Anonymous ID: 80983c Sept. 25, 2022, 10:56 a.m. No.17579352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9527 >>9696 >>9846

"Ben Santer"with University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit Scientific Fraud Fabrication Unit


Santer was one of the principal scientific architects of the former Global Warming(tm) now Climate Change(tm) fraud scheme launched from the University of East Anglia.


The cult 'science' perpetrators were nearly caught red handed, digitally, but emitted a cloud of noxious specialty terms and statistics, threats and blackmail were permitted to escape.


Santer, Ben, escaped the filthy mold scarred filthy cylindrical building in East Anglia to a job at sunny Lawrence Livermore National Lab, outside pedo cult occupied San Francisco California.


Santer WAS therefore a USG employee - while concurrently moonlighting as a very poor editor of once great Scientific American Magazine. Santer is where the fallen magazine's former proud standards of scientific objectivity fell to.


Santer has written a "science" article every month during DJT's first term in office.


Each of those articles, for the entirety of DJTs first term, called the president a fool and a traitor, ridiculed his policy, mocked his statements.


In a recent article Santer accused the president of "ignoring science in a pandemic"


Santer has done much to create and maintain a high level of TDS in the scientific community, as much as any pear bottomed stat hack can be expected to do.


Now, with DJT supposedly gone, Santer has written "an open letter to Joe Biden", which is definitely worth not reading.


Santer is a subject of HM Queen Elizardbreath II in addition to his doubtfully obtained US citizenship.


Santer's four year libeling of the sitting US president has done incalculable damage - influencing the opinions countless people to their very great detriment and the detriment of the US and the world.


Coupled with his principal player's role in the climate change fraud this barrage of lies target the POTUS makes Santer a serpent worth singling out.


Ben Santer is major character, co responsible for the creation of the theoretical framework, and presentation of the evidence for climate fraud and directly concerned with marshalling scientific support for, and suppressing opponents of, the "climate fraud" scam.


Santer will continue to do damage while he remains at large. He belongs in GITMO, for the volume of subversive IO he personally created. Caveat: the undisguised bigotry and blatant nature of Santer's attacks suggest the possibility that We are Watching a Movie.


> former researcher at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit



Anonymous ID: 80983c Sept. 25, 2022, 11:03 a.m. No.17579391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If We the People do not control our communication network(s), then those networks control us; they are what they were engineered to be, a consumer mind control apparatus.


Just as the cult sought and acquired control of the railroad networks and used that hidden control to determine which towns and whose businesses would flourish and which would stagnate, the cult sought control of information traffic for the same reason. To control the physical, or today, information networks, is to control future economic development of the nation or world. By setting railroad freight rates the cultist’s rail networks favored satanic enterprises and thwarted competition. Today, by controlling who knows what, and when they know it, the pedovore cult does the same thing, favoring cult enterprises more efficiently and secretly.


The cult’s subterfuge, disguised ownership and control, corporate shells, special stock classes, and other SOP con tactics disguised the cult’s ownership and control of the railroads. Now, the same system in far more complex forms like “opaque financial instruments” disguises ownership and control of media companies – this is the "hidden hand;" the secret society control systems known as webs.


We the People rely on ideologically partisan networks for information. Since ‘’’ all ‘’’ ideologically segregated partisan networks selectively amplify FUD and suppress facts contrary to partisan narratives, ‘’’ no single set of facts exists for We the People to argue over the interpretation of. ’’’


With no trusted information supply, in the middle of a multi polar information war, there is no method to determine which information is real, true and important and which is trivial, false and maliciously intended. How do we make decisions when ‘’’all’’’ information is corrupt and controlled?


Computational civilization rests on information. The better, more accurate, the information, the less error it contains, the better a society performs by measures like the rate at which new, objectively true scientific knowledge is created.


Civilizations which fail to set a high value on information integrity for all citizens, are inevitably tyrannies where deception is the rule; communities which cannot, and do not, survive as advanced computational civilizations must subside into barbarism, and ultimately, into collective, instinctual animal life.


Civilizations which set the highest value on the accuracy and integrity of their information supply view truth as a sacred, know that error correction and secure networking are essential to the maintenance of the life of all advanced, computation dependent civilizations.


