Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 5:44 p.m. No.17576049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6065 >>6106 >>6209 >>6213 >>6227 >>6290 >>6479 >>6578 >>6660 >>6759

Letitia James’ Campaign Strategy: Suing Trump: How very third world of her.


New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a civil suit against former President Donald Trump and three of his children on Wednesday. Thank goodness her solving New York’s crime problem allows Ms. James to devote resources to civil matters.


She seeks both a “minimum” of $250 million and sanctions that bar the defendants from acquiring real estate in New York, serving as an officer for any corporation there, and applying for loans in the Empire State. It seems harsh but, then again, so does the melodramatic Ms. James.


Political opponents in El Salvador, Honduras, Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, and Mexico, countries also facing terrible crime and myriad economic problems at the time, legally pursued former presidents as James does now. This finds no precedent in American history. But among banana republics, the justice system being wielded as politics by other means comes as the price of entering the arena.


James fulfilled a campaign promise on Wednesday in filing suit against Trump.


“I’m running for attorney general because I will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president when our fundamental rights are at stake,” she explained in a video promoting her campaign ahead of the 2018 Democratic primary.


Four years later, James, either unable to obtain or unwilling to pursue a criminal indictment, has filed a civil suit against the former president.


“He should be charged with obstructing justice,” James said in the 2018 video. “I believe that the president of these United States can be indicted for criminal offenses, and we would join with law enforcement and other attorneys general across this nation in removing this president from office.


“In addition to that, the office of attorney general will continue to follow the money because we believe he’s engaged in a pattern and practice of money laundering. Laundering the money from foreign governments here in New York State, and particularly related to his real estate holdings.”


James charged in her press conference that Trump and his children “violated several state criminal laws.” Then why sue him in civil court rather than try him in a criminal court?


James uses her position to target political enemies by civil suit, press conference, and news release. She displayed this modus operandi in declaring, in almost the exact words she used for Trump, that former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a man she had hoped to replace in Albany before poor polling dashed that dream, “violated multiple state and federal laws.” Then she cowered from prosecuting Cuomo for these supposed violations just as she now refuses to pursue a prosecution of Trump.


“The NRA is fraught with fraud and abuse,” James said, upon filing a lawsuit against the National Rifle Association, “which is why, today, we seek to dissolve the NRA, because no organization is above the law.”


James boasts of a “comprehensive three-year investigation,” obtaining “millions of pages of documents,” and hearing from “65 witnesses” during the Trump inquiry. When a public official commits those kinds of resources to an investigation that concludes with a civil suit — the kind of cases heard in Judge Hatchett, Judge Judy, and Judge Mathis — The Price Is Right’s sad horn blows in everybody’s ears.


James on Wednesday rejected the notion “that this is part of a witch hunt,” and over the summer she insisted of her investigations, “This has nothing to do with politics…. It has to do with the law.”


But polling from last week shows that the incumbent attorney general is trailing her Republican challenger by a point and, more troubling for her reelection campaign, receiving just 43 percent of the vote. The fact that New Yorkers soured on her after witnessing and feeling the consequences of another of her campaign promises — ending cash bail — does not surprise.


When James found herself in a tough Democratic primary in 2018, she started saying “Trump” the way other people use “the” and “is.” Four years later, trailing her Republican opponent, she again invokes Trump, Trump, Trump.


James concluded her prepared remarks on Wednesday by characterizing her suit as “making good” on a “promise.”


For so many familiar with her rhetoric in the 2018 election, the promise kept seems like her Third Worldish pledge to pursue a political enemy.

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 5:48 p.m. No.17576072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6077 >>6209 >>6479 >>6660 >>6759

Biden shies away from committing to a 2024 run as Trump DOMINATES the polls


Joe Biden shied away from answering a question aimed at confirming whether he would run for the office of presidency again in 2024 during an interview released last week on “60 Minutes.”


