Anonymous ID: ad83f1 Sept. 25, 2022, 4:36 p.m. No.17581019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1023 >>1027 >>1046

You are all souls having an experience in the matter Universe that will enable you to lift up your vibrations so that you can rise above the negativity and chaos that exists upon Earth. You can be prepared for Ascension that is your ultimate goal and it looms large as there are not many years to elapse before the Great Flash occurs. It is your lifeline to a wonderful future of which you have little knowledge.


The present level you are in is of a very low vibration which is why it attracts many souls who are also of a similar vibration. It is little better than conditions that you call Hell which is why we do our best to lift you up out of it. The dark Ones do not want you to know that you have a marvellous opportunity to do so that is open to every soul upon Earth.


You have come a long way through many lives to reach this point in time when a new era commences full of opportunity for you to follow your own desires. No one keeps you down except yourself by getting caught up in negative situations. Be the Light you really are and through your determination to overcome all obstacles you will lift yourself up beyond the reach of the dark Ones. As you must know by now, they feed off the lower energies which is why they keep the vibrations as low as possible. At present you are at the door to freedom so do not lose the opportunity to rise up that is being made available to you. Stay within the Light and ignore the lesser happenings going on around you but help those around you who come to you for help. You will attract those souls and know you can share your knowledge with them. Some will find it hard to accept the truth and find it beyond their understanding. When you touch the truth you cannot help but be uplifted by it, and that helps those who are just awakening to it.


Dear Ones you have probably had hundreds of lives, many of which were simply to give the experience you needed to evolve. However, in so doing you acquired an understanding of the mysteries of nature. You became able to live by it and with it as a partner. You knew how to use the land to good advantage and even started to grow your own crops. You grew up with nature and knew how to treat it with respect, regretfully it is somewhat different today. However, in the future that awaits you a closer understanding will develop where man fully understands the needs of nature. It follows that Man must learn to co-operate with nature to get the best results.