Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 4:10 a.m. No.17583395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3431 >>3484 >>3523 >>3573

Sunday Talks, Neil Oliver – Those with Trumpets are Not Going to be Silent in the Fight Against Tyranny and Nihilistic Collectivism


September 25, 2022 | Sundance |

It took an extra 12-hrs before the powers that be permitted the full video of Neil Oliver’s remarks from this week to be presented for replay (yesterday only a 4-minute segment was available). However, that said, Mr Oliver speaks for many people when he outlines the nature of the political turmoil between the ‘elites’ and those they consider the ‘proles.’ WATCH:

Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 4:27 a.m. No.17583455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3483

Hillary Clinton Compares Trump Supporters to Nazi’s Following Hitler, as Baseline for Denying Autocracy of Democrats

September 24, 2022

There it is again. A lot of attention is being paid to the remarks by Hillary Clinton where she compared President Trump MAGA rallies to Adolf Hitler rallies and President Trump supporters to Nazis. However, that’s not the dynamic that should be emphasized.


The real issue at the heart of the leftist nonsense is the part where they keep contrasting “democracy” vs “autocracy.”


It’s an issue I keep referring to {Here and Hereand Here} because their nonsense is so easy to deconstruct. Never has there been a more obvious example of Democrats acting as unilateral Autocrats as was exhibited during the COVID-19 crisis. Biden literally mandated a vaccine. Democrat governors and officials literally mandated rules and regulations by fiat with zero representative input.


For a full year of COVID-19, Donald Trump never dictated a single mandate and deferred everything to the states. Trump’s unwillingness to force action, including federal mask mandates, became an election year campaign issue. However, as soon as they took power, the Joe Biden authoritarian government, in combination with the state leaders who supported it, instantly became most autocratic, non-democratic, leaders in modern U.S. history. Yet,in order to retain their insane ideological projection, all of them– including Hillary Clinton in this soundbite –

must deny and pretend not to know that reality. WATCH:


I can’t stand her voice so I’m only posting the link to the witch of all witches. Watch is you want.

Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 4:53 a.m. No.17583542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3557 >>3558 >>3573

The Morning Briefing: Democrats Won't Be Derailing the Trump Train Anytime Soon

Stephen Kruiser

One of the big reasons that I’m sure that the Democrats aren’t going to do well in the November midterm elections is that they’re obsessed with keeping Donald Trump off of the ballot in 2024. It consumes them and it’s quite fun to watch their ongoing panic.


If you’re here for the entertainment, the best part of it all is that it isn’t going to work.


While I never discount the ability of the Democrats to pervert the rule of law and violate the Constitution, I don’t think they’re going to get away with rigging the next election ahead of time. Their J6 House Soviet Select Committee on Daddy Issues will end up just you-know-whatting in the wind and Trump will only grow stronger.


Ryan wrote about Trump’s latest rally, which no doubt had the Dems scrambling for the Prilosec:


Former President Donald Trump’s rallies are legendary, and Friday night’s rally in Wilmington, N.C., was no exception. Tens of thousands of loyal supporters turned out for the event, and they witnessed the former president draw his verbal sword and slay his political opponents, such as New York Attorney General Letitia James.


He was on fire, and he was especially laser-focused on James, who earlier in the week announced a civil lawsuit against Trump and members of his family. James’ suit claims Trump and his organization have routinely inflated the actual value of the company’s assets to obtain larger and more favorable bank loans.


Trump not only mentioned James’ lawsuit, which he and others believe is purely politically motivated, but Trump also attacked James with a term usually used against him — ridiculously — by his enemies on the left, calling her a “racist.”


“There’s no better example of the left’s chilling obsession with targeting political opponents than the baseless, abusive, and depraved lawsuit against me, my family, my company, by the racist attorney general of New York State. Leticia ‘Peekaboo’ James,” Trump told the North Carolina rally crowd Friday night.


Democrats keep telling themselves that Trump’s supporters are a fringe movement in the GOP. For the most part, Trump is the GOP now. Even people who never really warmed up to him know that if he runs against any Democrat/Commie in 2024, they’re going to be all in for him.