“Look, my intention, as I said, to begin with is that I would run again,” he stated. “But it’s just an intention. But is it a firm decision that I run again? That remains to be seen.”


Biden’s comments have drawn some confusion, based on previous remarks that seemed to clearly indicate that he plans to run again in 2024.


Last year, the Washington Post reported that Biden said, “Why would I not run against Donald Trump as the nominee? That would increase the prospect of running.”


BREAKING: Biden on 60 Minutes: “Look, my intention, as I said, to begin with is that I would run again. But it's just an intention. But is it a firm decision that I run again? That remains to be seen.”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 18, 2022


Unfortunately for Biden, President Trump’s polling numbers have resoundingly creamed Biden’s numbers going into a hypothetical 2024 matchup. Even a recent Harris & Harvard Caps poll found that if the election were held today, Trump would still carry 45 percent of the vote among registered voters against Biden’s projected 42 percent.


However, among Independents, the same poll found that Trump would net a whopping 43 percent compared to Biden’s projected 35 percent. Additionally, Biden’s current job approval among Americans is dismal.


NEW: Harris Poll & Harvard Caps


2024 Presidential Election

(R) Donald Trump 45% (+3)

(D) Joe Biden 42%


Independent voters

(R) Donald Trump 43% (+8)

(D) Joe Biden 35%


Suburban voters

(R) Donald Trump 46% (+6)

(D) Joe Biden 40%


N=1,885 RV | 09/07-08

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) September 14, 2022


Fox News reported in a September poll that 69 percent of Americans disapproved of Biden’s job performance, while a Politico & Morning Consult Poll found that 59 percent disapproved. Even with the differences between polling groups and media outlets, Biden’s popularity with the American people has continually sunk lower since he took office in 2021.


Conservative Republicans have been particularly unhappy with Biden’s recent inflammatory attacks on and against the MAGA movement, who he again slammed during his interview on “60 Minutes.”


“MAGA Republicans are the people who refuse to acknowledge that an election took place and there was a winner,” he stated. “MAGA Republicans are those people who, in fact, say that the use of violence is a legitimate tool, like what happened to the Capitol.”


President Trump also leads Biden in five important battleground states heading into a 2024 matchup, projecting a “red wave” of victory in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, as previously reported by RSBN.

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6 p.m. No.17576146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6209 >>6479 >>6660 >>6759

Tom Homan: If Trump Wins, Many ‘Patriots’ Want to Serve in DHS, ‘Secure This Border,’ ‘Shut It Down Once and For All’


Tom Homan, former acting director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), said on Friday that he and many other “patriots” are ready and willing to serve in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to secure the southern border if former President Donald Trump runs in and wins the 2024 presidential election.


“I had dinner with President Trump several weeks ago in Las Vegas, and I told him if he comes back, I come back,” Homan said on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with special guest host Jerome Hudson. . “I’d go back to secure the border to save lives.”


He added, “I’d come back for the third time, unretire once again, and go back, because what’s happening on the Southern Border pisses me off. We handed this administration the most secure border in my lifetime. I’ve done this for 35 years. Who the hell come into office and unsecures a border? So, absolutely, I’ve already talked to my family about it. If I’m needed, I’ll go back in a heartbeat.”


Homan said he had spoken with dozens of former ICE and Border Patrol employees who want to serve is a second Trump administration.


He remarked, “Since I’ve been retired, and since this border is so out of control the last two years, I’ve gotten literally — I would say — 30 phone calls from friends of mine, guys whose careers were in the Border Patrol and ICE that are also retired, and they watch TV. They get fed up. They’re as upset as I am.”


“[I received] phone calls from 25 to 30 people saying, ‘If you go back, bring me back,'” he added. “There’s a lot of patriots out there that want to come back and serve and to the right thing, and they’re as upset as I am, so it’d be no problem finding leaders within DHS to secure this border and shut it down once and for all.”



Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:01 p.m. No.17576150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6209 >>6479 >>6660 >>6759

Trump's Top Guys Launch New 'MAGA' Super PAC—Dem Candidates Should Panic


Ahead of the Nov. 8 midterms, former President Donald Trump is expected by many to make it rain campaign money for a long list of GOP candidates across the country, especially those in swing states and otherwise vulnerable districts. Trump has quite the war chest, and all signals indicate that he’s ready to crack it open.


Friday, the AP reported that a group of Trump’s allies just formed a new super PAC that will replace the former president’s old political action committee. The new PAC is expected to serve as the primary vehicle for midterm spending on GOP candidates, and as the AP noted, it will likely play a role in the 2024 general election, should he choose to run.


The best part? The new PAC’s name. According to paperwork filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Friday, it will be called “Make America Great Again, Inc.,” or “MAGA Inc.” for short.


Here's the statement of organization for Trump's new super PAC, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN INC."


— Brendan Fischer (@brendan_fischer) September 23, 2022


Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich, MAGA Inc.’s executive director, released a quick statement on the formation of the new PAC and its purpose. “President Trump is committed to saving America, and Make America Great Again, Inc. will ensure that is achieved at the ballot box in November and beyond.”


Fox News explained why the new PAC will be ideal for helping midterm candidates:


Save America can transfer its fundraising dollars over to MAGA Inc., which would then distribute the funds out onto the campaign trail. Unlike Save America, which by federal law is restricted on how much it can spend on political pursuits, the new super PAC has fewer limitations.


MAGA Inc. will essentially merge with the existing pro-Trump super PAC – MAGA Again! – which will likely transfer its remaining funds into the new committee.


MAGA Inc. will be run by a select group of some of Trump’s closest, top allies. In addition to Budowich heading the group, MAGA Inc. will have Chris LaCivita as its chief strategist. LaCivita ran one of the most impactful pro-Trump Super PACs during the 2020 campaign cycle.


Additionally, polling for MAGA Inc. will be headed by Tony Fabrizio, one of the former president’s top pollsters.


Fox added:


Veteran GOP and Trump fundraiser Meredith O’Rourke will lead the new committee’s finance team and Trump campaign veteran Steven Cheung will help steer communications.


MAGA Inc. might also have another purpose in mind as far as fundraising is concerned. Some have said that if the Trump-endorsed candidates who are currently trailing Democratic opponents in key races right now end up losing in November, Trump will likely be blamed by some sectors of the Republican Party, especially if the losses result in not capturing a Senate majority. MAGA Inc. appears to be the solution, as it will allow those candidates to receive better funding that could boost them across the finish line.


It was also noted that MAGA Inc. could be Trump’s 2024 piggy bank, as the relaxed rules mean that after the midterms are over, the group would be free to spend essentially however much it wants in the run-up to 2024.


News of the new political action committee comes in the wake of the former president posting a flurry of strong hints about his 2024 plans on Truth Social this week. Trump posted several screenshots of polling numbers that show him winning in key swing states, like North Carolina. He also posted a story that explained why he would “carry” Missouri in 2024, among other hints. The posts are in addition to numerous occasions over the past year when Trump has strongly hinted that he’ll once again seek the White House.


Earlier this month, PJ Media’s Kevin McDowney pointed to a recent MAGA rally during which Trump dropped numerous hints:


Trump began his wrap-up by saying he is being persecuted because the commies want to keep him from running again (hint, hint). He then continued by claiming that “we” (hint, hint) would right the wrongs the Democrats have foisted upon us.


Trump’s powerful rally ended with the song he always closes with, “Hold on, I’m Coming” (hint, hint) by Sam and Dave. If you don’t think Trump is running in 2024 I’d like to sell you my invisible leprechaun “Patty” who will paint your house for free.


The first focus, of course, is Nov. 8. Many in the business believe that Trump will officially announce his plans after the dust from the results of the midterms settles. Stay tuned because the day Trump announces his intentions for 2024, the left will lose their collective, small minds like never before; you can bet on that.

