Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:03 a.m. No.17579388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9527 >>9696 >>9846

Enormous Fire Breaks Out at World’s Largest Wholesale Fresh Produce Market in Paris


The total destruction of the food supply chain in western countries continues.


A huge fire has broken out in a storage facility for fresh produce at the Rungis international market in Val-de-Marne, Paris, France on Sunday.


Many firefighters have arrived to put out the fire. The smoke is visible for miles.


According to reports, the fire department has the situation under control as of 2:10. No one was hurt, and the fire poses no threat of spreading.


The Rungis International Market is the principal market of Paris, mainly for food and horticultural products, located in the commune of Rungis, in the southern suburbs.


Include the following on your list of burned down businesses:

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:05 a.m. No.17579394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9527 >>9696 >>9846

US threatens Russia with ‘catastrophic consequences’ in case of nuke action


Washington will respond in kind if Moscow uses WMDs in Ukraine, Biden's national security adviser promised


The US will retaliate forcefully if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine, President Joe Biden's national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, told CBS on Sunday. He also declared that the referendums in the Donbass republics and Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions of Ukraine had not altered Washington’s support for Kiev.


“Any use of nuclear weapons will be met with catastrophic consequences for Russia,” Sullivan said on the network’s Face the Nation program, explaining that the Biden administration had told Moscow both privately at ‘very high levels’ and publicly that “the United States and our allies will respond decisively if Russia uses nuclear weapons.”


Sullivan also revealed that Washington was keeping “a close eye” on the Zaporozhye nuclear plant. In order to lessen the chance of a catastrophic incident, the facility has been placed in cold shutdown in response to constant shelling that both sides blame on each other.


However, the plant is still operating. The International Atomic Energy Agency, which visited the site earlier this month, identified an “urgent need for interim measures to prevent a nuclear accident,” specifically the “immediate establishment of a nuclear safety and security protection zone.” The IAEA, however, failed to mention the culprit behind the attacks, despite Russia providing evidence that pointed to the Ukrainian side.


The US and its allies have condemned the referendums, which are still underway, as “illegitimate,” vowing not to recognize the results because the votes “in no way respect democratic norms,” despite international observers from several countries volunteering to come to the regions to verify the vote.


The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics declared their independence in 2014 and were recognized as independent states by Russia in February 2022, eight years after initially voting for self-rule in landslide referendums following the US-backed coup in Kiev. Most of Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions have been under Russian control since March.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:06 a.m. No.17579406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9410 >>9527 >>9696 >>9710 >>9722 >>9846

Top Vaccine Expert and FDA Adviser Says Young Healthy People Should NOT Get the New Booster Shot – No Clear Evidence of Benefit


A top vaccine expert and FDA adviser has warned that there is insufficient evidence to recommend the new booster shot for healthy young adults and said it could carry risks.


Dr. Paul Offit, MD is an American pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases, vaccines, immunology, and virology. He is also the co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine.


Dr. Offit is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of virology and immunology, and was a member of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He is a member of the Food and Drug Administration Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, and a founding advisory board member of the Autism Science Foundation and the Foundation for Vaccine Research, a member of the Institute of Medicine and co-editor of the foremost vaccine text, Vaccines.


During an interview with CNN earlier this month, Dr. Offit said this new Covid booster shot is unlikely to benefit healthy young people and said it’s ‘unfair to make them take a risk.’


Dr. Offit: “When you’re asking people to get a vaccine, I think there has to be clear evidence of benefit. And we’re not going to have clinical studies, obviously, before this launches, but you’d like to have at least human data on people getting this vaccine. You see a clear and dramatic increase in neutralizing antibiotics, and then at least you have a correlate of protection against BA4, BA5. Because if you don’t have that, if there’s not clear evidence of benefit, then it’s not fair [to ask people to take a risk]. The benefits should be clear.”


Earlier this month, a CDC panel voted in favor of approving the latest Covid booster shot that hasn’t even been tested on humans.


The latest Covid booster, bivalent, was supposedly reformulated to ‘protect’ against Omicron subvariants.


Bivalent boosters contain the original Covid-19 strain and the genetic code of the Omicron sub-variants BA.4 and BA.5.


The new COVID boosters were not tested on humans – only on mice.


The updated booster has only been tested on animals, not people. “There’s no clinical trial data specifically for bivalent BA.4, BA.5 boosters in humans yet, but there will be,” said Dr. Fryhofer.


Dr. Offit wrote an OpEd in Wall Street Journal on September 21.


He said preliminary data suggested the new bivalent vaccines were actually worse at warding off COVID infections than the first generation of shots, Daily Mail reported.


The data suggested shot was not as effective as the first batch.