The deep integration of computation into every sphere of human endeavor has supercharged our science and taken our civilization to an unfamiliar place, beyond material limitations, where the rules, God's rules, are the rules of the universe, and have their ultimate and mysterious source in the timeless properties of natural numbers.



Anonymous ID: 80983c Sept. 25, 2022, 11:04 a.m. No.17579393   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No race, no people has ever been free from slavery, either as slave or as master. Every race and every people ever enslaved became at every opportunity enslavers themselves:


Greek enslaved by Greek in the time of Aristotle, black enslaved by black since time immemorial in Africa and in the 19'th century, the American south. Slavery was never predicated on race except as circumstances rendered it. Many of the vast number of slaves of ancient Rome were fair skinned, fair haired Germans and Anglo Saxons.


The universal truth of slavery, that it has been throughout history one of the defining manifestations of human nature, has been suppressed both by history and by that nature.


The enduring myth that slavery was imposed on Africa by outside forces, that it was introduced by the Portuguese in 1444, is belied by the fact that slavery and the slave trade were ancient and commonplace within Africa long before the arrival of any white slaver. (The trans-Sahara slave trade route between West and North Africa likely had it's beginnings as early as 1000 B.C., hundreds of years before the Ethiopians, long enslaved by Egypt, conquered and gave to Egypt its Twenty-Fifth Dynasty; hundreds of years before Homer wrote in the Iliad that half the soul of man was lost when "the day of slavery" came upon him.")


"Slavery was widespread in Africa," writes Professor John Thornton in Africa and the Africans in 'The Making of the Atlantic World, 1400 - 1800,' "because slaves were the only form of private, revenue producing property recognized in African law."


To the 'odehye' - the freeborn - elite of West Africa, the outside forces of Europe, England and the Americas imposed no evil, but merely presented a new market, increased demand, and lucrative new export opportunities that the indigenous powers welcomed and readily exploited.


We bewail our past as slaves - experienced or ancestral, real or fancied - but never commemorate our enslavement of others.


Only circumstance separates slave from master; and for much of history, freedom and the will to enslave have been one. The oppressed, in the blessing of their deliverance, become the oppressors.


"The ox," said Aristotle, "is the poor man's slave."

Anonymous ID: 80983c Sept. 25, 2022, 11:38 a.m. No.17579539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The use of an array of tactics to baffle the perception in conflict is not new, nor is the strategy confined to the human species.


Predators who exploit the perceptual deficiencies of prey are common in nature. As human hunters wear camouflage, spread scents and simulate game calls to imitate prey animals, Paussid beetles forge chemical signals, blinding ant species they prey on to their presence among them in the nest. A famous human group employed similar tactics. Hasan ibn Sabah’s Assassins.


Ibn Sabah allegedly learned his art of mind control from priests of the mysteries in Egypt, but whatever the origin of the tactics, the Assassins used hypnotic induction, symbolism, stage magic and drugs create a belief system which insured 100 % loyalty and instant compliance with leader’s instructions.


Nation state rulers have great difficulty securing large numbers of people willing to die on command. Hasan al Sabah’s Assassins prospered for 300 years and spread their agents through the middle east because they could create fanatically loyal adherents who would raise families, live amongst the opponent for 30 years, and remain ‘’’instantly obedient to leader’s orders – even when ordered to commit assassinations certain to result in capture and execution.’’’


Some beetles are walking organic chem labs, they synthesize explosives, chemical warfare agents, sex changing molecules – they read and write the language of the victim's perceptions.


"Ant-nest beetles (Paussus) are the quintessential Trojan horses of the insect world. They hack the complex communication system of ants, allowing them to blend into the ant society and be treated as royalty, all the while preying upon the ants and the ants' brood and duping the ants into rearing their young.


How would we transpose this pattern. To what other species might this apply?


…Here we present results of the first molecular-based phylogeny of ant-nest beetles, which reveals that this symbiosis has produced one of the most stunning examples of rapid adaptive radiation documented to date.

"A very successful strategy. "


Human beings perceive only a narrow band of visible light wave lengths and hear only a narrow range sound frequencies. Not one human in a million recognizes the large blind spot in the middle of our visual field until it is demonstrated. We never suspect our senses are not all there is, or other species could possibly take advantage of our limited perception. Tiny eye movements called saccade each take 100 ms, during which time we are blind, and our visual cortex supplies a matching image which we perceive as continuous.