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:03 p.m. No.17576160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6209 >>6479 >>6660 >>6759

GOP Senate Nominee Adam Laxalt Lights up in Three Nevada Polls


The polls in Nevada are coming in hot! Adam Laxalt, the GOP challenger for Senate, is sustaining a lead against the incumbent, vulnerable Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto. Laxalt was previously elected as Nevada Attorney General. Three polls reported Thursday show Laxalt leading the race.


The Insider Advantage Poll has Laxalt up by nearly three points: 45.9 percent to 43 percent. Independent voters preferred Laxalt 55.1 percent to Masto’s 24.2 percent. While Masto continues to lean into her Mexican ancestry and continues to note she is the first Latina in the US Senate, Hispanic voters aren’t biting. Among non-white voters, mostly Latinos in Nevada Laxalt bested Masto again, 55.8 percent of the vote to Masto’s 36.7 percent.


The Trafalgar Group conducted polling from September 17 to 20. Laxalt led by 4 points, 47.1 percent to 43.1 percent.


Data For Progress has Laxalt leading by one point, 47 percent to 46 percent.


Additionally, Emerson College released a poll last week showing Laxalt up by one point, 42 percent to 41 percent.


Over the last week, the last 4 polls show us LEADING @CortezMasto:


Emerson: 42/41


Big Data Poll: 46/44


Trafalgar: 47/43


Data for Progress: 47/46


Our momentum to become the 51st Senate seat isn’t slowing down any time soon.


Join our movement at


— Adam Paul Laxalt (@AdamLaxalt) September 22, 2022


On the left, local writers have covered a 17-person focus group to allege voter unfavorability toward Laxalt. The founder of the anti-gun group Mom’s Demand chose to share this article, which claims that the polling is against Adam Laxalt, on a day when three actual polls came out in his favor.


Polls show US Senate candidate Adam Laxalt is disliked by Nevada voters, and for good reason. He opposes abortion rights and gun safety. That’s why he lost the governor’s race in 2018. Now we need to make sure he loses in 2022.


Support @CortezMasto #nvsen


— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) September 22, 2022


The author of that article, who claims to be an Independent, also sent out a red alert on Twitter because the non-partisan split in polling reporting heavily favored Laxalt by 19 points.


Yeah, this is a red flag. If he is up 19 with indies, he's ahead by nearly double digits overall.


— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) September 22, 2022


This week, Laxalt called out Senator Masto over President Joe Biden’s anti-police nominee for FCC. Nearly a dozen law enforcement groups that previously backed Masto now support Laxalt.

AP/Reuters Feed Library


No matter how you choose to look at it, Laxalt is leading with a steady trajectory. He very well may be the wild card in the contest to flip the US Senate. While Nevada may be a long way from D.C., I wouldn’t suggest counting the state out–or taking your eyes off Adam Laxalt.

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:04 p.m. No.17576174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6209 >>6268 >>6479 >>6660 >>6759

Larry Kudlow: Biden inherited a V-shaped resurgence from Trump and turned it into a crisis


Kudlow shreds Biden over the state of the economy


As we've said many times on this show: Americans are smarter than Joe Biden thinks they are. No matter how many displays of cognitive dissonance from Mr. Biden or falsehoods or — to use a word I don't like to apply to presidents, but must in this case — outright lies, Americans see right through it.


You simply cannot tell the public that there is no inflation when prices for food, groceries, electricity, natural gas and cars are rising sharply. Even with the recent drop in gasoline prices, they're still up 26% over the past year. As a result, working folks have been forced to take a 3.4% pay cut during that period.


That's why I don't blame the railroad union workers for demanding higher wages. They're just trying to catch up to higher prices. They don't control the government spending and monetary spigots. They are victims of very bad policies.


Mr. Biden's zero-inflation "celebration" on the White House lawn is a slap in the face of these people. When he says he "inherited" an economic crisis and turned it into a "resurgence," it's just factually wrong. Folks know this. Factually, he inherited a V-shaped resurgence from President Trump and turned it into a crisis. No amount of James Taylor songs are going to change that.