“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone over 12 receive a “bivalent” Covid-19 vaccine as a booster dose. But only a select group are likely to benefit, and the evidence to date doesn’t support the view that a bivalent vaccine containing omicron or its subvariants is better than the monovalent vaccine. The CDC risks eroding the public’s trust by overselling the new shot,” he wrote.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:08 a.m. No.17579417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9426 >>9440 >>9478 >>9527 >>9642 >>9696 >>9846

FBI Stole More Than Documents During Unlawful Raid of Mar-a-Lago – Stole 1,800 Other Items as Well


We knew that the corrupt and criminal FBI raided President Trump’s home and stole documents. We also know they inserted information for their filing with the court. Now we find out that over 1,800 “other items” were also stolen by the FBI.


Does anyone really know all the FBI stole from President Trump at Mar-a-Lago?


We do know that the FBI raided President Trump’s home in an unprecedented, unnecessary, and unlawful raid.


President Trump shared last week that he believes the FBI stole his will. This was not lawful or necessary. The individuals at the FBI are not Americans. They are criminals.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:12 a.m. No.17579429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9478 >>9527 >>9696 >>9846 >>9911 >>9917

London Banks Prepare For Possible Blackouts


Banking and financial firms in London are closely studying and updating contingency electricity supply plans to protect themselves and their customers in case power outages hit the UK this winter.


Some banks are discussing the idea of again encouraging the work-from-home policies from previous Covid lockdowns or using offsite locations, representatives of the trade association UK Finance, coordinating the talks, told Bloomberg.


The UK and the rest of Europe are preparing for potential blackouts this winter, especially if the weather is colder than usual and gas and power shortages strain the grids. Governments in Europe are asking people to conserve energy to avoid rolling outages.


In the City of London, banks are paying closer attention to plans for backup power supply in case of blackouts.


“There is no sense of panic, just everyone is making sure that their ducks are in a row,” Andrew Rogan, director of operational resilience at UK Finance, told Bloomberg in an interview.


This summer, London narrowly avoided a blackout in the eastern part of the city at the end of July. While London and much of the UK were reeling from the hottest day on record in Britain, high power demand and a bottleneck on the grid left parts of East London close to blackout. The UK, however, managed to avoid a blackout in London by buying more electricity from Belgium at a mind-blowing price of $11,812 (£9,724) per megawatt-hour (MWh), which was more than 5,000% higher than the typical price.


Outside the UK, banks across Europe are bracing for energy rationing and possible power outages this winter by getting backup generators ready so that they won’t leave bank transactions and ATMs in the dark if the energy crisis worsens, sources familiar with plans told Reuters earlier this month. As governments in Europe appeal for voluntary gas and electricity conservation and even consider rationing, banks are also bracing for a difficult winter. The banking system is too important for Europe and its economy to be left affected by power outages.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:16 a.m. No.17579453   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Professor Pleads Guilty of Concealing Ties in China While Receiving Funds From NASA


Zhengdong Cheng, a Texas A&M professor and NASA researcher, pleaded guilty to charges related to lying about his connections to China. Cheng was arrested and charged with conspiracy, making false statements, and wire fraud in 2020.


According to an FBI’s Twitter post on Sept. 23, Cheng pleaded guilty to lying to Texas A&M University (TAMU) about his affiliations with Chinese entities to violate his agreements with NASA.


A federal judge in Houston accepted a plea deal. As part of the deal, Cheng agreed to pay $86,876 in restitution to NASA and a $20,000 fine. Court documents show Cheng and prosecutors agreed that the 13 months he already spent in jail is “an appropriate sentence in the matter,” the KBTX reported.

China Initiative


The arrest and charge of Cheng was part of the China Initiative effort, led by the National Security Division (NSD) of the U.S. Department of Justice, for countering nation-state threats to the United States.


The department announced the China Initiative in 2018 during the Trump administration to combat Beijing’s relentless security threats by identifying and prosecuting those engaged in trade secret theft, hacking, and economic espionage.


According to the NPR report, the initiative was controversial for causing “much criticism from civil rights groups that say it created a climate of fear among Asian Americans.”


After a review of the initiative, the Biden administration scrapped it in February.


In fact, the scale of Beijing’s efforts to steal U.S. secrets, technology, and research is staggering.


The Justice Department will continue to combat Chinese espionage and cyberthreats, just without the China Initiative banner, according to the head of the National Security Division, Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen, NPR reported.


He also said the department needed to be responsive to concerns raised by civil rights groups, academics, and scientists about what they say were negative ripple effects caused by the China Initiative, according to the NPR.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:19 a.m. No.17579462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9500 >>9527 >>9528 >>9638 >>9696 >>9846

FBI Whistleblower Comes Forward, Alleges Many Agents ‘Don’t Agree’ With Bureau’s Direction


An FBI whistleblower recently came forward and issued warnings about alleged politicization at the FBI, saying that the bureau is spying on law-abiding Americans and that many of its domestic counterterrorism cases are tantamount to “entrapment.”


