Anonymous ID: 849733 Sept. 24, 2022, 3:17 p.m. No.17575450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5462 >>5569 >>5713 >>5767 >>5857 >>5918

Why this election is SO important. Your voice and vote matter.

NK, Iran, China, Russia, Canada, EU, USA, U1 (Uranium One is US mined ore? Ore traceable to manufacturer post detonation?).

No Iran Deal = No foreign aid to Iran = Iran Economy Collapse = Massive Iranian Protests . It's all connected.


North Korea denies supplying weapons to Russia


North Korea says it has never sold weapons to Russia and has no plans to do so, following US reports that Moscow was turning to Pyongyang to replenish stockpiles. US officials had said Russia was in the process of purchasing rockets and artillery shells from North Korea. They said such moves, along with alleged purchases of Iranian weapons, showed Western sanctions were impeding Russia's efforts in the Ukraine war. Moscow denied the reports at the time. Any arms movement between the two countries would be in violation of United Nations sanctions. On Thursday, in a statement carried by North Korean state media KCNA, an unnamed official at North Korea's defense ministry said: "We have never exported weapons or ammunition to Russia before and we will not plan to export them." It accused the US, and other "hostile forces", of spreading rumors to "pursue its base political and military aims". In early September, a US state department spokesman said Russia's North Korean purchases "could include literally millions of rounds, rockets and artillery shells." But National Security Council spokesman John Kirby later appeared to caveat that statement, by saying the purchases had not yet been completed and there was no evidence to suggest the weapons would be used in the Ukraine war. Many of North Korea's Russian-designed weapons hail from the Soviet era, but it has missiles similar to Russian ones.


The statements followed reports citing US officials that the first shipments of Iranian-made drones had been delivered to Russia, and that Russian drone operators had travelled to Iran to receive training. Iran has denied delivering weapons. Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February has proven costly for its military, despite using advanced weapons such as cruise missiles. Ukrainian forces, using Western weapons that have been funnelled into the country in recent months, have inflicted heavy losses. Russian-North Korean relations declined after the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991, but have gradually picked up in recent years as Russia's relations with the West have soured. With the outbreak of war in Ukraine, Kim Jong-un's regime has blamed the US for the conflict and accused the West of pursuing a "hegemonic policy" that justified Russia's use of force. In July, North Korea was one of the few countries that officially recognised two Russian-backed separatist regions in eastern Ukraine. In retaliation, Ukraine cut off all diplomatic ties with Pyongyang. Earlier this month, Russian president Vladimir Putin vowed to expand their "comprehensive and constructive bilateral relations" in a letter to his counterpart Kim Jong-un. North Korea has also said it will deepen its "comradely friendship" with Moscow.


US aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea to send message to North Korea


North Korea has criticized previous US military deployments and joint drills as war rehearsals

Anonymous ID: 849733 Sept. 24, 2022, 3:20 p.m. No.17575462   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Where has all the money (charities/fundraisers/usaid/foreign aid) from the US and other Nations gave Ukraine gone? Stabilize Iran? No Iran Deal? Economic Collapse? Last CIA stronghold?

Anonymous ID: 849733 Sept. 24, 2022, 3:28 p.m. No.17575496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5569 >>5713 >>5767 >>5857 >>5918

Why did Citadel CEO Ken Griffin go get 8 different loans from eight different banks? Bernie Madoff, Act II. Enjoy the show.

APES cornered the BLM/Antifa bag guy on Wall Street.


Citadel’s Griffin Brings Billions to Miami With Political Winds at His Back


"Even among these multimillionaires and billionaires, though, Griffin has outsized sway. His Citadel hedge fund oversees about $57 billion, catapulting the assets managed by Miami-based firms. That figure reached $688.3 billion by late August, up from $303.4 billion a year earlier, according to analytics company Convergence Inc."

Anonymous ID: 849733 Sept. 24, 2022, 3:53 p.m. No.17575617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5713 >>5764 >>5767 >>5857 >>5918

Report – Americans Lost over $4K in Annual Income Thanks to President Biden: ‘Financial Catastrophe’


Americans are bleeding money and struggling to make ends meet, thanks to President Joe Biden (D). “New economic numbers show that the average American has lost the equivalent of $4,200 in annual income under the Biden administration because of inflation and higher interest rates,” the Heritage Foundation said in a press release Thursday. The foundation continued: Heritage experts calculated this shocking number based on different sets of data. Consumer prices have risen 12.7% since January 2021, significantly faster than wages, so that the average American worker has lost $3,000 in annual purchasing power. Further, as the Federal Reserve implements tighter monetary policy to reduce inflation, interest rates are rising. Higher rates have in turn increased borrowing costs on mortgages, vehicle loans, credit cards, and more. The higher interest rates and borrowing costs have effectively reduced the average American’s purchasing power another $1,200 on an annualized basis.Meanwhile, more Americans are shouldering credit card debt as inflation continues hurting families, Breitbart News reported Wednesday.


“In a recent survey from commissioned by YouGov, 60 percent of Americans have been carrying monthly credit card debt for at least 12 months – a ten percent increase from 2021,” the outlet said.