No big deal, except that saccades are so frequent that 100 ms blindness per saccade sums to 4 hrs a day.



Anonymous ID: 80983c Sept. 25, 2022, 11:43 a.m. No.17579553   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Unrestricted or non linear war uses "psychological operations" or Information Operations to attain military economic and social objectives.


NL war has largely made kinetic war obsolete.


If we observe the most sophisticated predators in the natural world, we see that prey species are often unaware they are being attacked and ignorant of the very existence of the parasite predators living among them.


That is the model in nature for successful, long term inter species predation.


Behavior changing parasites gaslight the species they prey on, even living among and sharing the same nest or habitat with the victim species. We would look for that prey/predator structure to be repeated in other social species.


These tactics have been recognized, emulated and used effectively against human populations by sophisticated physical and non-physical parasitic entities. parasite


How might a parasitic predator cripple a host civilization or colony defense system?


the human male sexual instinct - can easily be modified or controlled by common hormones easily introduced undetectably into a water supply already saturated with female hormones from the urine of birth control users, livestock and transitioning shills


We see only visible light, we hear only mid-range sounds, we don't notice slow things and don't see very fast things, we are easily hypnotized and extremely suggestible (rather, our species is.)


We also see and remember things we are not conscious of having seen, and because of this it is possible to introduce information, images and text, into our minds below the threshold of our conscious awareness, this information is retained and influences our behavior in ways that are predictable.


That is the power of Mind Warfare; by providing the TA or Target Audience with specially prepared information, we can induce the TA to voluntarily perform any desired behavior.


The use of sophisticated "mixed" biological and psychological war tactics it typical of non linear war, where one component of a weapons system is often purely abstract. Unrestricted war as the Chinese defined it uses every available weapon to exploit every available weakness. Obviously, the biggest weakness we have is one that affects us all.


Just as we have a big blind spot in the center of our visual field no one notices until they shown, we have obvious weakness in our reproductive and sexual drive which is easily activated by images. Use of sexual images in advertising makes use of this, as does most media content. A population in a constant state of low-key sexual arousal is not able to think clearly, extremely pliant and readily suggestible. Child pornography also exploits our already weakened moral judgement capacity.


CP is infectious and contagious, it spread on digital networks covertly and for a small percentage of those exposed CP will prove obsessive and addictive and sooner or later may lead to sexual assault on a child.

his weakness is so glaring and profound, so little known or discussed that the intelligence agencies have been exploiting it forever, building control networks. Absolutely obedient human botnets. Who wouldn't want one?


The cult didn't create a self-referential hypersexualized pop culture by accident, they created to control the population, to weaken us, to make us pliable, petulant and unfit to protect ourselves as well as insecure, dependent, frightened.


MSM pop culture poisoning is real, and another satanic weapon in Mind warfare. In the same way an enemy will use a child's toy as an IED, the cult uses elements which attract us to administer poisons.



Anonymous ID: 80983c Sept. 25, 2022, 12:01 p.m. No.17579654   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the everyday world we attach “me” to our body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities. Religious, racial, social, economic –


How real are those defined identities?


To some of us they're extremely real.


To others, including most of the satanist pedovore cult con artists we contend with, none of those identities are real.


Our ethnic, racial and religious identities, to the cultist’s way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.


Pedovores assume and discard Catholic, Jewish, evangelical protestant, and secular humanist identities as easily as they express right wing, left wing or centrist ideological positions. These labels are meaningless to pedovores who use our treasured identities as protective camouflage for the abduction and ritual abuse of our children as well as economic depredation.


Ideologies and dogmas are cognitive malware. They make effective smokescreens.


Whatever identity mask they adopt, cult pedovores need and seek access to vulnerable children.

We have found satanist pedovore cultists running major charitable organizations, respected foundations and reputable institutions which are collectively responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of national and international programs targeting “at risk” ie vulnerable children – all under pretext of helping.


Children's Defense Fund is a prime example of a pedovore social subversion weaponized as a charitable construct. CDF is endorsed by the biggest “stars” and executives in the entertainment business.


Most of the same people were also involved in starting the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, which gave pedovores both access to children and a heads-up early warning system because the creepy sham center for M&E children started the “Amber Alert Service” run by the evil pedovore Laura Silsby, arrested for kidnapping “orphaned” children (parents alive) in Haiti.


