Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 1:31 p.m. No.17580030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0075


Anon can probably find the unclassified doc on DARPA site here listing of declassified docs of DARPA


This is for the anon that had no sauce on the declassified DARPA document last bread

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 1:34 p.m. No.17580039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0051 >>0434 >>0558 >>0722

25 Sep, 2022 15:11

From respect to resentment: My history with the CIA

The US Central Intelligence Agency recently turned 75. I have my reasons to wish it doesn’t see another birthday

1 of 5

My initial introduction to the CIA was through the medium of film and literature. The spy versus spy mystique was alluringly romantic, with a definite ‘good versus evil’ vibe. I grew up, after all, during the Cold War, where the ‘red menace’ permeated every fiber of American popular culture.


I opted to serve my country in the military, and not as a spy, receiving a commission in the Marine Corps in 1984 as an intelligence officer. My specialty was combat, not espionage, and it seemed that my path and that of the premier American intelligence agency were never to cross.


In 1987, the US and the Soviet Union signed the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, which included as part of its compliance verification scheme on-site inspections. I was selected to serve in the On-Site Inspection Agency (OSIA), a Department of Defense activity tasked with implementing the on-site inspection provisions of the INF treaty.


The intelligence aspects of monitoring overall Soviet compliance with the INF treaty were overseen by an entity known as the Arms Control Intelligence Staff, or ACIS, which reported directly to the Director, CIA. Early on in my tenure as an inspector, I established a relationship with ACIS that was linked to the unique role I played as an inspector on the ground in the Soviet Union. Over the course of two years, I was twice recognized by the CIA in classified commendations for my work in Votkinsk. The first commendation was from the director of the CIA at the time, William Webster. The second was from the head of the Treaty Monitoring Management Office within ACIS, John Bird.


I detail my relationship with the CIA during this time in my book, ‘Disarmament in the time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union’ (published by Clarity Press.) At the time, I viewed the CIA as a collection of professionals who effectively and diligently carried out their mission of verifying Soviet compliance with the INF treaty.


Near the end of my tour with OSIA, I was summoned by John Bird to his office in the agency’s Langley, Virginia, headquarters, where he offered me a job with the CIA. It was a very good offer, but one which I turned down. I was a Marine Corps officer, and it was time for me to return to the Fleet Marine Force.


Shortly after I left OSIA, Iraq invaded Kuwait, setting in motion events which culminated in Operation Desert Storm, the US-led war against Iraq. I was assigned to the headquarters of US Central Command, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where I played a role in what became known as the ‘Great SCUD Hunt’ – the coalition effort to locate and destroy Iraqi SCUD missile launchers before they could fire on targets in Israel and the Arabian Peninsula.


During this time, I was introduced to a unit known as the Joint Intelligence Liaison Element, or JILES, a CIA team attached directly to Central Command. I had occasion to work with them on a few projects and found them to be very professional and approachable.


So far, so good.


After the war, I left the Marines, and was soon thereafter recruited by the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), created after the war to oversee the elimination of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.


Shortly after I arrived at the UN headquarters, I once again found myself working with the CIA. John Bird and ACIS had formed a new entity, the Iraqi Sanctions Monitoring Office, or ISMO, which had assumed responsibility for providing intelligence support to UNSCOM. Inspections are an intelligence-directed activity (i.e., the intelligence community provides information about the potential targets to be visited by inspectors) and given my task of overseeing the creation of an intelligence capability within UNSCOM (known as the Information Assessment Unit, or IAU), I found myself frequently interfacing with my old colleagues.


Only this time it was different. Not only was I no longer on the inside, so to speak, but it turned out that my marriage to Marina Khatiashvili, a Georgian national who I became acquainted with during my time as an inspector with OSIA, and who I courted and married after leaving the Marine Corps, had infuriated John Bird, who had apparently been taken to task for trying to recruit a guy (me) who then went off and married a Soviet.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 1:37 p.m. No.17580051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0065 >>0434 >>0558 >>0722


2 of 5

I didn’t matter that I had broken no rules or laws, or that the Cold War was over. For John Bird, this was personal.


By the spring of 1992, the tension between UNSCOM and the CIA over my continued role (I had by this time taken over the ballistic missile account and was heavily involved in planning and implementing inspections in Iraq) led the CIA to confront me directly. The agency dispatched Stu Cohen, a senior officer with experience in arms control, to meet with me.


