Anonymous ID: 13b8c6 June 15, 2018, 7:33 a.m. No.1758230   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1757563 (previous bread)

>We also have Eric Schmidt setting up a PRIVATE NETWORK in NK. Which seems to me was going to be used by the bad actors for secure comms. Maybe they had some sort of secure VPN system they were going to use? Need a secure networking fag here.


I think that NK brought a huge amount of physical seperation not only in the networking, compute and storage aspects, but in the management and control. Consider how the military runs their networks….complete physical seperation above layer 2 with DMZs or whatever that would be called these days for any connectivity to the public internet (they may even be running their own peering, but have never seen any confirmation or indication of this). More importantly any ATT or Verizon or whichever company employee that is potentially working on a military network will be heavily vetted.

A network org in NK would be perfect. ES would have complete control over any westerners working the network and the danger of a local coopting the system is almost zero in NK (in my opinion).

The most important aspects of any secure network is the encryption of the comms and security of an storage facility. The physical security aspect strikes me as much easier to achieve in NK than in any normal country.

Anonymous ID: 13b8c6 June 15, 2018, 7:40 a.m. No.1758283   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I've played a bit of it and suddenly realize something.. The every player for themself theme of it. I think this game may be a divisionfag psyop mechanism. "Get em while they're young" amirite? If not specifically, then at the very least an unintended consequence.


Fortnite isn't all that much different than Doom, Unreal Tournament and other 1st person shooters. Difference is the violence is cartoonish and not gory. Also, Fortnite has plenty of team modes (duo, squads, 5 teams of 20, 50 v 50) so not just every man for himself, though that is the basic mode). More likely that these are popular due to the "me against the world" fantasy that plenty of people have.

Anonymous ID: 13b8c6 June 15, 2018, 8:11 a.m. No.1758580   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Symbols are tricky. They must be given meaning and that meaning is not essential to the symbolic nature of a sign. It can evolve through social interaction.

The cabal uses stupid amounts of symbolism because that is an essential part of their battle. There is no way to completely coopt a society without coopting or replacing the key symbols.

Why are there christian crosses on mountain peaks across europe? Because many of these peaks had symbolic/religious value. Placing the cross as a symbol is to take symbolic ownership of those connected to that place.

Anonymous ID: 13b8c6 June 15, 2018, 8:17 a.m. No.1758617   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Follow if you want, anons. But don't take any of it as factual or relevant to actual events.And definitely don't blindly trust anyone you are told to trust.

The logic of trusting sessions is compelling in my opinion. If Trump was unable to properly vet sessions as the first major politician on board with the campaign then the only available, likely conclusion is that Trump and co are idiots.

And clearly Trump is not an idiot. It requires some serious mental gymnastics to trust Trump while entertaining serious doubts about sessions.