ty anonymous internet person
make these red
swordy contacted you by phone?
why only two choices?
what are you doing?
did swordy call you and tell you that?
What is stopping me from showing up at 8 AM using swordy'>>17576873
s words and meme?
funny shit saying a given ID was swordy on an anonymous board, the real swordy
my point exactly
how to know if it was an imposter
I like the last one
audible kek at #1
it sat on Puerto Rico for 24hrs
time for two red hot knives and a broken bottle neck?
someone can fake swordy and get banned
then someone complains about the fake swordy getting banned who is in league with the first party and who is actually against management?
sounds like a template
I dunno shit either
it takes a little truth to be funny
>t's not the real Swordy anyway akaik - Swordy impersonator who was raggin on baker and postin lies about anons getting banned, unapproved bakers getting booted and other fake news.
I knew it
Freddie fake swordy?
even if you are just one man going after an entire Indian Nation
It's Saturday Night!
>Define the line between insanity and courage
there could be several
it's the right thing to do
you feel you only have one choice
better to die on your feet…..
very tasty
you are only allowed yes or no answers now
and they'll infect your logs with porn links, like AJ
>You're right, but I feel the the line is defined by faith
you are also correct
guess who that little voice inside you is that urges you on?
pray that the false voices be silenced and listen to the only one left
The Duran claims they are as foul as the FBI
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - From the Beginning
ELP - Karn Evil 9 1st Impression, Pt. 2
and the crowd hurls at the thought
I worked in a corp of 1500
every hot woman had a nickname
we could talk about them while they were sitting there
they didn't get to choose what we called them :D
I hear women talk way worse than men in the restroom
I might have been unclear
the girls were unaware of who any of the nicknames belonged to. the guys knew all of them
me when someone announces filtered, and they already are
honestly, I never thought about it
I'd have to say - don't care
I'm sure The Bush would have been unhappy with her nn.
BLACKFOOT - Highway Song
I'll rub yer furrer
Georgia Satellites - Keep Your Hands To Yourself
study what services they had for the poor and orphaned and you might pull back from that a bit
I get no taxes, but…
God continues to bless it, you'll know it when He really pulls back
I can still say fuck you
We made the best gov eva
(greed and power from within is growing)
imma thinking sexual abuse is like passing on a spiritual VD that is very hard to cure, and it's generational
it runs in families
I feel defiled just >>17577272
talking about it
>Not a chance. Look closer.
I do genealogy
I found people in the so call "schools" for orphans in 1913 in my family. I know a bit about that period. I can produce a few documents.
I know about bastidardy sp? laws
They would force the woman in court to accuse a man of impregnating her, to keep the state from not having to pay any support to her or her kids. this indicates no church no charity, etc
it was fucked up
I will again disagree
does anyone recall this movie?
scene in a movie
rich persons outdoor birthday party
a chick turns down a guy over something and realizes it's al a loss he says
then I guess a blow job is out of the question?
Steppenwolf - The Pusher
in order of preference?
His Majesty
Ruler of all I survey
Punisher of the amoral
and highest anon
I mean highest ranking anon