Stu indicated that the CIA believed it could no longer provide intelligence support to UNSCOM so long as I was part of the team. He stated that the CIA believed that my marriage had compromised me.


I told Stu my marriage was literally none of the CIA’s business, and that I had never done anything that violated my oath of allegiance to my country.


A compromise was reached where I gave Stu permission to conduct a thorough investigation into my work with OSIA and my marriage to Marina. If the CIA uncovered anything untoward, I would quietly resign from UNSCOM. However, if the CIA found nothing, then I would remain at UNSCOM, and the CIA would continue to provide unfettered intelligence support.


A few months later Stu returned. The investigation was complete. Stu had uncovered a memorandum, written by John Bird, which stipulated that I was a “known threat” to the United States, and should be treated as a serious security risk. This letter was the Genesis of all CIA concerns. Stu had tracked Bird down in Geneva, Switzerland, where he was participating in arms control negotiations with the Russians.


After a detailed questioning, Bird admitted that he had no evidence that I had done anything wrong, but that he personally took exception to my marriage to Marina and wrote the memorandum out of spite.


Stu kept his word, and for the next six years I was able to carry out my disarmament mission, all the while being supported by the CIA, which coordinated with me on the most sensitive human, technical, and imagery intelligence matters.


However, I was shocked at the way a senior CIA official could seemingly abuse his position to try and ruin the life of an American citizen simply because he took personal umbrage over something that had nothing to do with his official duties.


As my work with UNSCOM expanded, so, too, did my interaction with the CIA. After a series of difficult inspections, where my performance was singled out by the US intelligence community, I was approached by a senior CIA officer who encouraged me to apply for a position within the agency.


At this juncture, I was very conflicted about my work with UNSCOM. As an American, my loyalty has always been to my country first and foremost. Shortly after I joined UNSCOM, I traveled to Washington, DC, where I met with the interagency team, drawn from the State Department, the CIA, and the Department of Defense, that oversaw support to the UN inspectors. I asked them to clarify my chain of command – did I work for the UN, or did I take my orders from the US government?


I was told in no uncertain terms that my job was to implement Security Council resolutions as directed by the UNSCOM executive chairman, a Swedish diplomat named Rolf Ekeus.


I proceeded to do just that, only to find that there was tension between UNSCOM and the US over a US-specific agenda regarding Iraq which seemed to support regime change in Iraq over disarmament of Iraqi WMDs.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 1:40 p.m. No.17580065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0082 >>0434 >>0558 >>0722


3 of 5

I was often at the center of this tension, being pulled in two directions. I always fell back on my instructions to faithfully execute the orders given to me by the UNSCOM chairman. This did not, however, assuage the sense of guilt that accrues when one is no longer viewed as being ‘part of the team’, especially when talking about ‘Team USA’.


I applied to the CIA, hoping to land a position as an analyst in the former Soviet Affairs division, now renamed the Office of Russian and East European Affairs. I was invited down to Langley, where I interviewed with a senior manager. The long and short of it was, my application was rejected because I was considered too ‘old school’ in my thinking. “It’s not the Cold War,” the manager told me. “We need people who can look at the Russian problem with a fresh perspective.”


Apparently, my commendations from the director of the CIA, all based upon analytical work, were not seen as an asset anymore.


There was another part of the CIA, however, which began taking a greater interest in my work. Known as the Directorate of Operations, or DO, this aspect of the CIA did not deal with analysis, but rather the murky world of human intelligence and covert activity. As the work of UNSCOM transitioned away from the task of accounting for the WMDs declared by Iraq, to searching for evidence of WMDs that Iraq was hiding from the inspectors, so, too, did the nature of the inspections themselves.


I was at the center of this transition, taking the lead in organizing and leading extremely aggressive, confrontational inspections designed to uncover hidden aspects of Iraq’s undeclared WMD arsenal. I headed up an international intelligence effort which included the intelligence services of several nations, including the CIA. We made use of the entire spectrum of intelligence capabilities to fulfil the mandate of disarmament set by the Security Council.