Pedovores are con artists, they steal your wallet and offer to help you look for it.

Similarly, when communities ask themselves, "who's going to care for our orphans?" Pedovores always have their hands up, and may style themselves Catholics Jews or evangelicals in order facilitate access.


Pedovores don't believe in national, religious or ethnic identities. cultists are identity-shifters who embed themselves in ethnic, religious or ideological communities and seek control of fund raising and identity defining structures.

Pedovores run such organizations today, hiding behind the benign philanthropic reputation of do-gooder charities, fake foundations and NGOs.


This is information war, and that's how IW is fought.



Anonymous ID: 80983c Sept. 25, 2022, 12:11 p.m. No.17579709   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“I know what you mean,” he said. “But that don’t make any difference. You just have to keep on giving, that’s all, see? Not all of ’em turn back. It helps a lot. Money is the only dangerous thing to give—but I never give money—not very often. I give myself, rather, as much as possible. I give food and clothing, too, but I try to show ’em a new way—that’s not money, you know. So many people need a new way. They’re looking for it often, only they don’t seem to know how. But God, dear brother, however poor or mean they are—He knows. You’ve got to reach the heart, you know, and I let Him help me. You’ve got to make a man over in his soul, if you want to help him, and money won’t help you to do that, you know. No, it won’t.”


He looked up at me in clear-eyed faith. It was remarkable.


“Make them over?” I queried, still curious, for it was all like a romance, and rather fantastic to me. “What do you mean? How do you make them over?”


“Oh, in their attitude, that’s how. You’ve got to change a man and bring him out of self-seeking if you really want to make him good. Most men are so tangled up in their own errors and bad ways, and so worried over their seekings, that unless you can set them to giving it’s no use. They’re always seeking, and they don’t know what they want half the time. Money isn’t the thing. Why, half of them wouldn’t understand how to use it if they had it. Their minds are not bright enough. Their perceptions are not clear enough. All you can do is to make them content with themselves. And that, giving to others will do. I never saw the man or the woman yet who couldn’t be happy if you could make them feel the need of living for others, of doing something for somebody besides themselves. It’s a fact. Selfish people are never happy.”

Anonymous ID: 80983c Sept. 25, 2022, 12:46 p.m. No.17579854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The owners of the major media companies don't just protect pedovores, they are the architects and operators of the mass mind control system, the social engineers, the mind poisoners.


Many of our fellow citizens are so trapped in pseudo reality created by legacy media news and entertainment content they will never escape. We call the brainwashed “NPCs,” but they're victims of legacy media information poisoning.


We think we can watch legacy media news and entertainment content safely, that it won’t and hasn't hurt us… but it has. We've heard more lies about the world than we can remember. Those unremembered lies are the basis for important assumptions we make, about who is a friend and who's not, about what we do in our spare time and what we dream of for our children.


We've been exposed to hundreds of thousands subliminal images, subsonic induction, ultrasonic brain state modulation, images we’re not aware we even saw of sex hate death greed, all of which influence our behavior, creating a form of unrecognized PTSD, which victims often project outward as hate.


Legacy media has gradually, over decades reduced the common vocabulary and amplified the violence, venality, selfishness, greed and overt occultism in programming.


Hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer physical symptoms, increased blood pressure, respiration, perspiration and pulse – people shake, stutter at the mention of the name of a man they have never met. A man they know only from the thousands of negative stories about him in every media, every hour of every day on every conceivable media platform. The physical symptoms are a psychogenic illness produced nonstop adverse IO, cultist Information Operations, aka psyops.


By gradually reducing our vocabulary and simplifying discussions legacy media has gradually reduced our cognitive capacity and normalized bizarre fetishes and psychopathology; moral subversion is a recognized tactic of unrestricted war; lifetime exposure from infancy means that many of us are no longer able to understand what is happening to us.


Legacy media protects satanist pedophile occultists, ignores massive evidence, discredit and slanders honest researchers, elevates fake experts to debunk perverts like Epstein, and scandals like Pizzagate, the Presidio, Keating S&L perverts, and dozens of other similar scandals equally serious and always dismissed as "satanic panic" which is now the approved explanation for the McMartin preschool scandal in Los Angeles.


There, at McMartin the children described ritual abuse, but. as always. the the Daily Beast assures us is an hallucination