Only because anon is a total hottie.
Because the critical thinking and fact-digging was supposed to be done by each of us. Clearly you failed.
Awe. So sad for you.
In the files of Deep State hoaxes perpetuated to make Patriots look stupid.
Project Camelot is clearly a CIA operation. Like the others. But for what purpose.
Further asserts that Patriots are all white.
Fuck off, your true intentions have shown clear as day. Tell your owners they failed, groomer.
>there are only 2 races black or white and everything hinges on race
You have exposed yourself fully.
Fed-boi identified.
All UFOs are man-made.
I didn't use a question mark because I already knew the answer.
Top kek! Thanks for the laugh. Have a nice day.
You Deep State clowns are a hoot!
WTF does that have to do with your alien fantasy? YOU got confused on which slide you were on. Top kek!
The why in the hell were you talking to me there, fed-boi?! Being stupid as usual. Take 15 minute OSHA break and grab a new script. Nobody is falling for your slides.