Giorgia Meloni‘s crew are sponsored by the Aspen Group, a Rockefeller outfit.
Political opposition is just pure theatre
Posted on September 26, 2022 by Constitutional Nobody
Meloni’s Right-Wing Alliance Wins Clear Majority In Italian Elections
Europe Reloaded / Pam Barker
While Italians have the clear INTENTION to vote for something completely different to the globalist crew in charge of ‘left’-wing parties everywhere, Italy’s ‘right’, especially the so-called populist right, has no less been co-opted (Matteo Salvinihas shown himself over time to be a total sell-out). As we’ve previously published, Giorgia Meloni‘s crew are sponsored by the Aspen Group, a Rockefeller outfit. Political opposition is just pure theatre. See
No, Italy’s New ‘Populist’ Govt Will be Globalist Once Again, Not Eurosceptic