Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 6:47 a.m. No.17583971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4239

Watters, Hanson Call Out Biden Over Speech After North Dakota Killing September 21, 2022


Jess said on this video thatDHS released a bulletin, that they will be contacting doctors asking them if any patients have anxiety on what is happening in our country, basically asking doctors to Narc on citizens.


Has anyone heard of this, he said it was released on 9/20/22 or it was announced.

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 7:13 a.m. No.17584066   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If you want to know how deep DHS goes look at their bulletins, link below


DHS Provides $20 Million to 43 Organizations Working to Prevent Targeted Violence and Terrorism

Release Date: September 14, 2022

In Third Year of Program, Department Focuses 11 Awards to Organizations Working with Underserved Populations and with Small and Mid-sized Communities

WASHINGTON – Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the award of 43 grants, totaling $20 million, under the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22). TVTP works to help prevent incidents of domestic violent extremism, as well as to bolster efforts to counter online radicalization and mobilization to violence.

This prevention program, administered by the DHS Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is the only federal grant program solely dedicated to helping local communities improve and strengthen their capabilities in this area. This year, 11 TVTP awards are to organizations that work with underserved populations that are often the targets of attacks, including two Historically Black Colleges and Universities and two organizations serving the LGBTQ+ community. Other grantees focus on expanding the reach of this program into small and mid-sized communities.

“Working in partnership with one another is how we best prevent acts of terrorism and targeted violence,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas. “Through the grant awards we are announcing today, we are equipping local communities and organizations — including those historically underserved — with needed resources so they can become more effective partners, strengthen our security, and help the American people feel safe and secure in our daily lives.”

The FY22 grants will provide resources to local communities - including state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, nonprofits, and institutions of higher education to strengthen or enhance existing capabilities or establish them where they don’t exist.

DHS encouraged applications from diverse groups, conducting extensive outreach to a variety of public and non-profit sectors. This year, DHS added two new priorities: Implementing Prevention Capabilities in Small and Mid-Sized Communities; and Advancing Equity in Awards and Engaging Underserved Communities in Prevention. DHS received a significantly larger number of applications from underserved communities this year and was able to make 25% of its awards to entities that will enhance prevention in these communities (compared to 16% of awards last year).

Launched in 2020, the TVTP grant program supports the efforts of 88 organizations working to prevent violence in 32 states with $50 million in awards. Previous grantees include:

• Arizona State University McCain Institute (Arizona)

• Chatham County (Georgia)

• Boise State University (Idaho)

• Kentucky Office of Homeland Security (Kentucky)

• Missouri State University (Missouri)

• North Dakota Department of Emergency Services (NDDES), (North Dakota)

• Boston Children's Hospital (Massachusetts)this is the hospital that mutilates children transitions

• University of Central Oklahoma (Oklahoma)

• University of Texas at El Paso (Texas)

• Cure Violence Global (Illinois/Oregon) (this one is sketchy and weird and Bill and Melinda Gates along with another menagerie of partners)

• National Governors Association (National)


Many of these organizations, such as the National Governors Association, have received funding multiple years in a row. DHS anticipates the next round of funding to be available for competition in Spring 2023.

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 7:40 a.m. No.17584166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4283


He will never go back, they are only doing it because they've lost millions of bots and people and trying to make it look likes it an active jiving place. Trump would NEVER pump up their stock price by going back….


Desperate attempt to prove Elon is wrong

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 8:04 a.m. No.17584232   🗄️.is 🔗kun

26 Sep, 2022 13:02

EU leaders have forgotten about something kind of important

People are only ready to sacrifice so much ‘for Ukraine’ before they realize their leaders don’t care about them

Brussels overlords and assorted EU leaders, taking turns at the UN General Assembly podium beating the Western war-drums against Russia — all in the interest of “peace,” neglect to ascertain what the average European actually wants.

Contrary to their leaders’ desires, the average European is only willing to personally give up so much “for Ukraine” — whatever that means, since it’s pretty obvious that the people of Ukraine aren’t benefiting from the current state of perpetual conflict the EU and the US are enabling, either.

It’s one thing for the average EU citizen to get behind lofty values, voiced from high above the daily struggles if it doesn’t cost them anything. Or at least if the waters are sufficiently muddied that citizens can’t easily connect the dots from their wallet to their leaders’ relentless spending. Selling this seemingly endless conflict in Ukraine, a notoriously corrupt country,as a defense of “democracy,” only works until it means choosing between paying your own bills and paying for all the blank cheques that you’re writing to Kyiv.