The pathological Democrat/Liz Cheney lust for removing Trump from the 2024 equation is, thus far, backfiring on them. They would have had better success pushing him aside if they’d just shut their yaps. Of course, that would just clear the way for Ron DeSantis, who is going to steamroll them too.


Their hatred of Trump is pretty much serving as steroids for his popularity. He takes their tears, anguish, and vitriol and uses it to grow stronger.


While President LOLEightyonemillion is doddering around and shaking hands with ghosts during important public appearances, the once and probably future President of the United States is thrilling crowds who stand in line for hours to see him. If the Democrats do manage to manufacture a way to keep him off the 2024 ballot, we may very well have our first write-in president ever.

Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 5 a.m. No.17583579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3591

…or Maybe the Trans Shop Teacher Is the Hero We Need Right Now

Athena Thorne

(Look at the sauce 1/2 chan…kek)

There is the most titillating rumor being bandied about the interwebs right now. And while it may or may not be true, it’s certainly food for thought. It concerns “Kayla Lemieux,” the infamous trans-woman shop teacher at Oakville Trafalgar High School (OTHS) outside Ontario, Canada.


An anonymous poster on an online forum recently made a claim about Lemieux’s shop class back when “Kayla” was still Mr. Kerry Luc Lemieux. The post reads:


This dude is gaming the system. An anon here yesterday was in this dude’s class.This teacher was almost fired for ‘toxic masculinity’ last year, as well as not embracing woke culture. He’d drop redpills to his class, such as how silly gender neutral bathrooms are. The school board hates him.


He’s now upping the ante to exploit the very clown world the school and society itself created. His long game is most likely to get fired, and then sue for discrimination. There is no other explanation.. No better way to troll clown world than to become an over-the-top caricature of a woman.


File this allegation under “Huge if True” (lol). Imagine for a moment that the anonymous person is telling the truth. If that is the case, then this teacher is the greatest hero the sane world has fronted yet.

If Lemieux is indeed pranking the school board, then he is a genius. When images of the trans-busty high school shop teacher began spreading like wildfire online, the outrage was swift and formidable. OTHS and the Halton District School Board (HDSB) went on the defensive — and it quickly became evident that they had painted themselves into a corner with their mindless commitment to “inclusion.”


“We are aware of discussion on social media and in the media regarding Oakville Trafalgar High School. We would like to take this opportunity to reiterate to our community that we are committed to establishing and maintaining a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable and welcoming learning and working environment for all students and staff,” said OTHS in an email sent to parents and obtainedby feminist new site Reduxx.


HDSB similarly tied its own hands when it released its “Gender Identity & Gender Expression in Schools” policy a year ago. The policy states, in part:


The Halton District School Board (HDSB) recognizes the rights of students, staff, parents/guardians and community members to equitable treatment without discrimination based upon gender identity and gender expression.


The HDSB is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable and welcoming learning and working environment for all members of the school community including students, staff, parents/guardians and community members who identify as, or are perceived as Two-Spirit, Queer, trans*1, Non-Binary, Intersex, and those who are questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity(ies).


Is Lemieux actually an undercover conservative activist engaging in the Alinskyite tactic, “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules”? Is he exposing the utter folly of the transgender craze with his “gender identity expression”?


Some speculate that Lemieux is pulling his stunt so he can force the school board to fire him — and then whack them with a big-money lawsuit. That would be an excellent next development: please, please let transgender first-world made-up gobbledy-gook be forced to defend itself in court.


The HDSB policy states that “The student’s self-identification is the sole measure of their gender.” The Ontario Human Rights Commission, which the school board cites as the authority behind its code, defines gender identity and expression thusly:


Gender identity is each person’s internal and individual experience of gender. It is their sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. A person’s gender identity may be the same as or different from their birth-assigned sex. Gender identity is fundamentally different from a person’s sexual orientation.


Gender expression is how a person publicly presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. A person’s chosen name and pronoun are also common ways of expressing gender.


The lunacy of insisting that “gender” is nothing more than what anyone says they are feeling at any given moment is the most ludicrous and socially destabilizing tenet the Left has come up with yet. While the fascinating rumor may be just that, a rumor with no basis in reality — if Madame Lemieux turns out not to be the awesome troll I hope he is — then here’s hoping someone else gets on it at once.

Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 5:11 a.m. No.17583621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3628 >>3684

WaPo Columnist Jen Rubin: There's No Need for 'False Balance' When Covering Republicans

Rick Moran

More panic from WAPO Jen

Former PJ Media editor and current House “conservative” for the Washington PostJennifer Rubin is complaining that the media is taking it too easy on Republicans. Faulting the media for portraying Republicans as “rational,” Rubin believes that the press needs to abandon the silly notion that there should be equality in coverage.


“The Kabuki dance in which Trump, his defenders, and his supporters are treated as rational (clever even!) is what comes from a media establishment that refuses to discard its need for false balance that it has developed over the course of decades,” she wrote.


The free, independent media is supposed to be the tripwire between disinformation (deliberate distortion) and widespread misinformation (innocent or willfully ignorant regurgitation of lies). Instead, it has been a megaphone for disinformation, upholding the pretense that there are two political parties with equally valid takes on reality.


And so we are left with media coverage that expresses shock when Trump says something laughable, demonstrably untrue or just plain crackers. While mocking the “defenses” Trump and his sycophants have raised, the political media might want to consider whether this is all that surprising — and what it has collectively done to normalize Trump. It should also consider how it can reconfigure its coverage to better convey objective reality and rise to the task of sustaining our democracy.


Mocking” Trump is “normalizing” Trump? Rubin needs a mental health day — or two. If mocking someone normalizes them, Rubin has a very strange sense of what’s “normal.”


But what gives away Rubin’s blatantly partisan advice is the idea that onlyshe and Democrats can convey “objective reality.” There is no such thing as “objective reality” in politics and to say so gives oneself away as a partisan hack. I can guarantee that the reality experienced by someone outside the urban, coastal left-wing enclaves where Democrats control the news narratives — the view of “objective reality,” if you will — is a lot different than Rubin’s arrogant assertion.


The “false balance” that Rubin mentions used to be called “journalism,” as Jonathon Turley reminds us.


Balanced reporting is now dangerous and makes the media “a megaphone for disinformation, upholding the pretense that there are two political parties with equally valid takes on reality.”


Rubin’s attack on disinformation is ironic given her own past controversies in misrepresenting news, cases, and events. For full disclosure, I clashed with Rubin over her personally attacking me for a theory that I did not agree with in a column that I did not write. I also challenged her on an equally bizarre column where she wrote about my impeachment testimony and later column misrepresenting the holding in an appellate case involving Trump. That false account was never corrected by the Washington Post. It appears that misrepresenting the holding of a major case is not being a “a megaphone for disinformation.”


Rubin, however, is not alone in this call to abandon the foundational principle of impartiality in journalism.


It’s now all about “advocacy journalism.” And news outlets, journalism schools, and the radical left social justice movement are pushing it because they know that sheer numbers of reporters, editors, and publishers are already on their side.

Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 5:16 a.m. No.17583640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3684

WaPo Columnist Jen Rubin: There's No Need for 'False Balance' When Covering Republicans

Rick Moran

More panic WAPO Jen with ugly teeth

The Washington PostJennifer Rubin is complaining that the media is taking it too easy on Republicans. Faulting the media for portraying Republicans as “rational,” Rubin believes that the press needs to abandon the silly notion that there should be equality in coverage.

“The Kabuki dance in which Trump, his defenders, and his supporters are treated as rational (clever even!) is what comes from a media establishment that refuses to discard its need for false balance that it has developed over the course of decades,” she wrote.


The free, independent media is supposed to be the tripwire between disinformation (deliberate distortion) and widespread misinformation (innocent or willfully ignorant regurgitation of lies). Instead, it has been a megaphone for disinformation, upholding the pretense that there are two political parties with equally valid takes on reality.


And so we are left with media coverage that expresses shock when Trump says something laughable, demonstrably untrue or just plain crackers. While mocking the “defenses” Trump and his sycophants have raised, the political media might want to consider whether this is all that surprising — and what it has collectively done to normalize Trump. It should also consider how it can reconfigure its coverage to better convey objective reality and rise to the task of sustaining our democracy.


