workers, and then they placed her daughter in a non-Native home, which is a violation of the Indian Child Welfare Act law, where the people who took her in were relatives of the child molester who molested her. This is who Children and Family Services places kids with, is child molesters and their families,” the Native American mother said.


Save the Babies: A Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking



Anonymous ID: 58d63a Sept. 24, 2022, 3:08 p.m. No.17575408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5417 >>5569 >>5713 >>5767 >>5857 >>5918



So what exactly is going on in Northern California, in the area near Bohemian Grove? It turns out that Nancy Pelosi and outgoing Democrat congresswoman Jackie Speier are both closely tied to a culture of child exploitation and pedophilia.


As we reported: Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi personally rents office space to a child welfare group, First 5 San Mateo County, that was set up by a convicted pedophile. The group partners with a nonprofit that ran a group house where child molestation occurred and partners with a conflict resolution center that had a volunteer convicted for storing hundreds of images of child porn. NATIONAL FILE has exclusively obtained the lease documents showing that Nancy Pelosi is the group’s landlady dating back to 2002, the same year monstrous pedophile Dr. William Ayres was given an award by city politicians for his work with the group. By that time, numerous pedophilia allegations including a police report had been made against Ayres, who was later convicted on pedophilia charges in 2007 and died in prison.


First 5 is a statewide supposed child welfare group in California that was previously chaired on a state level by Rob Reiner, and is funded with cigarette tax money. California is in the middle of a massive crisis involving child sex trafficking allegations and pedophilia arrests in the Child Protective Services (CPS)/foster care system. In fact, California does not even send out an Amber alert for missing foster care children, instead counting them all as runaways. San Mateo County, where pedophile Ayres set up the local First 5 chapter that calls Pelosi landlady, is arguably the center of the child sex trafficking crisis in California. Nancy Pelosi spends a lot of time in San Mateo due to her friendship with San Mateo lawyer and Democrat fundraiser Joe Cotchett. Cotchett, who is picking federal judges for the Biden administration, and was accused by his ex-wife in his divorce case of physically assaulting his children and being nude around his daughters. A partner in Cotchett’s law firm protects judges from her perch on the Commission on Judicial Performance.


Our source explained, “Pedophile Dr. William Ayres served with former San Mateo County District Attorney Jim Fox and former San Mateo County Supervisor Richard Gordon on the San Mateo County Children and Families First Commission (now called the First 5) in the early 2000s. Ayres designed the group in San Mateo. Rich Gordon was instrumental in having Ayres employed by the commission and honoring him with the lifetime achievement award. After his time on the board of supervisors in San Mateo, Democrat Rich Gordon became an assemblyman in Sacramento. There were red flags about Ayres for decades. I believe that First 5 knew because there is a broad representation on the commission.”


Democrat congresswoman Jackie Speier praised a group tied to pedophilia on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Jackie Speier congratulated Jim Fox on his work with the group now known as First 5 San Mateo County, where Fox worked directly with a monstrous pedophile named Dr. William Ayres. Speier praised First 5 San Mateo County on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives using names that represented the group including San Mateo “Family First Commission” and “First 5.”


Here is a record Jackie Speier speaking on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2011:


First 5 San Mateo County partners with a group called StarVista, a nonprofit that runs a group home where a counselor was convicted of molesting children. Assemblyman Rich Gordon, who worked with Ayres at San Mateo First 5 and led First 5 meetings in the office space the group rents from Pelosi, also works with StarVista.



Anonymous ID: 58d63a Sept. 24, 2022, 3:09 p.m. No.17575417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5569 >>5713 >>5767 >>5857 >>5918



A report compiled on “DOMESTIC MINOR SEX TRAFFICKING” in Las Vegas prepared by the group Shared Hope International stated: “Similarly, in April 2007, there was minimal local coverage in Las Vegas when the San Mateo County Sheriff Greg Munks and his undersheriff were found at an illegal brothel during Operation Dollhouse and allowed to leave the scene without arrest. Media seemed to accept without question the response of Sheriff Munks when he stated that he thought the establishment, located in a private home in Clark County, was a “legitimate business.” Additionally, most media failed to highlight in their coverage of Operation Dollhouse that minors were also found among the prostituted women in one of the illegally operating brothels. The message to tourists and residents was that law enforcement and media are less inclined to deter the problem by addressing it through a demand perspective.”


“Speiers and Eshoo both claimed they wanted an investigation, but that was fake. Neither came out to demand that Bolanos not be elected as sheriff. Some people said that they backed off and then went and worked with Munks and Bolanos because they needed the donations and votes from the law enforcement union,” said a source to NATIONAL FILE. “Speier went on to work with both Munks and Bolanos, but treated Trump like dirt.” It turns out that Jackie Speier participated in a Gun Buy Back with Greg Munks. Look at some footage of the Jackie Speier Gun Buyback He Held with Greg Munks.





Anonymous ID: 58d63a Sept. 24, 2022, 3:26 p.m. No.17575489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5523

Call for meat-eating men to be banned from sex


An animal rights group has demanded men who eat meat should be banned from having sex, urging women to go on a sex strike to “save the world”.


An animal rights group is calling for a sex ban to be placed on men who eat meat.


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)’s German division claims devouring sausages and schnitzel is a symptom of toxic masculinity, that it’s killing the planet.


The non-profit organisation has urged women to go on a sex strike to “save the world”.


During Friday’s episode of Sky News Australia’s NewsDay, available to stream on Flash, Laura Weyman-Jones, marketing manager for PETA Australia discussed the ban.