In his UN address this week, French President Emmanuel Macron said with respect to countries sitting out the Ukraine conflict that “those who are silent today are serving — whether against their will or secretly with a certain complicity — the cause of a new imperialism.” Macron then paid lip-service to the “feeling of injustice” felt by those paying the price in rising food, energy, and inflation costs. The message is clear: The average citizen must tolerate these demands foisted on them by Western elites because it’s a moral imperative. Those citizens have heard that all before, with Covid restrictions and climate change regulations. Now it’s come full circle, setting limits on home heating and cooling, but this time “for Ukraine.”

It’s no wonder that Macron is trying to chastise the global South, which has largely opted out of the current fiasco and refused to participate in the Western sanctions on Russia. Nations of the South are actually doing what they figure is best for their own citizens, unlike the EU. Their approach is likely to make their own countries and people more prosperous, which risks being noticed by Europeans as their bills pile up and everyday life becomes increasingly taxing. So, it makes total sense that Macron and his fellow EU leaders would want everyone in the same sinking boat. If only because it’s tough to argue that Ukraine is a world problem that requires more imperialism disguised as Western-led global governance when a huge swathe of the world isn’t buying into it.

During a visit to Mexico City this week,German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier also tried to browbeat Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorinto abandoning his non-aligned position and refusal to impose sanctions on Russia. It must be a bad look for Germany that Mexico, having kept out of the fray, is now in a position to offer Germany cooperation on gas (even if it won’t flow for a few more years), all while Germany is facing deindustrialization, rationing, and has just been forced to nationalize its own gas company, Uniper…

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez was also working the EU’s blame-shifting rhetoric on the sidelines of the UN assembly this week, telling the press that Russian President Vladimir Putin is using energy as a “war tool” against Europe. In reality, it’s the European elites, whose policies towards Russia that have stuck their own citizens with the bill, and they now desperately need Europeans to believe that it’s Putin’s fault. But if populist surges in recent elections across the bloc are any indication, resentment is growing towards the EU establishment. If they continue to ignore the will of the people, then they shouldn’t be surprised when it turns out to be at their own political peril.

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 8:10 a.m. No.17584255   🗄️.is 🔗kun

26 Sep, 2022 14:28

Moscow tells US to ‘back off’ with ‘aggressive’ course

Russian foreign policy will not be dictated by Washington, deputy foreign minister said


The US is taking an increasingly aggressive stance towards

Moscow, but no amount of economic sanctions and political pressure can sway it from defending its national interests, a top Russian diplomat said.


Moscow’s diplomacy regarding the US is an exercise in “crisis management”, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said in an interview on Russian television on Monday. He described US behavior as being “increasingly confrontational and worrisome.”


“We can see how [the Americans] are trying to mobilize their satellites, their vassals to confront Russia in a more aggressive and hardline manner,” the diplomat said. “Washington’s irresponsible, extremely aggressive, extremely assertive course is bringing us all to the dangerous line.We are warning against maintaining this course.”


The brinkmanship has been evident not only when it comes to the crisis in Ukraine, but also in the all-important issue of nuclear non-proliferation and reduction, Ryabkov said. Washington has pretty much dismantled the entire architecture of strategic arms control and is threatening the last remaining bilateral treaty of that kind with Russia, the New START, he pointed out.


The core of the problem, the diplomat said, is that the US “does not need agreements, which had been signed on the basis of parity, served not only the security interest of the group [of nations] led by the US, but strengthened the security of entire regions and the world in general. They are not in line with the hegemonic course that the US pursues in the international arena.”


The deputy minister said he didn’t expect US policy towards Russia to change anytime soon, because “there is an anti-Russian consensus of the elites” in the US. But the only viable solution is for Washington to recognize that Russia will not be bullied and act accordingly, Ryabkov added.


“Time and time again we’ve told our American interlocutors,to use the most neutral term, that they have to back off and stop escalating the situation,” he said.


European nations, which sided with Washington’s anti-Russian drive, are suffering because of it, the Russian diplomat pointed out.


In fact, their subservience to Washington makes them vulnerable to American exploitation, Ryabkov said.


“[The Americans] are undermining Europe’s competitiveness, pumping their products into European markets, be they military equipment or hydrocarbons, which the Europeans would rather get from alternative sources under different circumstances,” he said.


But Washington lacks global support, regardless of what American officials claim Ryabkov said. Dozens of nations representing half of humanity either backed Russia’s position on Ukraine or at least acknowledged the merits of Russia’s reasoning about it, he explained.

