How do her meal tickets like her now?
She's only got 8 years 3 months 24 days left to spend it, if she survives and if there is anything left to spend it on.
It has been turning consistently west of the forecast. The ones that didn't get into the gulf went north. This one is different.
Not a chance. Look closer. They took care of each other. No moral hazard. No banksters. No gangster partys pretending to be good guys.
It's a trick. There aren't enough faggots to offset the straights with children he will lose over it, not to mention the damage to the social fabric. Special classes of citizens leads to tyranny. The children are the next generation. Look wat they did to the boomers, X, Y, Z, millennials every generation since 1913. Look at the vicious brainwashing and torture they are getting away with now.
We've already seen their work.
The youth are still being targetted and crippled for life, permanently marginalized, by the 1%. Not just in the USA. The CIA dosed the world. Multigenerational zero sum game. Total War
You understand Moral Hazard? The immoral minority ended up in court. The majority took care of each other. I reference my family history, not the warped bullshit the permawarmongering gangsters dish.
Before the unconstitutional DHS the US Postal Inpectors were the largest federal LE agency. They have been doing this and more for iver 200 years. Congress holds their purse strings, they are craven political swine.
The USPS opendiscriminayes against white native Americans by at least double the fake census "estimates" of racial proportionality, and lately none of my mail carriers speaks English. Read the Church Committee report. They are RICO
There are as many Chinese illegals in Commiefornia as there are hispanics. If Soros gets his way the Mexicans are going to be slaving for chinos and kikes. It's a shame Tom Hayden didn't live to learn how wrong he was, about everything. Jane Fonda still has a chance to get shot by commies.