Anonymous ID: d44afa Sept. 24, 2022, 2:40 p.m. No.17575290   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Politics is a key topic at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2017. Watch the session on 'Politics of Fear or Rebellion of the Forgotten?' here.


The US election results came as a shock to many people, and immediately led to soul-searching on all sides. The Left are already pointing the finger at globalization, elite economics and rising inequality, along with the disappearance of good, highly-prized blue collar jobs.


A divisive campaign

The final point that has been omitted from most analyses is the campaign itself. To file everything into that folder marked “economics” leaves out almost all we know about recent contests, in which many more votes are decided late on, and in which very busy low-information voters have to make decisions in a fog of fake news and from within social media filter bubbles that are draining the very heart out of our democracies. One widely spread narrative related to the stolen Clinton emails, which helped paint her as a consummate and scheming “insider” – the worst insult you could throw at a candidate when so many voters were already feeling ignored by Washington.


Then, to cap it all off, the FBI, led by Director James Comey, said they were again looking into Clinton’s emails – opening up all the old wounds about corruption, cover-ups, evasion and possible criminality that have dogged both Clintons since the early 1990s. It was just too much to shrug off when Trump was already well within striking distance. Although the evidence isn’t all in (and might never be), it probably dragged her down just a tiny bit at the end. If I was writing an instant history right now, I would say that the razor-thin margin of Trump’s victory in the key three states would be more than explained by Comey’s letter.



''Stop blaming the rise of populism on economic angst''

Nov 17, 2016