Anonymous ID: 21c0a5 Sept. 25, 2022, 12:56 p.m. No.17579886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9902



How to lie without lying or Propaganda 101


Trump Slams Former 'Great Friend,' Now 'Ungrateful' DeSantis


We knew this was coming


widely seen within the Republican Party as potential rivals


no wheels have fallen off, yet, but they’re already wobbling


While there have been hints along the way


according to sources familiar with both camps


“stuff” just got real. And by “real,” I mean in Trump’s mind, his former “great friend” and “tough, brilliant cookie” is now an unappreciative, “ungrateful” self-serving politician


about whom Trump reportedly grouses


As reported by The Washington Post


Trump has yet to endorse DeSantis…and is unlikely to campaign for him


a close Trump adviser said


undoubtedly taken as a slight by Trump


Don Tapia…told WaPo


Here’s more from WaPo


The former president tracks DeSantis’s public appearances and polling numbers, according to his advisers


He has also soured on DeSantis, repeatedly criticizing him and telling advisers: “I made him.”


“He’s ungrateful,” Trump has said, according to two people close to him


according to a person who has visited his Mar-a-Lago Club and heard him talk about DeSantis


wasn’t there…it’s in part sourced from The Washington Post and several unidentified sources reportedly close to Trump — but this sounds like quintessential Donald Trump


that Trump reportedly gauged DeSantis’s “good job” as doing a good job “about me.”


according to a person present for the gathering


I bet you could’ve heard a pin drop


with visitors thinking it would in be insane to praise DeSantis in front of The Donald


So there it is — for now. Is every word of every quote true? Again, dunno, I wasn’t there


what I do know is a revolving-door reality existed in Trump’s White House


Nice piece of propaganda Mr Miller.

Makes one wonder if he's auditioning for CNN,

maybe a new "Reliable Sources" show is in the works.