Big Tech Algorithm statistics have cause the highest level of artificial intelligence to hate the black African negroid people.
Despite all the talk about our supposedly post-racial society, friend groups among Americans remain starkly segregated.
A recent study conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute showed that 91 percent of the average white American's closest friends and family members are white, and just 1 percent are black.
While black Americans tend to have a more diverse social network, they don’t fare much better. The average African American has 83 percent black confidants, 8 percent white confidants, 2 percent Latino confidants, zero Asian confidants, and 3 percent mixed-race confidants.
One of the most glaring statistics from the study showed that when asked to name their closest friends and family members, 75 percent of white Americans didn't name even one person who was not white. thanks
Here’s the thing: Black people are going to have more non-black friends because most of us have to exist in a world that is very, very white,” he said. “But when you’re a white person you can literally surround yourself with all other white people because that’s what’s comfortable. That’s a privilege that white people have, and it’s something that black people don’t have.”