Mocking” Trump is “normalizing” Trump? Rubin needs a mental health day — or two. If mocking someone normalizes them, Rubin has a very strange sense of what’s “normal.”


But what gives away Rubin’s blatantly partisan advice is the idea that onlyshe and Democrats can convey “objective reality.” There is no such thing as “objective reality” in politics and to say so gives oneself away as a partisan hack. I can guarantee that the reality experienced by someone outside the urban, coastal left-wing enclaves where Democrats control the news narratives — the view of “objective reality,” if you will — is a lot different than Rubin’s arrogant assertion.


The “false balance” that Rubin mentions used to be called “journalism,” as Jonathon Turley reminds us.


Balanced reporting is now dangerous and makes the media “a megaphone for disinformation, upholding the pretense that there are two political parties with equally valid takes on reality.”


Rubin’s attack on disinformation is ironic given her own past controversies in misrepresenting news, cases, and events. For full disclosure, I clashed with Rubin over her personally attacking me for a theory that I did not agree with in a column that I did not write. I also challenged her on an equally bizarre column where she wrote about my impeachment testimony and later column misrepresenting the holding in an appellate case involving Trump. That false account was never corrected by the Washington Post. It appears that misrepresenting the holding of a major case is not being a “a megaphone for disinformation.”


Rubin, however, is not alone in this call to abandon the foundational principle of impartiality in journalism.


It’s now all about “advocacy journalism.” And news outlets, journalism schools, and the radical left social justice movement are pushing it because they know that sheer numbers of reporters, editors, and publishers are already on their side.

Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 5:20 a.m. No.17583650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3745

‘Hiding In Plain Sight’: Elite DC Think Tank Hired High-Ranking Chinese Communist Party Scholar After Obscuring Ties

Philip Lenczycki

September 25, 2022 8:18 PM ET

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace appears to have knowingly hired a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) member a month after obscuring his CCP ties within an English-language press release, the nonprofit’s records reveal.

Carnegie hired Tsinghua University professor Shi Zhiqin while he served as his department’s deputy party secretary, Tsinghua’s website confirms.

“What would be a surprise is any suggestion those involved were somehow not in on the joke,” Steve Yates, a former Chinese language analyst for the National Security Agency, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

A decade-old Chinese-language press release reveals an elite Washington, D.C., think tank knew of a prominent Chinese academic’s high-ranking Communist Party position before hiring him a month later — an affiliation the think tank omitted from the English-language press release heralding the opening of their new center in Beijing.


This new revelation comes as the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace takes fire from Republicans on Capitol Hill after a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found the think tank employed at least 20 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members during current CIA director William Burns’ tenure as the group’s president.


“The amount of CCP infiltration at Carnegie shows that Director Burns was aware and intentionally concealed it from the American people, or he was grossly incompetent,” Texas Republican Rep. Lance Gooden told the DCNF. “Anyone who enables our top adversary is not fit to lead a U.S. intelligence agency.”


Carnegie opened its Beijing headquarters, Carnegie-Tsinghua, in partnership with a Tsinghua University humanities department in April 2010. Carnegie published two conflicting announcements in Chinese and English, both of which quoted Shi Zhiqin, who in the English-language release was described as “deputy dean” of Tsinghua’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences.


However, the Chinese language release referred to Shi as “deputy party secretary” of the CCP for that department.


Carnegie did not respond to questions about why this discrepancy existed between the versions of the press release.


“It comes as no surprise that differing titles would be chosen for different target audiences, but what would be a surprise is any suggestion those involved were somehow not in on the joke,” Steve Yates, a former Chinese language analyst at the National Security Agency, told the DCNF.


Besides the way in which Shi is identified, the English and Chinese-language notices are practically identical in commemorating the April 2010 Beijing headquarters launch. In both versions, Shi is quoted calling Carnegie’s new headquarters a “symbol of friendship” between the U.S. and China which would “contribute to strengthening our mutual understanding.”


Carnegie’s April 2010 Chinese-language announcement is unambiguous about Shi’s CCP affiliation, Yates said.