Kyle Seraphin, who has spent six years in the FBI, was suspended without pay and cannot seek another job without quitting or asking for permission. It’s not clear when he was suspended, but he said that he had run-ins with his managers about his refusal to get the COVID-19 vaccine although he was granted a religious exemption.


“The number of guys who say, ‘I don’t agree with what’s going on here, but I’ve got three years to retire,’ it’s heartbreaking,” he told podcast host Dan Bongino.


In one instance, Seraphin said he was forced to blow the whistle last year when Attorney General Merrick Garland told lawmakers that the Department of Justice was not targeting parents. He gave to a member of Congress an email that was circulated in the FBI, which said that Garland ordered the usage of the controversial PATRIOT Act to target parents with a tag, “EDUOFFICIALS.”


At the time, in May 2022, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Mike Johnson (R-Ind.) alleged that the investigations involved parents who were “upset about mask mandates and state elected officials who publicly voiced opposition to vaccine mandates,” accusing Garland of making false statements to Congress.


“That’s when you become part of political hatchet jobs, and I didn’t sign up for that, and nobody I know signed up for that either,” Seraphin told Bongino. “That’s not what people want to get involved in.”


In an interview with the Washington Times last week, he said the bureau’s investigations into domestic violent extremism, white nationalists, and right-wing extremists are mostly entrapment operations with questionable moral and ethical underpinnings.


“My team was deployed to 20 or 25 different high profile, national terrorism organization or terrorism investigations between 2018 and 2021. And what I saw, as the most obvious statement, is that there are three things about counterterrorism investigations,” he said.


Seraphin stated: “Number one, the demand for white supremacy vastly outstrips the supply of white supremacy.”


“Number two,” he added, “the FBI‘s playbook when it comes to counterterrorism investigations is always and unequivocally morally equivalent to entrapment, even if there’s a legal definition that allows them to skirt that.”



As for No. 3, Seraphin added to the Washington Times that the FBI doesn’t have an objective metric on how they prioritize cases.


“There’s an entirely ridiculous internal process for determining every single national priority,” the whistleblower said.


The Epoch Times has contacted the FBI for comment. A bureau spokesperson told the paper that his claims about entrapment lacked merit.


“This comment is inaccurate and represents a clear misunderstanding of the policy and practice in FBI investigations,” the FBI said in a statement to the outlet.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:22 a.m. No.17579470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9527 >>9696 >>9846

Top Trans Medical Org Recommends Castration For Those With ‘Eunuch’ Identity


The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which sets medical standards for transgender-related procedures, recognized eunuchs as a gender identity group in its newest guidelines, recommending castration as a treatment option.


Eunuchs are males who wish to remove all male genitals, genital functioning or other masculine attributes, according to WPATH. Eunuchs are listed alongside gender identities and sexual conditions like “nonbinary” and “intersex” in the eighth edition of WPATH’s standards of care, which states that eunuchs need “gender-affirming care” that can include physical and chemical castration in order to live out their identities.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:24 a.m. No.17579476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9527 >>9696 >>9846

Sixty Labour MPs Attend Anti-Monarchy Event Slamming King Charles as ‘White Privileged Male’


Sixty Labour Members of Parliament (MPs) attended a ‘Labour for the Republic’ event where King Charles III was slammed as a “white privileged male”.


While party leader Sir Keir Starmer has shied away from his previous support for abolishing the monarchy, dozens of MPs at a fringe meeting of its annual conference were unable to read the proverbial room now the seven-decade reign of Queen Elizabeth II is at an end.


“With the late Queen’s reign now ended, Britain faces a future with a white, privileged male as head of state for the remainder of this century — at least,” a leaflet handed out to even attended fulminated, according to a Telegraph report.


“There’s little doubt that this will only accelerate calls for an end to the monarchy,” the leaflet asserted — although in fact support for the monarchy has rallied in recent days.


Polly Toynbee, a Guardian columnist and ageing mainstay of Britain’s establishment left, was one of the speakers at the event, and argued for the monarch to be replaced by a supposedly ceremonial president along German or Irish rather than American or French lines, although she said they might intervene “in case of a rogue Boris Johnson type person” — likely a recipe for complaints of double standards and partiality.


She also suggested that the United Kingdom — perhaps the United Republic, if event attendees have their way — was not a “serious country” so long as it maintained its ancient monarchy, which stretches back many hundreds of years beyond the Act of Union between Scotland and England in 1707 into the mists of history before Scotland and England had even been formed.


Little consideration seems to have been given to the fact that Western democracies including Norway, the Netherlands, and Sweden have all maintained constitutional monarchies — and few would argue that the powerful monarchies of the Middle East, Saudi Arabia chief among them, are treated with great seriousness by world leaders.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:27 a.m. No.17579493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9527 >>9696 >>9846

Zelenskyy: Europe Cannot Be Stable with Putin in Power


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Sunday on CBS’s “Face The Nation” that there can be no stability in Europe until Russian president Vladimir Putin is removed from power.


