Anonymous ID: 939987 June 15, 2018, 7:20 a.m. No.1758123   🗄️.is 🔗kun


beating very dishonest intelligence 1:25

pretty good report; IG blew it with conclusions 1:52

jobless rate best in 44 years 2:30

lost 500 billion in trade last year 2:50

50 billion hi tech tariffs 2:55

protect Silicon Valley: Crown Jewels of the country 3:15

EU made $151 billion on the US last year 4:30

Calls Canada China @ 4:50 when ref the G7

(aside from anon; last week he also called Singapore Shanghai during his G7 exit interview)

Potus made changes to the G7 agreement in favor of US 5:07

G7 leaders called to wish Potus Happy Birthday; how did he take it? 5:30

Immigration: Potus not taking the moderate bill 6:53

no wall, no bill 7:03

new potusism "lottavisery" for visa lottery 7:28

13 angry democrats/ Mueller team 8:17

Potus essentially says you could get trapped by Mueller for miscategorizing the weather 9:05

said he would not be involved with DOJ previously but may change his mind 10:15

Potus thinks that Rod thinks we gotta get the documents? 10:47

"what they did during the election" just tip of iceberg 11:12

what Comey did was criminal 11:30

Comey private email "of all the things" 11:53

Comey was a ringleader of the den of thieves 12:43

Christopher Wray moving step by step 13:08

We are getting the remains (x 3) from NK 14:45

7500 soldiers 15:40

they know where the bodies are 15:55

kim speaks and his people sit up at attention 17:28

3 generals fired (maybe more) 17:50

Potus saluted one: 17:55

Obama told POTUS he had not spoken to Kim 18:11

NFL and pardons (no return calls from players YET) 19:30


10:00 more..happy hunting

Anonymous ID: 939987 June 15, 2018, 7:41 a.m. No.1758298   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Executive Chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, back row left, and former Governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson, back row right, look at North Korean soldiers working on computers at the Grand Peoples’ Study House | Photo: David Guttenfelder/AP


NK is said to be giving more mineral resource development rights to Chinese companies in return for pledges to help upgrade NK’s infrastructure. NK will use its abundant anthracite coal, iron ore and gold reserves as economic bargaining tools. Chinese business insiders said that Hunan Investment Co. will support the building of a 30-story luxury hotel and highway in the country in return for the rights for Unsan gold mine..

Despite not yet being an official holiday, January 8th (KJU’s birthday) was marked with a nationwide program of commemorative lectures and meetings, along with the delivery of gifts to children. However some defectors say that stories in the state media of gifts being delivered nationwide, even to remote islands, are highly implausible.

Daily NK: A new mobile phone with a touch screen, voice recognition, dictionaries, games and the ability to receive TV signals has been released in NK. The phone reportedly costs 600 USD and is only affordable to senior cadres, but sources expect sales to improve.

Despite the USG’s disapproval, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt and former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson visited NK on a “private, humanitarian” trip. They were taken to KIS university to see how university students search for information using Google and Wikipedia. Access to the web is extremely rare and often is limited to those with clearance to get on the internet. At Kim Chaek University, instructors and students wishing to use the internet must register first for permission and submit an application with their requests for research online, Ryu Sun-ryol, head of the e-library, said. But he said it was only a matter of time before internet use became widespread. “We will start having access to the internet soon,” he said in an interview last month. He said North Korea was in the midst of a major push to expand computer use in every classroom and workplace. In addition, Richardson revealed in an interview that his delegation has been pressing MFA officials, scientists and other officials to allow people greater access to information stating that “the citizens of [NK] will be better off with more cell phones and an active Internet”. Also on the trip is the Director of Google Ideas, Jared Cohen.

Anonymous ID: 939987 June 15, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.1758385   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Daily NK: Last month, as preparations to commemorate the passing of KJI began, NKorean traders in China were ordered to return home and all customs checks were suspended. Traders, many of whom had taken on losses during the 100-day mourning period following KJI’s death, immediately started hoarding goods, triggering inflation. This has continued into the new year.

Daily NK: Nationwide celebratory fervor has significantly declined since the launch. Despite excitement of “conquering outer space”, people have returned to “an apathy born of the truism that ‘conquering outer space has nothing to do with my survival’”.

RFA: The regime has allocated the whole month of January for its citizens to study and memorize KJU’s new year’s address.

NK News: Pyongyang has spent an estimated 10m USD on the construction of a new museum dedicated to celebrating Cambodian history. This new NKorean museum is scheduled to open in April. Reports suggest that NK is donating this museum “as a gesture of friendship to longtime ally, Cambodia,” but it is unclear whether PY will receive any payment for the construction.

Daily NK: NK authorities are holding more lectures to warn people against leaking or selling information to the outside world. Sources in Hoiryeong and Pyongyang promptly reported this information to Daily NK, suggesting that the lectures only had limited effectiveness.

Daily NK: On the Sino-NK border, two NKorean border guards shot and killed two Chinese men. According to a source, “the two border guards were apparently supposed to hand a woman to the Chinese men in exchange for money, but instead they took the money and shot the men… [they] will almost certainly face the death penalty given that they not only murdered foreigners, but also illegally crossed an international border in possession of a weapon and had become embroiled in human trafficking”.


hellooooo Lyn….we are coming

Anonymous ID: 939987 June 15, 2018, 8:06 a.m. No.1758523   🗄️.is 🔗kun



our leakers and liars gave it all away. blamed foreign governments on hacking (when they got an invitation and a key)


hilarious to think they still may find themselves credible.


Hillary was in the news with the major "google hack" and then Podests (in the obama WH AND the Hillary campaign is using the password "password"?