After one particularly difficult and high-profile inspection, which made use of ground penetrating radar developed in conjunction with the CIA, I was approached by a senior officer from the Special Activities Division – the paramilitary branch of the CIA, responsible for covert action around the world. “The agency would like to have you onboard,” he said, “but your profile is too high. Go back to the Marines, lay low for a couple of years, and then reapply. We will be waiting for you.”


By the spring of 1994, UNSCOM was transitioning into long-term monitoring operations, and my skill set – hunting for hidden weapons – was no longer seen as necessary. So, I returned to the Marine Corps, and did my best to disappear into obscurity.


It wasn’t meant to be. Within a few months of my new assignment, I was visited by a CIA team, who briefed me on growing concerns that Iraq was hiding weapons and seeking my advice on how they should go about organizing to uncover evidence of their existence.


By September 1994, I was back in New York, on temporary assignment to UNSCOM, where I began preparations for a new phase of operations. Back in 1993, I had approached the CIA for help in deploying a covert signals intelligence capability, under UNSCOM control, to Iraq to intercept Iraqi radio traffic related to the hiding of WMD. At that time, the CIA balked, unwilling to cede control of such a sensitive resource to an international organization.


I proposed that UNSCOM approach Israel for this assistance, and the CIA agreed. I made two trips to Israel, where eventually a deal was struck that had me working with Israeli photographic interpreters to analyze imagery from UNSCOM-controlled U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. Using this imagery, I would gain access to real-time Israeli intelligence which could be used to direct the work of the inspectors. The British agreed to provide a signals collection team, and the product would be jointly assessed by the US, the British, and Israel.


This arrangement was agreed to at a meeting, held at the Princeton Club in downtown New York, between the new senior CIA liaison for UNSCOM, Larry Sanchez, Rolf Ekeus, his American deputy, Charles Duelfer, a senior UNSCOM inspector named Nikita Smidovich, and me.


The Marine Corps, however, would not agree to release me for an extended period, and so once again I left the Marines, and returned to UNSCOM, this time under a complicated employment vehicle in which the CIA funneled money to OSIA, which then paid me per a contract that would be renewed every six months.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 1:42 p.m. No.17580082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0107 >>0434 >>0558 >>0722


4 of 5

This relationship led to a renewed campaign of extremely aggressive inspections which touched on the most sensitive aspects of Iraqi security, including the president of Iraq himself. UNSCOM believed (rightly so) that presidential security was involved in the hiding of WMDs from the inspectors.


What we didn’t know is that the CIA was using the UNSCOM inspections – especially the communications intercepts, which were focused on presidential security – to implement a covert operation designed to remove Saddam Hussein from power. This plan was implemented in June 1996, while a team I was leading was involved in a stand-off with the Iraqi authorities regarding access to sites affiliated with the Iraqi presidency.


The CIA had used my team to trigger a crisis which was supposed to end with US cruise missiles taking out Iraqi security forces, while a unit from the presidential security guards that had been recruited by the CIA assassinated Saddam Hussein and replaced him with a hand-picked CIA asset. The coup plot failed spectacularly, humiliating the CIA, which in turn went searching for someone to blame.


That someone was me.


I knew absolutely nothing about the planned coup. I had, however, been engaged in the debriefing of Iraqi defectors who were under the protection of the Jordanian intelligence service. I learned later that these defectors were simultaneously working with the CIA in support of the coup effort. I was seeking to get information about how they hid WMDs from UNSCOM; the CIA was seeking information about how they protected the Iraqi president.


The CIA’s Directorate of Operations put the blame on me, alleging that I had tipped off Iraq about the information I had learned by debriefing the Iraqi defectors.


Tired of portraying me as a Russian spy, I was now painted as spying for Iraq.


Every aspect of my work was now targeted for disruption by the CIA. Some examples of this include:

• The CIA director personally intervening to prevent the joint U-2 imagery exploitation program with Israel;

• The CIA Chief of Station, Amman, Jordan, intervening with the King of Jordan to prevent the joint exploitation of missile guidance and control components intercepted in Jordan following a joint operation involving myself, Israel, and Jordan. Instead, the CIA diverted the seized materials to their control, and conducted a technical assessment independent of UNSCOM;

• The deliberate release of information regarding the covert signals intercept operation being conducted by British operatives under UNSCOM control in a manner designed to compromise the operation, and which put the lives of the British operators at risk. Eventually the CIA shut down British involvement, and took over the operation itself, using UNSCOM as a cover, but without any UNSCOM participation;

• The sabotage of a joint UNSCOM-UK-Israeli-Romanian operation to infiltrate a covert Iraqi procurement network in Romania, and track illicit missile-related equipment back to Iraq where it would be discovered by inspectors led to the equipment by a tracking device installed in Romania;

• Using UNSCOM surveillance cameras, installed as part of the long-term monitoring mission, as a covert communications intercept program without the authority of UNSCOM.