Zelenskyy said, “Yesterday, President Putin said they will win Ukraine in three days, but now it’s seven months. Today, it’s seven months since Russia occupied- tried to occupy Ukraine, but they couldn’t.”


Anchor Margaret Brennan asked, “Can there be stability in Europe if Vladimir Putin remains in power?”


Zelenskyy said, “No.”


He continued, “I don’t have anything to add. My opinion is no. We have observed this over the years, we don’t see stability. Specifically, we see challenges and risks, political, economic, food crises. Obviously, it is not- COVID-19 was not enough for them. COVID took so many lives, caused economic consequences. This is life. Unfortunately, it did take place. However, simultaneously, we see Russia creating, artificially, other kinds of crisis, and they are very openly discussing the threats to the rest of the world. They started threatening us with nuclear weapons. Will the world depend on one country or one person? The world has to make a decision. We have made our decision. We will not depend on one person.”

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:31 a.m. No.17579511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9527 >>9696 >>9846

Ex-Clinton adviser predicts Dems will ‘dump’ Biden in favor of Hillary in 2024


Democrats plan to “dump” President Biden and call on Hillary Clinton to run for a third time in 2024 out of fear that a more radical left-wing candidate could end up on the ticket, veteran political consultant Dick Morris said in a new interview.


The longtime Bill Clinton adviser made the prediction on John Catsimatidis’ WABC radio show “Cats Roundtable” Sunday morning amid renewed speculation that 79-year-old Biden will not seek a second term.


Dems “are planning to dump Biden,” said the self-proclaimed “secret adviser” to former President Donald Trump, adding that Clinton would be the party’s nominee if no other centrist candidate emerged.


“Once Biden pulls out, the polling will show that the Democrats are leaning toward some crazy radical like Gavin Newson, Bernie Sanders. Maybe even AOC herself,” Morris opined.


“That’s going to drive the Democratic Party leaders to go to Hillary and say, ‘Hey look. Please run again. We need you to save us from the crazy left,” he continued. “Otherwise we’ll have Sanders as our candidate. We’ll lose Congress by a ton. And we’ll get wiped out in the presidential race.'”


Morris contended that Clinton has already started tacking towards the center by stating that Americans don’t want open borders and criticizing Biden for accusing Republicans of embracing “semi-fascism.” The former secretary of state, however, on Friday herself likened Trump’s most recent campaign event in Ohio to a Nazi rally.


Clinton, 74, has repeatedly insisted she would never run again, and renewed that vow again this month.


“She’s absolutely trying to pretend she’s … a centrist just like her husband was,” Morris said of the former New York senator. “And she’s going to get the nomination like her husband did in ’92 and lead the party to the center and to victory.”


He added that Clinton was “waiting for the wipeout” of Democrats in the November midterm elections “to justify her candidacy and say, ‘Only I can save you from this happening again.'”


The author of “The Return: Trump’s Big 2024 Comeback” then theorized that Clinton’s “integrity problems” would cost her another defeat on the national stage against Trump, who is considering a third run for the office amid mounting legal problems.


Clinton was famously upset in the primaries by Barack Obama in 2008, and by Trump in the 2016 general election. She had been the front-runner throughout both contests.


Morris, 73, started working for Bill Clinton during his 1978 run for governor of Arkansas and continued advising him through his presidency. He resigned amid scandal in 1996. A decade later, he emerged as an outspoken critic of the Clintons, railing against Hillary’s political ambitions in books and televised appearances.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:34 a.m. No.17579522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9696 >>9850 >>9873 >>9956

Newsom Seeks to Delete Law That Makes it a Crime to Kill a Baby After It's Born


Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif) has been very vocal about his pro-abortion stance, undermining states that placed restrictions on abortions passed a certain week of pregnancy.


In a recent letter addressed to Newsom, bill AB 2223 will change a California law “in a way that radically undermines protection for newborns,” and if signed, “will allow certain forms of infanticide.”


Introduced by Assembly member Buffy Wicks, the proposed bill would do away with its current infanticide law which makes it a crime to kill a baby that was born within a year.


If Newsom goes ahead and signs into a law, the bill would erase the requirement for a county coroner to hold inquests to investigate perinatal deaths “related to or following known or suspected self-induced or criminal abortion.”


It would also bill “delete the requirement” for a coroner to handle “an unattended fetal death” as a “death without medical attendance.”


Doing away with this law would also protect those responsible if a baby was left to die after a failed abortion, meaning it could effectively legalize infanticide up to twenty-eight days after the baby is born for any reason.