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 8:14 a.m. No.17584266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

26 Sep, 2022 12:46

West should treat us with respect – Putin

The Russian and Belarusian leaders have agreed neither country will tolerate “humiliation”


Russia and Belarus are countries that are prepared to work with the West but only if there is mutual respect, presidents Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko agreed during a face-to-face meeting in Sochi on Monday.


Speaking on tv channel Rossiya 24, Lukashenko said he believes the West’s future lies with Russia, which has “everything they need.” On the other hand, he added, the West has things Russia and Belarus need and are willing to buy, including certain technologies.


“What else do they want? They just need to make responsible decisions,” he said said.


Putin agreed with the Belarusian leader, insisting the West must “treat us with respect.”


“Without that we won’t even talk to them. Nobody is going to tolerate humiliation,” Lukashenko continued, noting that both Moscow and Minsk were open to working with those who want to live side by side, building relations based on mutual respect.


The Russian leader has previously suggested that the West was essentially waging a hybrid war against Moscow and was looking to “weaken, disunite and ultimately destroy” Russia.

In a televised address last week, Putin claimed that Western countries openly admit that they “managed to break up the Soviet Union in 1991” and were now aiming to “split Russia into many regions that would be at each other’s throats.”


As a means to that end, Putin claims the West has been intentionally fostering Russophobic sentiments in countries like Ukraine, where he accuses the US and its allies of installing a hostile government and of turning the Ukrainian people into cannon fodder by pushing them into war with Russia.


Putin has also warned Western leaders who openly call for a military defeat of Russia that Moscow is prepared to use any means at its disposal to defend itself and to ensure its territorial integrity. US President Joe Biden has hit back at Putin, accusing him of “making irresponsible nuclear threats to use nuclear weapons.”

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 8:19 a.m. No.17584278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4289

26 Sep, 2022 12:11

Poland slams ‘scandalous’ EU warning

Prime Minister Morawiecki blasted Ursula von der Leyen for suggesting Brussels has tools to punish member states


A warning by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that Brussels has tools to discipline Italy if its prospective center-right government fails to cooperate with the EU was “scandalous,” according to Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.


The remark was a wake-up call for member states, the head of the Polish government said on Sunday, as quoted by state news agency PAP.


“Is this the kind of Europe we want? Is this democracy and rule of law? That Eurocrats in Brussels decide what a government should be?” Morawiecki asked.


He was responding to von der Leyen’s suggestion that, should the new Italian government fail to meet the EU’s policy expectations, the country could be disciplined.


The top official said “whatever democratic government is willing to work with us, we’re working together,” adding that “if things go in a difficult direction, I’ve spoken about Hungary and Poland, we have tools.”


Von der Leyen spoke about Italy on Thursday at Princeton University, after it was suggested that people friendly to Russia could come to power in Rome after the election on Sunday. She was asked what the EU leadership plans to do about it. Morawiecki interpreted the remark as a promise to punish Italy, unless its new government is “in favor of Brussels.”


European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer said that the president’s remarks were not an attempt to interfere with Italian domestic politics but rather meant to underline the body’s role “as guardian of the [European] treaties with regard to the rule of law.”


A center-right coalition led by Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy (FI) party looks set to form a new cabinet following a snap election in the country. The outcome was consistent with opinion polls ahead of the ballot.


In mid-September, the European Commission recommended suspending some €7.5 billion of emergency funding to Hungary over alleged erosion of the rule of law in the country. A similar punishment was imposed on Poland last year over controversial judicial reforms adopted by its conservative government.

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 8:24 a.m. No.17584302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

26 Sep, 2022 11:00

Senator suggests banning military-age men from leaving Russia

The controversial proposal was described as unnecessary and “harmful” by fellow lawmakers.


A Russian lawmaker has said men eligible for military service should not be allowed to travel abroad while the partial mobilisation continues.


“Everyone whose age makes him subject to conscription should be banned from going abroad under the current circumstances,” Sergey Tsekov, a senator from Crimea, told RIA Novosti news agency on Monday.


The member of the Federation Council, Russia’s upper chamber of parliament, said people with exemptions from military service should still be able to leave the country. He also suggested raising the penalties for draft-dodgers.


President Vladimir Putin declared a partial mobilisation last

Wednesday, calling it a necessary step to support the military operation against Ukraine. According to the Defense Ministry, only military reservists, preferably with combat experience, and not regular conscripts, are being recruited.