The economy was growing at roughly 6.5% in the first quarter of 2021, with about 1.5% inflation. So far this year, the economy has contracted into negative territory and more may be coming. The Atlanta Fed's GDP tracker has been marked down for the third quarter from 2.6% to just 0.5%.


The CPI is rising 8.3% ahead of a year ago, and of course people feel this in their bones and their budgets. The Cleveland Fed's median CPI, which is a very useful measure of core inflation, is now up to 6.7% after rising month after month and, as the economy sinks into recession, we are experiencing a price-wage spiral that is embedded into the economy. Milton Friedman called this "inflationary recession." Nowadays we call it "stagflation" and Biden Democrats are now at war with the Federal Reserve.


The former keeps spending and borrowing like there's no tomorrow, while the Fed is tightening money. This is not good. Actual inflation is three to four times the Fed's 2% target and Team Biden is giving Jay Powell & Co. no alternative but to tighten even more aggressively, which is going to harm the economy even more, which is frankly not what anybody wants, including me.


Instead of opening up all the energy spigots or reducing taxes or removing business regulations, the Bidens are closing the spigots, raising taxes and marching toward big-government socialism with their massive central-planning regulatory assault.


For now, the supply side is dead, while Democrats scratch every radical, progressive programmatic itch they can. Think of it this way: the economy has no oxygen. Its veins are completely clogged and Mr. Biden continues to say this isn't so, but the facts clearly speak otherwise. Again, Americans are not stupid. Now, take a listen to a leading Biden ally. See it for yourself:


HILLARY CLINTON: "This midterm election is going to have a lot of energy from women and men who don't want the government, don't want politicians like Abbott or someone else coming into their lives. Enough with the nonsense of sending these poor Venezuelans to Martha's Vineyard or excusing a former president who has stolen classified information."


With the greatest respect, Madam Secretary, these left-wing causes are not going to drive the midterm election. Of course, I respect those voters who agree with you, but this election is going to be an inflation election, a recession election, an economic election. There are lots of issues in the air but none will be as dominant come November as America's economic descent.


Let me end on an optimistic note. Biden's failed policies will be changed. Why? Because the vast majority of folks know they must be changed. Men and women of good faith and common sense are going to change them simply because people know change is absolutely essential to making America great again. That is why the cavalry is coming and that's my riff.

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:18 p.m. No.17576250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6348 >>6479 >>6660 >>6759

Survey: 68% of Americans Felt Safer 2 Years Ago with Trump in Office


Most Americans felt safer two years ago when former President Donald Trump was in office, a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released Thursday found.


The survey asked, “Do you feel as safe in America today as you did 2 years ago?”


Most, 67.9 percent, said they do not feel as safe in America today as they did two years ago when Trump was in the White House. Another 27.1 percent said they do feel as safe, and five percent remain unsure.


Both Republicans and independents, 86.8 percent and 64.1 percent, respectively, said they do not feel as safe in Biden’s America. Democrats remain relatively split, as a plurality, 47.8 percent, said they feel just as safe today as they did two years ago. However, 44.9 percent of Democrats said they do not feel as safe.


The survey was taken September 17-20, 2022, among 1,079 respondents and has a +/- 2.9 percent margin of error.


The data comes as American communities continue to experience a crime wave in Biden’s America.


Conservative lawmakers — Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Bill Hagerty (R-TN) — sent a letter to President Joe Biden last week, calling on the White House to fight the nation’s crime wave, demanding a commitment to law enforcement, among other things.


“Rampant crime is not inevitable — tough law enforcement can stop it,” Blackburn and Hagerty wrote. “But that requires a commitment to law enforcement.”


As Breitbart News reported:


Most notably, Blackburn and Hagerty note recent cases in Memphis, Tennessee, where 34-year-old kindergarten teacher Eliza Fletcher, a mother of two young boys, was kidnapped and murdered allegedly by convicted felon Cleotha Abston.