“Whether or not this distinguished professor also carried the title of ‘deputy dean’ is beside the point,” said Yates. “What is crystal clear is that the most important title to the Chinese reading audience according to Carnegie and its partner organization is ‘deputy party secretary’ — and it’s hiding in plain sight in the Chinese language press release.”

Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 5:25 a.m. No.17583671   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top Trans Medical Org Recommends Castration For Those With ‘Eunuch’ Identity

Laurel Duggan

September 25, 2022 10:56 AM ET

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which sets medical standards for transgender-related procedures, recognized eunuchs as a gender identity group in its newest guidelines, recommending castration as a treatment option.

Eunuchs are males who wish to remove all male genitals, genital functioning or other masculine attributes, according to WPATH. Eunuchs are listed alongside gender identities and sexual conditions like “nonbinary” and “intersex” in the eighth edition of WPATH’s standards of care, which states that eunuchs need “gender-affirming care” that can include physical and chemical castration in order to live out their identities.


WPATH’s recommended treatment options for eunuchs include hormone suppression, orchiectomy (removal of the testicles) to stop production of testosterone, orchiectomy with or without penectomy to alter the body to match their self-image and orchiectomy followed by hormone replacement with testosterone or estrogen.


Eunuchs experience stigma and “minority stress,” and few ever come out publicly about their eunuch identities, according to the guide. The eunuch category does not include men who have had their genitals removed through medically necessary procedures such as prostate cancer treatment, according to WPATH.


“As with other gender diverse individuals, eunuchs may also seek castration to better align their bodies with their gender identity,” the guidelines read. “As such, eunuch individuals are gender nonconforming individuals who have needs requiring medically necessary gender-affirming care.”


“They wish for a body that is compatible with their eunuch identity—a body that does not have fully functional male genitalia. Some other eunuch individuals feel acute discomfort with their male genitals and need to have them removed to feel comfortable in their bodies,” the guidelines read. “Others are indifferent to having male external genitalia as long as they are only physically present and do not function to produce androgens and male secondary sexual features.”


WPATH drew heavily from a website called “Eunuch Archive,” which hosts thousands of members who discuss their castration fantasies; in at least one case a user providedinstructions on how to castrate yourself, the Daily Caller News Foundation previously reported. The site’s Fiction Archive features hundreds of erotic fantasy stories about castration, child castration, pedophilia, sexual torture, performing medical experiments on prepubescent boys, slavery fetishes and racial abuse.


these people are insane and greedy, Nuremberg trials can’t come fast enough

Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 5:29 a.m. No.17583687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3706 >>3715

Psaki Says ‘Democrats Will Lose’ If Midterms Are Referendum On Biden

Nicole SilverioSeptember 25, 2022 8

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted Sunday that “Democrats will lose” the midterm elections should the cycle prove to be a referendum on President Joe Biden.


A panel on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” discussed strategies of Democrats and Republicans in winning the midterm elections in November. Psaki said Democrats must focus on the “extreme” candidates and lawmakers in the Republican Party to have any hope of winning, particularly due to the president’s approval ratings.


“I think that, Democrats, if the election is about who is the most extreme, as we saw [House Minority Leader] Kevin McCarthy touch on there with Marjorie Taylor Greene … sitting over his left side, then they’re gonna win,” Psaki said. “If it is a referendum on the president, they will lose and they know that.”


The former press secretary, who left the White House in May, told the panel that crime is a “one of the biggest vulnerabilities” hanging over Democrats in a handful of races, particularly in the Pennsylvania Senate race. She added that crime is a significant issue facing Democratic candidates in all races in the upcoming election.


“They also know that crime is a huge vulnerability for Democrats — I would say one of the biggest vulnerabilities — and if you look at Pennsylvania, for example, what’s been interesting to me is … you follow the money and ‘where are people spending money?'”


“And in Pennsylvania, the Republicans have been spending millions of dollars on the air on crime ads against [Senate candidate John] Fetterman, because that’s where they see his vulnerability. So yes, the economy is hanging over everything, but you do have to look at state by state factors and crime is a huge issue in the Pennsylvania race.”