The CIA had, in effect, declared war on UNSCOM. It was a war waged by the Directorate for Operations, while at the same time, the Directorate for Intelligence (the analytical arm of the CIA) continued to support the inspectors with intelligence of decreasing viability.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 1:46 p.m. No.17580107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0434 >>0558 >>0722


5 of 5

Eventually the CIA was able to shut down virtually every intelligence relationship I had built over the course of seven years of liaison work.


But that was not enough. Using the U-2 imagery sharing program with Israel as an excuse, the CIA’s Directorate for Operations notified the FBI that I was committing espionage by taking classified U-2 imagery to Israel.


This ignored the reality that the U-2 imagery sharing program had been approved by the CIA in July 1995, at the Princeton Club meeting, and that the CIA had turned over every roll of film involved to UNSCOM for the purpose of joint exploration.


This led to a multi-year investigation by the FBI into charges that I had spied for Israel.


I was now a Russian, Iraqi, and Israeli spy.


I resigned from my position as an UNSCOM inspector in August 1998. Before I departed, I was called into the CIA offices at the US Mission to the United Nations, in New York City. Larry Sanchez, the CIA official responsible for the UNSCOM account, met me.


“If you resign,” Sanchez warned me, “the FBI is going to be unleashed. They will charge you with espionage, and you’ll probably be arrested.”


My only alternative would be to remain at UNSCOM, and become a compliant tool of the CIA.


I opted to resign. The rest is history.


The pettiness and total lack of integrity that underscored the nature of my relationship with the CIA is not an isolated event. The CIA may be staffed with some good people, but as an institution, it is rotten to the core.


Not only did the CIA do its level best to destroy me as an individual, but it also conspired to destroy UNSCOM as an institution. The result was one of the greatest intelligence failures of any intelligence service in modern history – the fundamentally flawed CIA case that Iraq possessed WMDs, which was used to justify the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq.


The CIA refused to take responsibility for its failure. Stu Cohen, who I worked with from 1992-1994, was brought in to attempt a whitewash, but history has shown how intellectually dishonest his effort was.


Just like the agency he worked for.


My personal interaction with the Central Intelligence Agency helped me to see through its legend-infused mystique and realize it did little more than serve as a bodyguard of lies. Which is why my only wish for its 75th birthday is that there isn’t a 76th.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 1:59 p.m. No.17580164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0177 >>0434 >>0558 >>0722

Americans Tell U.S. 'Health Experts' Where They Can Shove Their Booster Shots

Matt Margolis

Our so-called “health experts” have clearly lost the faith of the American people because, despite their endless pushing of COVID-19 vaccines and regular boosters, few Americans who are eligible to receive the updated COVID booster shot have actually gotten it.


Earlier this month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) authorized the distribution of updated Moderna and Pfizer boosters.


“The updated COVID-19 boosters are formulated to better protect against the most recently circulating COVID-19 variant,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said at the time. “They can help restore protection that has waned since previous vaccination and were designed to provide broader protection against newer variants. This recommendation followed a comprehensive scientific evaluation and robust scientific discussion. If you are eligible, there is no bad time to get your COVID-19 booster and I strongly encourage you to receive it.”


However, the pandemic shed light on some unsightly facts about the government officials in charge of our response to health crises. They are not only inept but also susceptible to political pressure in the same way that politicians are. As such, Americans are neither concerned about the latest variant nor convinced the booster would do anything about it, as evidenced by the fact that only 1.5% of eligible U.S. citizens have gotten the new and improved COVID booster, according to the CDC’s own data.


In addition to the credibility problems of our health experts, the lack of enthusiasm for booster shots may also be due to Joe Biden recently declaring in an interview on 60 Minutes that the pandemic is over.


“The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lotta work on it,” Biden insisted. “But the pandemic is over.”