The PETA Australia representative said its organisation’s statement was designed to be a conversation starter, before adding, “we really don’t care about your sex lives”.


“What we do care about is the planet and the animals we share it with and those animals are dying by the billions in the crudest ways imaginable for burgers and sandwich filling,” she told co-host Tom Connell.


“It’s a conversation starter. Otherwise I guess you wouldn’t have invited us on to talk about it.”

Anonymous ID: 58d63a Sept. 24, 2022, 3:32 p.m. No.17575515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5569 >>5713 >>5767 >>5857 >>5918

Trump’s Strategy Helped Shield US From Energy Collapse Amid Biden’s SPR Sell-off, Analysis Suggests


US media warned this week that the nation iss “running on empty” and risks calamity as the Strategic Petroleum Reserve - a crude oil stockpile meant for use in energy emergencies - continue to be drained. To date, the Biden administration has withdrawn about 200Mln barrels of oil (more than 30 percent) of the stockpile.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) tends to grow during Republican administrations and fall under Democratic ones, and the energy independence strategy pursued by recent administrations, including Donald Trump's, may help shield the country from an energy catastrophe even as the Biden White House continues to eat away at the reserve supply, veteran energy expert Robert Rapier believes.


In an analysis for, the observer pointed out that the past decade-and-a-half has seen a substantial drop in US dependence on foreign oil thanks to domestic shale oil production. If in 2005 the US depended on foreign nations for 10.1 million barrels per day (bpd) of crude, by 2021, imports shrank to 6.1 million bpd, and the US had become a net exporter of refined oil products.

In 2005, the SPR’s 685Mln barrels of sweet and sour crude was enough to cover 68 days if all other sources had become unavailable for whatever reason. Today, the SPR is down to about 427Mln barrels – its lowest level since 1984, and enough to last only 22 days.

Still, thanks to the increased availability of domestically sourced crude, Rapier believes that the SPR carries “less strategic importance” presently than it once did, and that a 700Mln-barrel reserve may no longer be necessary.


'Political Decision'

The observer characterized the Biden administration's move to siphon off up to a million barrels per day to the market from the SPR beginning in March as a “political decision” that contradicts the Democrat’s stated goal of reducing carbon emissions, with an increase in supplies actually expected to bring down prices, which means keeping both demand and emissions high.

“But even though the Biden administration wants to tackle rising carbon emissions, high gasoline prices cause incumbents to lose elections. So, they try to tame gasoline prices even though it contradicts one of their key objectives of reducing carbon emissions,” Rapier explained.

When Biden took office in January 2021, the SPR had about 640Mln barrels of oil. This week, pointing to the shrinking of the reserve by more than 30 percent, an editorial in the Wall Street Journal blasted the president and described his actions as a potential “national security risk.”

However, Rapier pointed out that the use of the SPR for political goals has been a long-established practice in American politics, with presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama similarly using the reserve around election time, “whereas Republican presidents (until Donald Trump) added to the SPR”. Trump was estimated to have withdrawn about 10 percent of the reserve during his tenure, and failed to top it up substantially during the unprecedented crash in oil prices in the spring of 2020.

Anonymous ID: 58d63a Sept. 24, 2022, 3:54 p.m. No.17575624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5713 >>5767 >>5857 >>5918

Wisconsin County Takes Control Away from Dominion – Approves Hand Recount of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and U.S. Senator Race in November Election


Reader David sent this in:

A few weeks ago I recommended to our County Executives to provide funds for a hand count of our upcoming 2022 governor and US Senate races in selected municipalities. I emphasized this would provide proof to those of us that are skeptical of the voting machines.


The Washington County Executive Committee recently announced that the Washington County Board has provided funds to perform a hand count of ALL the votes in the entire county!


This is a great first step. Please announce this on your website so as to encourage other counties in Wisconsin and elsewhere to do the same.


If we find the machines are not tallying the votes correctly, that will be prima facia evidence of the fraud. If the tally is correct, we’ll need to move on. But we definitely need more counties to do what Washington County has done; do a hand count to compare the two. Yes, we are counting the paper ballots not machine images.


For more info please call me any time or email. I’ve also given this info to Jefferson Davis, who is doing a follow-up.


Here’s a link to the local news report regarding the funding allocation. The important section is in the last few paragraphs.


The West Bend Daily News reported:


By Grayson Sewell


WASHINGTON COUNTY — The Washington County Executive Committee voted to upgrade the county’s election management system, and to do a full recount of select state and federal elections, during their meeting on Wednesday.


“What we’re looking at doing is beginning to program all of our elections here, in-house, rather than contracting with [Dominion Voting Systems] as we have in the past,” said Washington County Clerk Ashley Reichert.


According to Reichert, her predecessor had previously programmed the election machines used by the county in-house, until April of 2016 when they had decided to switch to Dominion voting machines and contract the work out through Dominion.


Currently, the county has the “lite” version of the software used for the voting machines, and would need to pay for upgrading to the full version so they can start programming the machines in-house again. The county will be able to use the same voting machines with the full version of the program.


“It’s the same software, it’s just a program that gives me the capability of inputting all of the data that I compile already,” said Reichert. “Then I’m able to actually put it all together and finalize it all rather than having Dominion do so.”


The cost of upgrading the software and training staff is estimated to be up to $75,000, according to the committee report.


Reichert said this will also lead to ongoing expenses for the county for increased fees, but they will be included in her budget moving forward and would go through a budget amendment in the future.


According to Reichert, one of the fee increases is $11,000 more than the county currently pays. The other is for $20,000 for training and support in programming as they switch to doing it in-house, but it will only be for a year or so.