Last week Newsom launched a series of ads blasting Republican states who have placed restrictions on abortions with several of them taking aim at the Bible.


This comes as Newsom was asked why so many people are fleeing California despite the governor touting how “great” of a state it is.


Many factors — and there’s been two deep analyses that drives the No. 1 factor… The vast majority, almost the entire amount, impacted because of visa policies in the Trump administration. Our formula for success is getting first-round draft choices from the rest of the world. I mean, we’re as dumb as we want to be,” Newsom said

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:37 a.m. No.17579535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9696 >>9850 >>9873 >>9956

George Soros’s Open Society Foundation Funded Pro-Prostitution Organizations


George Soros’s Open Society Foundation (OSF) has donated over $1 million to organizations that work to normalize and legalize prostitution.


George Soros’s OSF donated a total of $185,000 to an organization called the Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP) in 2019 and 2020. The organization is just one of several groups that has received funding from OSF and advocates for the normalization of prostitution.


According to their mission statement, the organization calls itself “a national grassroots social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of sex workers and their communities,” with a focus on “ending violence and stigma through education, community building, and advocacy.”


Their website also explains that the organization was founded when prostitutes in California’s Bay Area protested the arrest of a prostitute named Shannon Williams, who was also an employee at Berkeley High School.


The website also notes, “SWOP has grown into a national network of regional chapters and local activists. This network works together to address stigma and criminalization.”


Founded in 2003, the organization received five grants from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation in 2019 and 2020. The largest grant supplied $60,000 “to support policy advocacy on sex work reform.”


The organization’s “values” page indicates that they support the decriminalization of prostitution.


While one grant was intended “to provide general support,” another went to support SWOP’s attempt “to reduce the stigma and dehumanization associated with sex work and to increase power and collaboration among sex workers.”


The organization published a guide on “How to Be an Ally to Sex Workers.” The guide includes a number of suggestions, all of which are intended to normalize prostitution.


Business owners were told to “Put up sex-work-positive signs in your window,” while those in hiring or admission roles were instructed to “Ignore prostitution, drug, and non-violent convictions or arrests when they appear on applicant background checks.”


Meanwhile, the guide told policymakers to “Work to eliminate policies/laws that discriminate against individuals currently or previously involved in the sex trade.”


SWOP, which has also received monetary support from Neo Philanthropy and the Comer Family Foundation, is just one organization that works to normalize prostitution and has received support from OSF.


OSF has also poured about $700,000 into a group called “Mama Cash” from 2016 to 2020. The four grants all go to support a project of Mama Cash called the “Red Umbrella Fund” (RUF).


The fund calls itself “the first global fund guided by and for sex workers. Launched in 2012, Red Umbrella Fund joins together funders and sex workers in support of the human rights of sex workers.”


The organization articulates its agenda by saying, “We oppose criminalization and all forms of stigma and discrimination against sex workers. We recognize that sex work is work, RUF’s website reads.”

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:39 a.m. No.17579542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9696 >>9850 >>9873 >>9956

Pope joins population control activist Jeffrey Sachs to push ‘climate change’ agenda at conference


Jeffrey Sachs has been a supporter of the initiative since its inception a few years ago.


Pope Francis has joined forces with population control activist Jeffrey Sachs in the Pope’s youth initiative the “Economy of Francesco,” promoting “a process of inclusive dialogue and young, vibrant, global change, moving towards a new economy,” and addressing “climate change.”


Taking place September 22 through 24 in Assisi, “The Economy of Francesco” (EoF) conference is now in its third year, with this event being the first to be held in-person.


Vatican News reports that over 1,000 “young economists and entrepreneurs” from over 120 countries have gathered in Assisi where they have been examining how to give “a new soul to the economy.” They also looked at issues such “as climate change, the energy emergency.”


Though held in Assisi, the home of St. Francis, the conference fails to mention religion in its promotional materials, and instead focuses on an irreligious style of economical and global assessment.


The climax of the event was Pope Francis’ visit and address to the participants on September 24, along with the signing of the EoF “pact.” That document, which Francis joined in signing, made no mention of Christianity apart from referring to “an economy of the Gospel.”


Outlining their shared dreams for this new economical goal, the signatories appeared to suggest that it could create a perfect world. They wrote that their goal “is not a utopia,” precisely “because we are already building it.”


“And some of us, on particularly bright mornings, have already glimpsed the beginning of the promised land,” the document concluded.


The key theme underpinning the entire event was not religion, but attention to the climate, as repeatedly promoted by Francis. Calling them to build a new economy, Francis said it “must be an earth-friendly economy, and an economy of peace,” one centered upon “an ecological conversion.”

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:45 a.m. No.17579566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9696 >>9850 >>9873 >>9956



Earlier this month, activists and comic book fans alike were in uproar over Marvel Studios’ announcement that Israeli actress Shira Haas will play Zionist superhero Sabra in the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film Captain America: New World Order. Many Palestine advocates accused Marvel’s decision to add Sabra to the MCU as exalting Israeli abuse and war crimes.