Tsekov’s proposals have been criticized by fellow lawmakers in both chambers of parliament. Senator Andrey Klishas responded by urging “all colleagues” to pay more attention to providing social benefits to mobilized Russians and ensuring that no violations are made in the process, rather than “pumping up tensions”.


Yevgeny Popov, a member of the State Duma, said calls for travel restrictions were “excessive” and “harmful”, since“our people have the right to move around as they please”.


He said some Russian regions have already reported mobilizing enough reservists to meet the Defense Ministry’s quota, and the rest of the country will soon catch up.


Since the mobilization was announced, a surge of people trying to leave Russia has been reported. Officials in North Ossetia, on the southern Russia border, reported on Monday that a queue of some 3,500 cars had formed at the border crossing with Georgia.


Several EU nations that share a land border with Russia had previously banned non-essential travel for Russian citizens, in what they claimed to be an attempt to put pressure on Moscow and protect themselves from unspecified Russian security threats.


However, some EU officials have suggested that protecting Russian draft-dodgers from being mobilized would be a good policy.

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 8:32 a.m. No.17584337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4373

This should piss Americans off

6 Sep, 2022 10:04

Zelensky reveals how much US pays Ukraine

Covering Kiev’s expenses costs American taxpayers $1.5bn a month, according to the Ukrainian president


The Ukrainian government is being heavily supported with American money, with Washington contributing $1.5 billion per month to the budget, Ukraine’s President Vladimir Zelensky has revealed.


The sum was mentioned by the Ukrainian leader during an interview with CBS host Margaret Brennan for the ‘Face the Nation’ program, which was aired on Sunday.


Currently Kiev runs “a deficit of $5 billion in our budget,” Zelenksy said, adding that “the United States gives us $1.5 billion every month to support our budget to fight” against Russia.


Zelensky argued that arming and otherwise helping Ukraine militarily is a “win-win” for the US. He pledged that once Russia is defeated, the Ukrainian people will return to their home country and start paying taxes there, relieving the burden on American taxpayers. (This guy is fucking nuts)


“For the United States, it will be significant savings, but for us, it will be an opportunity to secure our territory and make it safe for our population,” he stated.


US President Joe Biden has pledged to help Ukraine “for as long as it takes” to secure a strategic defeat of Russia, which he declared Washington’s ultimate goal in the conflict.


Many Americans do not share the president’s view that the situation in Ukraine is crucial. According to the conservative election pollster Rasmussen Reports, it failed to make the top-ten list of issues of concern for likely voters.


Earlier this month, the Biden administration asked Congress to authorize some $12 billion in additional aid for Ukraine, including $4.5 billion to support the Kiev government financially beyond September. It asked for $2 billion on top of that, to help Ukraine offset rising energy prices.


The package is expected to be approved on Friday, but some political analysts question whether the cash flows to Ukraine can be sustained after the midterm elections in November.


“America can’t afford to provide a blank checkbook to Ukraine when we have inflation, gas prices, a supply chain crisis, all of the above, going on at home,” a GOP lawmaker told Politico, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “That’s what I’m hearing from my voters.” (Wait a minute, why does she need to hear that from her voters?)


The outlet predicted that if the Republican Party wins the House, Biden will face more resistance to his requests for emergency aid to Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 8:37 a.m. No.17584364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4383

picture: Ammunition used by the attacker at the school in Izhevsk, which bears the word “Hatred” in Russian.


26 Sep, 2022 08:06

15 killed in 'neo-Nazi' Russian school shooting

The male suspect reportedly died by suicide after the attack in the Udmurt Republic


Fifteen people were killed and many others injured in a shooting incident at a school in the city of Izhevsk in Russia’s Urals region on Monday, the country's Investigative Committee has said.


The male suspect was wearing a ski mask and a black T-shirt featuring Nazi symbols, officials added. They said he died by suicide after the attack and his identity is currently being established.


At least eleven of the victims were students at School No. 88 in the city, which has a population of over 600,000.


Two security guards and several teachers were also killed, the Investigative Committee said.


The attack has left 24 people injured, including 22 children, according to the agency.


The suspect was armed with two nonlethal pistols that had been altered to fire live ordnance, Russian lawmaker Aleksandr Khinshtein has claimed.


“A tragedy happened in Udmurtia today,” Republic of Udmurtia Governor Aleksandr Berchalov told journalists.


The school where the shooting took place has been evacuated, according to the education ministry.


Footage from the scene showed students and teachers running from the building, as well as victims being carried to ambulances on stretchers.