He added, “If you notice, no one’s wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape. And so, I think it’s changing. And I think this is a perfect example of it.”


The White House was forced to walk back Biden’s remarks, but the damage was done.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 2:07 p.m. No.17580208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0217 >>0282 >>0289 >>0313 >>0434 >>0558 >>0722

Michael Moore Predicts Democratic 'Landslide Against the Traitors'

Rick Moran

(Did Moore play Jabba the Hut? I think so)

Filmmaker Michael Moore “never felt this optimistic” about the Democrats’ chances in the midterm elections. The creator of such classic bits of agitprop as Fahrenheit 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine, Moore was one of the few celebrities to predict a Trump victory in 2016 and is now claiming prescience about the midterms. He made an appearance on Bill Maher’s Real Time.


“I think that there is going to be such a landslide against the traitors, especially the 147 Republicans who, just hours after the insurrection, voted to not certify the elected president of the United States, Joe Biden, and I think there is going to be so many people coming out to vote,” Moore said.


“There are so many signs of this that I think, I honestly think, if we all do our work and we all get people to get out there and we get out there ourselves,” Moore said in an interview on Maher’s show Friday night, “I think we can throw out a huge number of these Republican traitors in November.”


Washington Examiner:


He also thanked the Supreme Court for “reminding women that they are, in fact, second-class citizens” by “taking their rights away like this.” He mentioned the recent vote in Kansas over the summer, in which voters in a ruby-red state voted to keep abortion rights legal in the state, as well as Republican losses in special elections such as Alaska.


Moore predicted that Democrats could gain “two to five” Senate seats and lamented his theories about the Democrats’ chances so heavily that, at one point, Maher interjected and jokingly told him “shut the f*** up” so that he could move on to other topics.


Michael Moore is delusional — if he’s serious. As a political analyst, he makes a pretty good entertainer. But as someone who should be listened to because he predicted a Trump win in 2016 (along with a dozen or so serious political observers who saw the groundswell for Trump and undecideds breaking hard for the former president that last weekend before the election), Moore was done a favor by Maher when he tried to get him to shut up.


Supression Polls don’t effect 80 million maga republicans. Nice pathetic try though. We will overwhelm them!

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 2:13 p.m. No.17580243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0434 >>0558 >>0722

Animal Shoots 84-Year-Old Pro-Lifer. Tell Me Again How 'We the People' Are the 'Semi-Fascists'?

Kevin Downey Jr.


An 84-year-old woman canvassing in Lake Odessa, Mich., for a pro-life group was shot in the shoulder after a heated argument, according to a press release by Michigan Right to Life


The woman was passing out pamphlets and speaking out against Prop. 3, which is an attempt to enshrine abortion rights into the state’s Constitution. She claims an unidentified man degenerate, who was not part of the dust-up, shot her as she was walking away from the raucous squabble.


FACT-O-RAMA! This is not the first attack on a conservative since *President Joe, “allegedly showered with his daughter” Biden gave his Hilterrific speech denouncing MAGA Republicans as “semi-fascists.” Eighteen-year-old Cayler Ellingson was mowed down by a fiend after a political argument. He told the police Ellingson was a “Republican extremist.”


The injured woman drove herself to the Lake Odessa Police Dept. They whisked her to the hospital, where she was treated and released. Her injuries are not life-threatening. She is recovering at home and wishes to remain anonymous.


GEOGRAPHY-O-RAMA! Lake Odessa is 42 miles from Bath Township, where the worst school massacre in U.S. history took place. Andrew Kehoe blew up an elementary school, killing 44 people, 38 of whom were kids, and injuring 58. Almost 500 more pounds of dynamite miraculously did not explode. The tragedy was forgotten when, days later, Michigan native Charles Lindbergh flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean.