“By glorifying the Israeli army & police, Marvel is promoting Israel’s violence against Palestinians & enabling the continued oppression of millions of Palestinians living under Israel’s authoritarian military rule,” the Institute for Middle East Understanding wrote in a tweet.


Following the backlash, Marvel said in a statement to Variety that it will take a “new approach” to the character, in a perceived attempt to placate criticisms.


Yet vows to reimagine the Sabra character, a former spy for the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, may come across as disingenuous, especially when, upon closer examination, Marvel appears closely connected to the Israeli government and its main intelligence agency Mossad.


Marvel and Israel’s deepening relationship


Many individuals who have held or still maintain roles at Marvel are associated with the Israeli military, Israeli intelligence and Zionist institutions that uphold apartheid. For instance, Isaac Perlmutter, the current chairman of Marvel Entertainment who served on Marvel Comics’ board of directors until 1995, grew up in 1948-occupied Palestine (or modern-day Israel) and served in the Israeli military during the 1967 Six-Day War. Avi Arad, the CEO of Marvel Entertainment, also grew up in modern-day Israel and served in the Israeli army during the Six-Day War.


Along with his wife, Laura, Perlmutter oversees a foundation that contributes to several pro-Israel causes such as the Anti-Defamation League, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, the America-Israel Friendship League, the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County in Florida, and the Jewish Agency for Israel. The Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Foundation has also supported the Hebrew University and Israel’s Technion Institute of Technology.


The Perlmutters are also heavily linked to the Trump family. In 2016, their organization donated $25,000 to the Eric Trump Foundation. According to Open Secrets, a campaign finance tracker, in 2016, Laura Perlmutter donated $5,400 to former President Donald Trump’s campaign and nearly $450,000 to the Trump Victory Committee, a joint fundraising initiative by the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee. The couple then gave more than $1 million to the Trump Victory Committee in 2019 and 2020 and contributed another $11,200 to Trump’s reelection campaign in 2019.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:48 a.m. No.17579587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9696 >>9850 >>9873 >>9956

Uniformed soldiers tried smuggling people into Texas, feds say. They’re going to prison


Two former soldiers are going to prison after they tried smuggling two people from Mexico into the U.S., authorities said.


“You made a horrible mistake and you’re going to get punished for it,” Judge Diana Saldaña told the men in federal court. “You’re going to go to prison.”


Emmanuel Oppongagyare was ordered to spend 21 months in prison, while Ralph Gregory Saint-Joie was sentenced to 13 months, according to a Sept. 20 news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas. They’re also required to serve three years of supervised release after their prison sentences.


Oppongagyare, 22, and Saint-Joie, 19, both previously pleaded guilty to “conspiring to transport undocumented aliens within the United States,” according to McClatchy News and court records.


Their defense attorneys did not immediately respond to a request for comment from McClatchy News on Sept. 21.


Authorities say both men were stationed at Fort Hood — Saint-Joie was active with the Army, and Oppongagyare was with the Pennsylvania National Guard — when they tried bringing two Mexican nationals through the Border Patrol checkpoint in Hebbronville.


While in their Army-issued uniforms on June 13, 2021, they tried entering into Texas with a man and woman hiding in the trunk of their four-door sedan, McClatchy News previously reported.


Those two people said they had paid Oppongagyare and Saint-Joie to bring them into the U.S., according to a news release.


In his plea, Oppongagyare admitted he met someone through Saint-Joie who recruited them to bring the man and woman to San Antonio. They were told to wear their uniforms “to possibly avoid questioning.” And while officials say they expected to be paid, they were unsure how much.


“On June 13, I made one of the worst mistakes of my life,” Oppongagyare said during the sentencing hearing, according to the news release. Saint-Joie added he was “ashamed” of his role in the smuggling scheme.


The two soldiers were previously released on bond, but they agreed to surrender to a U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility, officials said. The location has not been determined as of Sept. 20.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:52 a.m. No.17579608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9614 >>9696 >>9850 >>9873 >>9956

Feds award $1 million to nonprofit that funneled tax dollars to Chinese bat coronavirus lab


EcoHealth Alliance was a conduit for funding from Dr. Anthony Fauci's NIAID for controversial bat coronavirus experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology widely suspected to be the source of COVID-19.



The Golden Horseshoe is a weekly designation from Just The News intended to highlight egregious examples of wasteful taxpayer spending by the government. The award is named for the horseshoe-shaped toilet seats for military airplanes that cost the Pentagon a whopping $640 each back in the 1980s.


This week's Golden Horseshoe goes to the National Science Foundation for awarding a $1 million grant to EcoHealth Alliance, the controversial nonprofit whose former vice president claims in a sworn statement it created COVID-19 at China's Wuhan Institute of Virology.