In a separate case last week, 19-year-old Ezekiel Kelly was arrested in Memphis after he allegedly carried out seven shootings that left four Americans dead. Kelly is said to have live-streamed the shootings on social media.


As a result of the rise of assaults and homicides, the senators are asking Biden to deploy federal grant programs to go to law enforcement units fighting violent crime. The lawmakers are also urging Biden to “revive Operation Legend,” which “was initiated by the Trump Administration in 2020 and named for a 4-year-old boy who was shot and killed by a stray bullet in Kansas City”:


This Operation deployed federal law enforcement officers in nine major American cities to help state and local law enforcement partners combat violent crime. From July to December of 2020, under Operation Legend, over 6,000 arrests were made, including approximately 467 for homicide, more than 2,600 illegal firearms were seized, and over 17 kilos of fentanyl were seized. In Memphis, this Operation resulted in 266 arrests, with 124 individuals charged with federal crimes of violence or narcotics.


Additionally, the lawmakers did not ignore the reality of the open border, urging Biden to close it to “prevent the endemic drug and human trafficking and criminal violence traveling across it.”


A recent survey from The Economist/YouGov found Biden underwater on crime, as 35 percent approve and 47 percent disapprove.

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:20 p.m. No.17576257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6479 >>6660 >>6759

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

09/24/2022 04:09:56

Truth Social: 109052362543183221

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump>>17576187


09/22/2022 23:32:41

Truth Social: 109045610050140698

This is the real story on the Document Hoax — check it out!

This is how past Presidents were treated on Documents. Compare to me. Big story - this nonsense should end, now. WITCH HUNT!



(Cap 6:44) Highest Recommendation

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:21 p.m. No.17576259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6261 >>6479 >>6660 >>6759

Catherine Herridge / @CBS_Herridge

09/24/2022 09:27:40

Twitter: 1573665471760588800

WATCH: Fmr. Pence Chief of Staff Marc Short predicts republican breakthrough in midterms citing border, inflation + crime. Said Pence may have better idea about 2024 next year + called Trump's claim presidents can declassify by thinking about it "absurd."

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:21 p.m. No.17576261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6278 >>6292 >>6479 >>6660 >>6759


WATCH: Fmr. Pence Chief of Staff Marc Short predicts republican breakthrough in midterms citing border, inflation + crime. Said Pence may have better idea about 2024 next year + called Trump's claim presidents can declassify by thinking about it "absurd."

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:23 p.m. No.17576272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6296 >>6479 >>6616 >>6660 >>6759

Richard Grenell / @grenell

09/24/2022 20:19:20

Truth Social: 109056174363962991

Did she vote for Biden or Trump?


Can Anon grab this pls, I dont do social media, ty

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:27 p.m. No.17576289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6479 >>6660 >>6759

Number Fuckery


Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

09/24/2022 17:19:25

Truth Social: 109055466918514646


Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

09/24/2022 17:19:51

Truth Social: 109055468580665249

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:33 p.m. No.17576327   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Gays have Peekaboo holes in toilets where strangers give head jobs to an unknown man.


Peekaboo Pussy is a hole is a wall…

Are there photos of Letitia James doing this?

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:37 p.m. No.17576356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6479 >>6502 >>6660 >>6759

Rudy W. Giuliani / @RudyGiuliani

09/24/2022 14:50:40

Twitter: 1573746759242743814

Be Prepared for the Upcoming Election. Warnings from a Fascist Playbook

| September 24 2022 | Ep 274

Anonymous ID: a56b59 Sept. 24, 2022, 6:39 p.m. No.17576363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6370 >>6479 >>6502 >>6660 >>6759

Rudy W. Giuliani / @RudyGiuliani

09/24/2022 14:24:23

Twitter: 1573740143059603457


| Rudy Giuliani | September 20th 2022 | Ep 273