Photos from inside the classrooms where students had barricaded themselves during the shooting have also appeared online.


Izhevsk is the capital of the Russian Republic of Udmurtia, and is located near the Ural mountains, which divide Europe from Asia.

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 8:43 a.m. No.17584397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4401 >>4403

26 Sep, 2022 06:48

US facing natural gas shortage – Reuters

Record LNG exports to Europe reportedly threaten America’s domestic gas consumption


Shale producers in the United States are struggling to meet growing domestic and international natural gas demand, according to an analysis by Reuters.


The report concluded that a hotter-than-expected summer and a lack of alternative energy sources have left the nation’s inventories below the seasonal average. It added that there were no signs of improvement in the level of inventories, despite the rise in gas prices.


The latest data showed that the Permian Shale Basin, which contributes some 12% of US total gas output, and the rig count in the Permian, has been down for two weeks in a row. “Less drilling means less associated gas to add to the national total,” the news outlet reported.


While American energy companies have been exporting liquified natural gas (LNG) to Europe at record rates, calls have emerged lately to reduce those supplies to make sure there is enough for the US market.


“With heating season around the corner in both Europe and the United States and with a lot of people in both places using gas for heating, the price outlook for gas does not look good from a consumer’s perspective,” Reuters wrote.


The report noted that it is unlikely US gas prices will climb anywhere near European levels, “but they are up by a whopping 300% from a few years ago when gas was cheap because it was abundant.”

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 9:04 a.m. No.17584508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4514

23 Sep, 2022 08:13Excellent Article1 of 2

After the UK's exit, Hungary's turn to the East once again exposes how liberal fanaticism is tearing the EU apart

As Western hegemony comes to an end, the bloc may eventually be forced to redefine itself as the western peninsula of Greater


The meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Uzbekistan has prompted a geo-economic earthquake, as Eurasian giants such as China, India, Russia, Pakistan and Iran are integrating their economies to new levels. Meanwhile, Turkey wants to be the first NATO country to join the group.


The aftershocks of the meeting are also being felt in Europe. More specifically, as I sit here at the Budapest Economic Forum, organised by the Central Bank of Hungary, I can feel the Samarkand Spirit of the SCO, as a Eurasian future is being charted.


The collapse of the international economic system


Liberal international economic systems tend to form when there is a concentration of economic power under a strong leader. With an immense concentration of fiscal heft, the collective West was able to act as a “benign hegemon” that could deliver public goods and create trust in a stable international economic order.


This was the European Union that Hungary integrated into in the 1990s when the US was the sole superpower and the EU was considered a locomotive for economic and social prosperity across the continent.


However, three decades later the world is a very different place. The EU’s relative share of the global economy continues its steady decline as industrial competitiveness deteriorates, debt reaches unsustainable heights, and the future of the euro looks grim. In the US, the economic picture and issues with political stability also give cause for concern.


Brussels is also incapable of facilitating wider cooperation. The bloc was never able to accommodate Russia, the largest state on the continent, causing a revival of Cold War dynamics. The British demand for preserving the political sovereignty of national parliaments could not be accommodated, and Britain thus left the EU. It now appears there is also no room in the European tent for the conservative aspirations of Hungary and Poland. As the bloc threatens to suspend billions in funds to Hungary, it becomes more difficult to preserve political independence.


When an economic hegemon is in relative decline, the international economic system begins to fragment. To defend their position in the international system, the US and EU use economic coercion against both allies and adversaries. The West disrupts the supply chains of rival powers such as China and Russia to prevent their rise, while friends and allies such as India, Turkey and Hungary are also punished for failing to display geoeconomic loyalty. Subsequently, the unipolar era is over. The West is no longer capable of acting as a benign hegemon by providing public goods or administrating an international economic system based on trust.


Eurasia rising


The international economic system is fragmenting as economic dependencies formed over the past decades are weaponised. A multitude of problems ranging from disruptive technologies, war and environmental degradation threaten the world, yet the necessary cooperation is faltering.It is evident that the unipolar order is already over, and a multipolar order is emerging in its place to revive economic connectivity and restore stability.


This is facilitated by the Greater Eurasian partnership, which entails the development of a new multipolar geoeconomic ecosystem. The countries on the Eurasian super-continent are developing connectivity between their technological hubs and financial hubs, while connecting physically with huge infrastructure projects to form new transportation corridors.