During a recent interview, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) reacted to an estimate that projects households will be forced to spend over $11,000 more this year to maintain the same standard of living: What we know for sure is that now we’ve lost more to inflation than they gave us in the form of free money. The inflation came from the free checks that were passed out. They shut the economy down. They sent free checks to everyone. And they said, oh, this will make up for it. But guess what? When people add up how much they’re paying for gas and the grocery store, it’s canceled out all the free money. And I don’t think the inflation’s over by a long shot. EJ Antoni, research fellow in regional economics with the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis, spoke about the financial burden placed on Americans. “This financial catastrophe for American families is the direct result of a president and Congress addicted to spending our money, combined with a Federal Reserve compliantly enabling this addiction by printing more dollars,” he said. In addition, American voters trust the Republican Party over Democrats by a wide margin when it comes to the economy as the midterm elections approach, according to a recent Morning Consult poll.

Anonymous ID: 849733 Sept. 24, 2022, 3:58 p.m. No.17575643   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"We May Have To Do It Again," Trump Says About 2024


  • Former President Trump headlined a rally Friday night in Wilmington, North Carolina, to support the campaigns of GOP Senate nominee Ted Budd and House nominee Bo Hines.

  • Trump spoke at the Aero Center in Wilmington, following remarks by Budd and Hines, who is running in North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District.

  • Other speakers included Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, Rep. David Rouzer and Michael Whatley, chairman of the N.C. Republican Party.

  • Rally came about six weeks from Election Day, with Budd and Hines locked in close races against their opponents.

  • Trump endorsed Budd but joked that had daughter-in-law Laura Trump entered the race, he might have had to rescind the endorsement.

  • While talking about his first term in office, Trump alluded to running for a second term, said to an enthusiastic crowd, “We may have to do it again.” Trump said, to an enthusiastic response from the crowd, saying “We may have to do it again.”

Anonymous ID: 849733 Sept. 24, 2022, 4:30 p.m. No.17575751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5767 >>5798 >>5801 >>5857 >>5918

Iran’s Internet Shutdown Hides a Deadly Crackdown




IN THE IRANIAN city of Shahrud, surrounded by hundreds of protesters, two women climb onto a platform and defiantly wave their hijabs above their heads in an act of public defiance. The scene, caught on video, is posted online by the 1500tasvir Instagram account. In recent days, the account has published dozens of videos from Iranian towns and cities as thousands of people protest the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who died in police custody after being arrested by Iran’s “morality police.” In another video shared by 1500tasvir, women burn their headscarves while chanting for freedom. Protesters are shown confronting police officers in another. And other videos claim to show people bleeding, injured, or dead, following brutal clashes with police officers as protests have spread to more than 80 cities across Iran. “They stood against the police, who are armed, and they [protesters] just shout at them,” says one person behind the 1500tasvir Instagram account, whom WIRED is not naming to protect their safety. The 1500tasvir account was set up in 2019 following widespread protests in which hundreds of people were killed by police. During those protests, Iranian officials totally shut down the internet, stopping people from organizing protests and limiting the information flowing in and out of Iran. Now history is repeating itself. But this time, more people are watching. As thousands of people have taken to the streets to protest the death of Amini this week, Iranian officials have repeatedly shut down mobile internet connections and disrupted the services of Instagram and WhatsApp, two of the most popular social media services in the country. The internet shutdowns are the largest since November 2019 and raise fears about further atrocities. So far, more than 30 people have reportedly been killed, while the Iranian government has admitted to 17 deaths. “Shutting down mobile internet service has become a go-to for the Iranian government when dealing with civil unrest,” says Doug Madory, director of internet analysis at monitoring firm Kentik, who has been following the shutdowns. “People were using these services to share videos of the protests and the government’s crackdown, so they became targets of government censorship.” Iran started shutting the internet down on September 19 as protests around Amini’s death gained momentum. Since then, multiple internet-monitoring organizations, including Kentik, Netblocks, Cloudflare, and the Open Observatory of Network Interference, have documented the disruptions. Mobile network operators, including the country’s biggest providers—Irancell, Rightel, and MCI—have faced rolling blackouts, the groups say. Multiple mobile providers have lost connectivity for around 12 hours at a time, with Netblocks saying it has seen a “curfew-style pattern of disruptions.” Felicia Anthonio, who leads NGO Access Now’s fight against internet shutdowns, says the group’s partners have reported that text messages containing Amini’s name have been blocked. “If you’re sending a message containing that name, it doesn’t go through,” Anthonio says. The clampdown against Instagram and WhatsApp started on September 21. While shutting down mobile connections is hugely disruptive, blocking access to WhatsApp and Instagram cuts off some of the only remaining social media services in Iran. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have been banned for years. State-backed Iranian media said it was unclear how long the blocks on Instagram and WhatsApp would last but that they had been imposed for “national security” reasons. “It does seem they are targeting these platforms that are the lifeline for information and communication that’s keeping the protests alive,” says Mahsa Alimardani, an academic at the Oxford Internet Institute who has extensively studied Iran’s internet shutdowns and controls. The 1500tasvir team member says the account, which is run by a group of around 10 core people both inside and outside of Iran, is posting videos to document the protests. People on the ground send the videos—in some areas, patchy connections are available and fixed Wi-Fi connections still work​​—and the group checks the content before posting it online. The group says it is receiving more than 1,000 videos per day, and its Instagram account has more than 450,000 followers. Internet shutdowns can have a “huge” impact on protests, the 1500tasvir team member says, because when people around Iran can’t see that others are protesting, they may be likely to stop themselves. “When you … see other people feel the same way, you get more brave. You are more enthusiastic to do something about it,” they say. “When the internet is cut off … you feel alone.”

Anonymous ID: 849733 Sept. 24, 2022, 5:03 p.m. No.17575873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5882




Amazing how different countries are treated differently. [They] don't give a shit about human beings.



SpaceX shipment of Starlink satellite-internet dishes arrives in Ukraine, government official says