The Michigan State Police are investigating the shooting. No arrests have been made yet.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 2:19 p.m. No.17580272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0275

>>17579552 Liz Cheney: I’ll ‘Do Everything I Can’ to Stop AZ Republican Kari Lake >>17579754, >>17579764 Liz Cheney says she will leave GOP if Donald Trump is 2024 nominee


Liz Cheney us pathetic, she lost by close to 50% in her own state, no one considers her a republican and no one will listen to a bitter loser. She may have a lot of money, but she ain’t no Dick Cheney otherwise known as Darth Vader of politics.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 2:28 p.m. No.17580310   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You know the thing they are protesting about is not real. Do not abort children is the message. They dont have to have kids if they use birth control which only fails in approximately 2% of the population, mostly because the missed days taking the pill

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 2:39 p.m. No.17580368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0380 >>0434 >>0558 >>0722

25 Sep, 2022 21:01


Early turnout numbers for referendums on joining Russia revealed


Preliminary results on the third of five voting days shows the threshold having been reached in Donbass and Zaporozhye and almost met in Kherson


The referendums on joining Russia are continuing in the Donbass republics and Russian-controlled regions of southern Ukraine. On Sunday, the turnout already reached the required 50% threshold in the Donetsk and Lugansk republics and Zaporozhye Region, with only Kherson lagging behind.


In the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), more than 76% of eligible voters have already cast their votes, according to official figures. The referendum in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) is proceeding at a similar pace, with some 77% of voters having shown up at the polling stations.


Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions, which were largely seized by Russian forces amid the ongoing conflict, have demonstrated a lower turnout. Still, the latter region has already met the required legal threshold, with some 51.55% of registered voters already casting their ballots, according to the head of the Zaporozhye electoral committee, Galina Katyshenko. Kherson has so far demonstrated lower turnout, with nearly 49% of voters showing up for the referendum. Polls across the two regions and in the Donbass republics are set to stay open for the next two days.


Ukraine and its Western backers have rejected the referendums on joining Russia as illegal and have vowed to not recognize them regardless of their outcome. Speaking to US broadcaster CBS on Sunday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky warned that should Russia complete the referendums, it would “make it impossible, in any case, to continue any diplomatic negotiations” with Moscow.

Anons pray for those people they will be attacked but if assumed a region of Russia they get the full support of Russian country and military.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 2:42 p.m. No.17580381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0385 >>0395 >>0409 >>0434 >>0558 >>0722

25 Sep, 2022 21:03


Zelensky admits he doesn’t think Putin is bluffing


The Ukrainian president, like the leaders of the EU, believes that the Russian leader’s nuclear warning should be taken seriously

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told CBS News on Sunday that he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin could use nuclear weapons. Putin earlier said that Russia would use “all the means available to us” to defend Russian territory.


“Look, maybe yesterday it was a bluff,”Zelensky told CBS host Margaret Brennan. “Now, it could be a reality.”


Putin himself said on Wednesday that he was “not bluffing” when he warned that Russia would consider defending its land with “various weapons of destruction.” That land could soon include the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as the regions of Zaporozhye and Kherson, where referendums are currently being held on joining the Russian Federation.


Western leaders are taking Putin at his word. "When people say it is not a bluff, you have to take them seriously," the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said on Saturday. US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told CBS earlier on Sunday that Washington has told Moscow that “any use of nuclear weapons will be met with catastrophic consequences for Russia.”'


Zelensky also told Brennan that Ukraine considers the Russian occupation of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant “nuclear blackmail,” despite Ukrainian forces repeatedly shelling the facility in recent months. Ukrainian forces bombed the plant again last week in an attempt to “create the threat of a man-made disaster,” Russia’s Defense Ministry said.


Despite Russia’s recent mobilization of 300,000 more troops and the likelihood of four new territories falling under Russia’s nuclear protection in the near future, Zelensky insisted that Putin “knows that he’s losing the war.”Nevertheless, the Ukrainian president told CBS that his government needs billions more dollars, more weapons, and more sanctions on Russia to continue the fight.


“We need to keep putting pressure on him and not allow him to continue,” he said, referring to Putin.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 2:51 p.m. No.17580435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0439 >>0448 >>0449 >>0526 >>0558 >>0722

25 Sep, 2022 20:03


==Top US Democrat suggests the party is playing too ni


California Governor Gavin Newsom has called for a bolder strategy, saying Dems are ‘getting crushed’ by ‘ruthless’ Republicans

(Newsom recommends historical cheating)

Observers of America’s vitriolic political discourse might suppose that the last thing the major parties need right now is to employ even more aggressive tactics, but that’s just what a leading Democrat, California Governor Gavin Newsom, has recommended.


“These guys are ruthless on the other side,”Newsom said on Saturday at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Texas. “Where are we? Where are we organizing, bottom up, a compelling alternative narrative? Where are we going on the offense every single day? They’re winning right now.”