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 9:06 a.m. No.17584514   🗄️.is 🔗kun


2 of 2


Budapest’s objective is to become a key node in the new Eurasian geoeconomic ecosystem and to revive economic connectivity in a multipolar format. Hungary was the first country in Central and Eastern Europe to sign a currency swap agreement with China, and the first in Europe to join China’s trillion-dollar Belt and Road infrastructure initiative. Not only is Budapest connecting itself closer to the growth engine of Asia, but it is also setting itself up as a bridge between the East and West.


Hungary is also resisting further sanctions on Russia to maintain access to energy resources. Simply put, Eurasia is reviving globalisation.


A conservative path


Hungary’s Eurasian path is also consistent with its conservative aspirations. After decades of communism and the development of Marxist Man, Hungary naturally seeks to restore the role of national culture, the Church and traditional values in its national consciousness.


As new technologies and rampant market forces cause disruptions, it is necessary to balance change with continuity. Conservatism therefore anchors stability in the eternal as the focus on family, faith and traditions connect the past with the future, to prepare society for disruptions.


Yet, liberalism in the collective West is not especially tolerant of conservative values. While the liberal nation-state was previously a vehicle for success, liberalism has begun decoupling itself from the nation-state over the past years.Liberal Man is rapidly liberating himself from his own pastthrough multiculturalism, radical secularism, a departure from recognising the family as the main institution of a stable society, and an aversion to traditional values.


In contrast, cooperation in a multipolar Eurasia does not entail exporting a political system or conformity around “values”. The various civilisations in the Eurasian house pursue economic and cultural connectivity, whilst preserving their respective cultural distinctiveness. As a conservative country, it paradoxically becomes easier for Hungary to preserve its European distinctiveness in the multipolar Eurasian format.


Hopefully, Hungary will show the way for the rest of Europe in terms of transitioning from the confrontational unipolar order to a cooperative multipolar format – as the western peninsula of Greater Eurasia.


By Glenn Diesen, Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway and an editor at the Russia in Global Affairs journal.

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 9:23 a.m. No.17584606   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These are the reasons doctors are paranoid and cautious:


I've had this discussion with my doctor and he has never balked at filling a scrip before, but in the last 2 years (yeah bidan) doctors are getting warnings all the time from the DEA that they will come after them, or they can lose their license if they fill too many of them. How many is too many? No doctor knows that.


Doctors received a notice from DEA a couple of months ago, if xanax (alprazolam) is prescribed they can only give 15 pills. They said people who take xanax and pain killer are dying more frequently (which is bullshit, imo the real reason is this admin wants people in debilitating pain and suffering, easier to get rid of you or drive you crazy)


Pain medicine is much harder to get, but the DEA and government has sued so many pharma and pharmacy companies over opiods, all of the effective brand names just got out of the business, and they just buy shit from Indian and China which is not even close to being adequate. And the FDA don't check the lots for purity, so the ratio of the codeine so these companies never have the accurate ratio. As far as not being able to get them, it goes along with my opinion above.


Guess who started the whole opiod epidemic? Along with the Pharma company, the FDA and DEA pushed doctors to prescribe as many pills as they want on oxycontin, they were told absolutely no possibility of addiction; my doctor told me that he tried to prescribe 15 for a patient one time and he got a call from the pharmacy saying the DEA said you can only prescribe 60+ and no less.


Oh yeah, Pharmacies are now challenging doctors on their prescriptions if they prescribe pain killers.


All of this because the government fucked up when they knew oxy wasn't safe and harmless; but not it wants to be involved in every aspect of medicine, meanwhile doing nothing about phentynol killing 100,000+ people a year with the drugs coming over the border.


FDA received a large portion of the profits from the oxycontin producers so the FDA should sue themselves out of existence. Just like their profits from the jab

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 9:30 a.m. No.17584636   🗄️.is 🔗kun


absolutely, every RX of pain medicine already gets entered into the DEA system, there's no reason for they contacting doctors or interfering in doctor's prescriptions. It's intimidation practices.

Anonymous ID: 2ce57b Sept. 26, 2022, 9:34 a.m. No.17584665   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What the FBI was doing is "farming" the cases out to the field office in theory only, because normally the DC office investigates and are the case agents. they may use agents in other states for interviews, but all the cases are listed in DC. They didn't farm out the work, they just said it was being worked in different states, so they could actually report 100s of 1000s more White Violent Domestic Terrorists then actually exist. They can't have 10,000 WVDT in DC now, can they.


This is unheard of because it was to fulfill bidan and garlands demand to find all the White Violent Domestic Terrorists, and the DC office superiors get paid on increased uptick on reporting.