Biden’s approval ratings have reached historic lows in multiple polls throughout the majority of his presidency. An ABC/Washington Post poll released Sunday found the president’s approval ratings sinking below 40%, with 39% approving of his job performance and 53% disapproving.


In July, the president’s approval ratings hit a record low of 31%, as Americans disapproved of his handling of the war in Ukraine, the economy and gun violence.


While serving as press secretary, Psaki toldToday News Africa White House correspondent Simon Ateba in April that approval ratings remained low as Americans struggled with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and rising gas prices.

Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 5:38 a.m. No.17583722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘MAGA’ Republicans Seek To ‘Destroy The United States Of America,’ Senior Biden Adviser Claims

Harold Hutchison

September 25, 2022

(Lance Bottoms the worst mayor of Atlanta of all time!)

A senior adviser to President Joe Biden claimed “MAGA” Republicans pose a “danger to our democracy” and seek to “destroy the United States of America” during a Sunday morning appearance on MSNBC.

“It is important that as we look at this MAGA Republican agenda and those who seek to lead our country like Kevin McCarthy, who will lead our country if Republicans take the House in November, it is important that we pay attention to what they, what the agenda will be,” former Democratic Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms of Atlanta, now a senior adviser to President Biden, told host Jonathan Capehart. “This MAGA Republican agenda is a very dangerous agenda.”


Biden and Democrats escalated their rhetorical attacks on Republicans in the weeks since the Aug. 8 raid on Mar-a-Lago, the Florida estate owned by former President Donald Trump.


Biden accused Republicans of embracing “semi-fascism” during an Aug. 25 speech at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser and labeled Trump’s supporters a “threat to democracy” in a Sept. 1 speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia.


“I think it will be important for all of us who care about the United States of America to call out what we see. What we see, again, with this MAGA Republican agenda, is an effort to disrupt our democracy, so, whether it be through November and beyond November, I think it will always be important to call out any effort there is to destroy, essentially, destroy the United States of America,” Bottoms claimed. “President Biden has been very clear, he wants to work in a bipartisan effort. He has worked in a bipartisan effort, he’s been able to get things done on behalf of our country.”


“But when you have a MAGA Republican agenda that has no respect for the Constitution, that has no respect for free and fair elections, then it is important for all of us, not just the president, not just me, for all of us to call it out for what it is. It is a danger to our democracy,it is a danger to our way of life,” Bottoms concluded.


The Cabal stated seriously!

Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 5:42 a.m. No.17583737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3746 >>3753 >>3759 >>3777 >>3787 >>3806

Court Allows Arizona’s Near-Total Abortion Ban To Go Into Effect

Trevor Schakohl

September 24, 2022

(15 weeks is not near total)

Arizona’s Pima County Superior Court lifted an injunction Friday that had prevented enforcement of a state ban on abortion unless necessary to save a mother’s life, allowing the law to go into effect.


The court declared the state measure, now called Arizona Criminal Code § 13-3603, unconstitutional within weeks of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. After Roe v. Wade’s June reversal, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich motioned the Pima County Superior Court to remove the decades-old injunction against enforcing the statute.


“A Pima County judge lifted an injunction that was placed on AZ’s abortion statute,” Brnovich tweeted Friday. “We applaud the court for upholding the will of the legislature and providing clarity and uniformity on this important issue. I have and will continue to protect the most vulnerable Arizonans.”


Arizona already passed a law restricting abortion after 15 weeks gestation earlier this year. The measure said it did not affect § 13-3603’s validity.


The court rejected plaintiff Planned Parenthood Arizona’s requestfor a modified injunction allowing licensed doctors to be exempt from § 13-3603. The organization said Friday the ruling was “sending Arizonans back 150 years” and its lawyers were mulling next steps.


Brnovich’s office and Planned Parenthood Arizona did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


Another win for babies in the womb, and families in the world

Anonymous ID: f997db Sept. 26, 2022, 6:13 a.m. No.17583845   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watters, Hanson Call Out Biden Over Speech After North Dakota Killing

Sept. 21, 2022


Jesse said DHS is going to contact doctors and have them Narc on Americans if they have anxiety of whats going on in our country, release was on 9/20/22, did anyone see this?