Anonymous ID: 81188a Sept. 24, 2022, 7:07 p.m. No.17576546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6559




God bless Our children and all on the board.


Yeshua bless us, and bless the sick.


God pls bless, protect and anoint our plant and solar system, with the Holy Spirit.

Anonymous ID: 81188a Sept. 24, 2022, 7:09 p.m. No.17576561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Rothschilds' fabulous stake in canada




SAYS ANTHONY DE ROTHSCHILD: "There was the De Beers diamond mine, then the loan that helped Disraeli buy the Suez. Now this. This could be the biggest of them all"


LAST WINTER twenty Quortok Eskimos and two bearded prospectors herded ten huskydrawn sleds loaded with six tons of iron Ore through northern Quehecs numbing cold from Morgan Lake to an inlet off Ungava Bay just below the 60th Parallel. l.ike thousands of other Canadians who do not realize it. the members of this Arctic caravan were working for N. Ni. Rothschild & Sons. the world's most powerful private hank, which has during the past tour ears cautiously and secretly acquired a huge stake in (`anada. 1 he ore was being brought out I rom deposits owned by Oceanic Iron Ore of Canada ltd. for trans-shipment to metallurgical laboratories in Montreal after spring breakup. Oceanic is a suhsidiar'y of i'echnical NI Inc Consultants I ,ti,I., which in turn is owned by Rio Tinto Mining Co.


Continued on next page


Where the Rothschilds are building their new empire


of Canada. The Rothschilds stand at the top of this corporate spiral by virtue of holding the largest single share of Rio Tintos English parent company.


The Canadian empire of the Rothschilds now includes:


• An area bigger than England and Wales containing nearly till the unstaked mineral and lumber resources of Labrador and Newfoundland. Uranium deposits which could be the continent's largest have already been found in this area. Among its other riches is a waterfall twice as high as Niagara; when fully harnessed it will produce more power than any existing powci installation in the world.


• A substantial interest in the Rio 1 into group of fifty-five Canadian mining companies with shafts and claims in seven provinces. These


properties include three quarters of the Blind River district's known uranium reserves, and mills that may eventually produce one million dollars worth of uranium a day.


• A cluster of companies across Canada, which sell Canadians fire and casualty insurance, lend money to Vancouver car buyers, roll steel in Edmonton, and make barrel hoops at Mattaw a. Ont.


• Nine hundred acres just twenty miles west of Toronto Citv Hall on which Rothschild money is building an entire new town.


The Rothschilds do not associate their name with any of these enterprises. Few if any of their Canadian customers are aware that they are dealing with the same family that financed Britain's purchase of the Suez Canal.