Newsom, who’s considered a top contender for the Democratic party’s presidential nomination in 2024, argued that Republicans have seized the initiative and forced members of his party to respond to their stunts. “They dominate the most important thing in American politics today, and that’s the narrative.”


Facts become secondary to narrative, and we are getting crushed. We are on the defense over and over again.


The governor insisted that he wasn’t directing his criticism at Joe Biden, saying the president has been busy performing “a master class on substance and policy” during his first two years in the Oval Office. However, good governance isn’t enough to win elections, he added, “otherwise Biden would be at 75% approval.”The latest ABC News/Washington Post polling pegs the president’s approval rating at 39%.


Strategies that were effective in the past, such as Michelle Obama’s mantra of “when they go low, we go high,” are no longer politically viable because “that’s not the moment we’re living in right now,” Newsom said.


Newsom’s suggestion that Democrats aren’t being ruthless enough is ironic, given that the party has used its control of Congress to twice impeach Donald Trump and push for the former president to be criminally indicted. Party leaders, including Biden, have suggested that Republicans are a “clear and present danger” to American democracy. Speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival on Friday, the party’s 2016 presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, likened Trump supporters to Nazis.


Apart from Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, Newsom is considered the No. 2 contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2024, according to an analysis published by CNN on Saturday. Only Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg ranks higher. Although Newsom has taken steps to raise his national profile, such as posting billboard ads in seven Republican-controlled states encouraging women to get their abortions in California, he told the Texas audience that he definitely won’t enter the race.


While Newsom stopped short of criticizing Biden, Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke blamed the president for the fact that Hispanics are increasingly voting for Republicans. “Candidate Biden didn't spend a dime or day in the Rio Grande Valley or really anywhere in Texas, for that matter, once we got down in the homestretch of the general election,” O’Rourke said on Saturday at the Texas Tribune Festival.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 3:05 p.m. No.17580512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0623


Yep, the deviance is what they chose. They must know there are only 20% of the population if that, will go along with the satanic rituals they are sponsoring. Anons have to make sure every conservative vote, the only way to win isoverwlelm them


Kash saud he thought it was a bad idea to tell the public we are going to have a red wave, with that confidence people will stay home.


Bongino says we have to take 10 people with us to vote. I’m going to offer a ride to the voting stations to anyone. Gregg Phillips said take right, left and most especially the indifferent. The indifferent will overwhelm the vote.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 3:20 p.m. No.17580596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0635


No, we won’t because we’ve always been the weapons of God. I will never be less intense and truthful, than I’ve been more whole life. Its not easy to be this way, but its better than being brainwashed and a farm animal.


I can’t tell you how many people in life have told me “man you’re pretty intense”, at first I didn’t say anything and now I say, thank you. And many of those people thanked me later for my frankness.


As a child i was shy and intimidated, once I realized the evil in this world I become bold, even though I was scared as heck.


Thats the way God made me, I accept it about myself, because its a gift given to the few.


But many anons are not as intense with better ways of communicating the truth. I just get it out there without trying to insult people, which I try not to do.


I know I have a kind and loving heart but I don’t care to bullshit people or be bullshitted.


I’ve studied many of the worlds religions and practiced them, it only reinforced my truthful nature


Its not an easy life, for sure.

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 3:30 p.m. No.17580645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0667


Anon we will always be ourselves, what we need is a good victory and rest but my estimation the next couple of years will be like “Mad Max Fury Road”. So no rest for the weary for a while.


My sense is we signed up for it in heaven. God asked us, “Can you defeat a 12,000+ Years old cult in the world if I send your true brothers and sisters, angeluc hosts, saints etc with you?”


And we said “yes sir, just give me the tools, I’ll be there with you God and your angelic legions”.


We might have forgot to ask, what exactly is a 12,000 year old cult. Kek

Anonymous ID: d9bf73 Sept. 25, 2022, 3:42 p.m. No.17580713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0774


I’m glad you have the same gift, it’s not easy but at a certain point we accept the reality of what we bring. I try to be sensitive or diplomatic, and its helped me in my business. But its not for everyone. And its true its hard to find true friends that accept me. I just figure when I go to heaven I’ll have a lot welcoming me back.


Our type is very needed in this world. God bless anon