The NSF awarded the $1 million to EcoHealth Alliance and Boston University to predict and prevent future pandemics, The National Pulse reported.


The government spending watchdog questioned the grant to EcoHealth, which received several million dollars in grants from Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to conduct research at the Wuhan lab whose experiments with bat coronaviruses are widely suspected to be the source of SARS-CoV-2.


"The new grant," Open the Books Founder/CEO Adam Andrzejewski wrote, "came after Peter Daszak, head of EcoHealth Alliance, has been accused of helping to spark the Covid-19 pandemic with his organization’s pandemic prevention work, Science magazine reported. He has downplayed the possibility of the virus originating in a lab as opposed to nature."


The NSF's new grant is part of its "new Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention (PIPP) initiative," according to the grant synopsis. "This initiative focuses on fundamental research and capabilities needed to tackle grand challenges in infectious disease pandemics through prediction and prevention."


EcoHealth Alliance touted the new grant on its website. "EcoHealth has championed analytical approaches to predicting pandemics for the last 25 years," Daszak said in the press release announcing the award. "This new collaboration with global leaders at BU & our own leaders in emerging disease research takes our work to the next level."


Just The News reported earlier this week that a former vice president for EcoHealth Alliance, Andrew Huff, claimed his organization "developed" SARS-CoV-2 through gain-of-function research that makes viruses more dangerous.


In a sworn declaration, Huff said, "The process of developing SARS-COV2 was also described in detail in the proposal submitted to, and ultimately funded by, the National Institutes of Health (HHS NIH), The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), by EcoHealth Alliance with the WIV and [University of North Carolina] listed as collaborators."


Just The News reached out to the National Science Foundation, asking why EcoHealth Alliance received this grant and why U.S. taxpayers are funding an organization which allegedly created the COVID-19 virus. The agency did not respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 11:57 a.m. No.17579630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

THE JERUSALEM POST’S 50 Most Influential Jews of 2022


The Jerusalem Post is proud to present its 2022 list of the 50 Most Influential Jews. Many people influence the world we live in and impact our daily lives. This year, we strived to create a list showcasing the diversity of the Jewish nation while highlighting people from all walks of life – government, art, medicine, literature and science.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 12:06 p.m. No.17579675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9696 >>9850 >>9873 >>9956

Ukrainian Army War Crimes Include Shelling of Ambulences, Firetrucks, and Rescue Workers in the Donbass Republics—Similar to Israelis and U.S. Backed Terrorists in Syria


In the more than eight years of bombing the civilians of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, Ukraine has committed untold numbers of war crimes. These include bombing residential areas, markets, hospitals, schools, parks—including with prohibited heavy weapons and banned cluster munitions—and, since late July, raining banned “Petal” mines down on populated civilian areas, including the very center of Donetsk, including as recently as September 7.


A lesser-known war crime is Ukraine’s routine targeting of ambulances, fire trucks, medics and rescuers, and their headquarters and stations. Many of the times Ukraine bombs such heroic rescuers, it is when they are on the way, or already on site, to help civilians often themselves just bombed by Ukraine.


On August 21, Ukrainian shelling of the DPR’s Gorlovka wounded twelve, including five firefighters.


The day prior, Ukrainian shelling targeted an ambulance station in the LPR’s Lysychansk, wounding several and damaging some of the ambulances.


On June 23, the Kievskiy District of Donetsk came under repeated shelling over the course of the two hours I was visiting the Emergency Services headquarters there. On the grounds, I saw the remnants of a “Hurricane” missile from a previous Ukrainian attack.


The previous day, Ukrainian forces targeted an Emergency Services fire truck on call, leaving the driver hospitalized in critical condition. According to his colleagues, they saw a drone above them just prior to Ukraine’s strike. The targeting was unquestionably deliberate.


On June 18, Ukraine targeted a central Donetsk district after Emergency Services had arrived, killing a firefighter and the driver, and injuring three more rescuers.


In early June, heavy Ukrainian shelling of Kuibyshevsky District, Donetsk, destroyed an ambulance and seriously injured the driver.


Ukraine’s attacks on emergency workers is not new; Ukraine has been doing so for years.


In June 2021, during a humanitarian cease-fire, Ukrainian forces targeted an ambulance which had arrived to evacuate three injured DPR soldiers.


In October 2019, Ukrainian forces fired an anti-tank guided missile at a DPR military ambulance en route to help a child, wounding the driver and a paramedic.


In August 2018, Ukrainian forces fired a missile at a DPR ambulance, killing the driver and two female paramedics.


When I first visited the DPR in September 2019, going to hard-hit areas around Gorlovka, I was told by Zaitsevo administration that ambulances could not reach the villagers.


“The paramedics don’t go farther than this building; it’s too dangerous. If somebody needs medical care near the front lines, someone has to go in their own car and take them to a point where medics can then take them to Gorlovka. The soldiers also help civilians who are injured.”


This is something I was very familiar with in Gaza, occupied Palestine, where Israeli soldiers routinely fire at Palestinian farmers and other laborers on agricultural land, a policy of harassment to drive Palestinians off their land. In most cases, ambulances likewise could not reach the injured due to Israel’s policy of targeting ambulances. Consequently, seriously injured Palestinians bleed to death.


In Zaitsevo, I was told this had happened there, too. “A woman died due to huge blood loss because no one could reach her house to take her away in time. She was injured in the shelling and bled to death.”

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 12:25 p.m. No.17579763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9850 >>9873 >>9956

Democrat Mouthpiece Says MAGA Wants to Destroy the Country and Joe Biden Wants to Reach Across Aisle


Democrats have decided to institute the Goebbels plan of communication for this year’s midterm election.


Joe Biden is the worst president in US history.


** Inflation is at 40 YEAR HIGHS — and it is NOT receding!

** Gas Prices are the highest they have ever been under Joe Biden — And this is a direct result of his anti-energy policies.

** Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban and armed them with $80 billion in US arms.


that it must be on purpose.


So what does the Biden regime do?


The claim MAGA Republicans, who are not in power, are destroying America.


And then they follow that up with the Joe Biden wants to reach across the aisle.


Watch Senior Advisor to Joe Biden Keisha Lance Bottoms spew this lie on MSNBC on Sunday morning.


Give it a rest, Keisha.

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 12:29 p.m. No.17579784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9796 >>9850 >>9873 >>9956

NSW government to appoint its first ever Chief Behaviour Advisor to boost respect at schools


A Chief Behaviour Advisor tasked with improving behaviour in NSW's public and private schools will be appointed by the state government after an "inappropriate" group chat run by students at one of Sydney's most exclusive schools was uncovered.

Key points:


The global search for the state's first Chief Behaviour Advisor will start next month

The appointment will be confirmed by the beginning of the 2023 school year

Premier Perrottet says the new role will provide best practice in dealing with disruptive students


Earlier this month, material from a group chat run by students of Knox Grammar School, on the north shore, was referred to police due to the "unacceptable" nature of the messages, according to the school's headmaster.


Several students from the elite school were suspended or expelled over the messages, some of which were racist, misogynistic or anti-Semitic.


It was later revealed that students from other schools were in the closed chat, with email addresses linked to James Ruse Agricultural High and North Sydney Boys High also used to access the group.


The NSW Police child abuse and sex crimes squad reviewed the material and found no child abuse material in the message stream.


Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said the actions of the students were appalling and needed to be tackled head on.


"We've got to look at the root cause of some of these behaviours and why kids are acting out this way," she said.


"It is never OK for young people to behave like that, whether it is in social media or in person."


Premier Dominic Perrottet said a "radical move" was needed, and on Monday announced the government would create the role of Chief Behaviour Advisor.


The adviser will assist teachers across government, independent and Catholic schools in dealing with disruptive students and advise parents and carers on what they can do to stamp out unacceptable behaviour.


"Teachers across school sectors have told us they want greater support for dealing with disruptive students," Mr Perrottet said


"And that's why we're introducing the role of NSW Chief Behaviour Advisor, to lead on best practice for improving and maintaining respectful student behaviour."

Anonymous ID: 19afcf Sept. 25, 2022, 12:33 p.m. No.17579797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9803 >>9820 >>9896

Salesforce CEO says his company will leave red states if pro-life legislation is passed


"If you're not for equality and dignity, then this is something that I cannot work with," said Benioff.


Salesforce Co-CEO Marc Benioff appeared on CNN Newsroom with Poppy Harlow on Friday where he threatened to pull his software company's operations from states that pass pro-life legislation, and offend his values in other ways as well.


"If you're not for equality and dignity, then this is something that I cannot work with, and then we're going to have to exit your city or your state," Benioff stated on Friday.


Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June, Salesforce has stated that it would be willing to pay the expenses of employees who wanted to move out of red states that would restrict abortion access, Breitbart reports.


During the CNN interview, Harlow pressed Benioff to explain who he thought was "crazy" in regards to abortion. He brought up the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act from 2015. Benioff had announced plans to cancel programs that would require customers and employees to travel to Indiana after then-Governor Mike Pence signed the act.


When the Texas Heartbeat Act was passed in 2021, Benioff said via Twitter that he would help cover expenses of employees wanting to move out of the red state.


"Ohana if you want to move we'll help you exit TX," Benioff tweeted back in 2021, according to CBS.


"We have to be for equality. We have to be for dignity," Benioff said on CNN Newsroom, regarding his decision to help employees move out of pro-life states.