Anonymous ID: e7c170 Sept. 26, 2022, 7:13 a.m. No.17584069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>17583938 (lb)

>Oh, and Jefferson also told some muslims, pirates out in Barbary Coast that we were not against them as a religious nation.

>Mayberry, Barbary, Jefferson. The non-God believing slave lovin' rapin', slave baby nail makin' Jefferson, whose income never could quite cover his drinking and gambling debts.

This isn't really difficult to figure out.

Jefferson was high IQ, couldn't be religiously radicalized, and was careful enough to consider fighting for religious freedom is not the same as specifying gov't had no right to establish an official one. He decided it would be best just to cut to the chase of the whole "Bible" thing and make his own abbreviated version using Jesus' (attributed) words. Seems like a logical approach to theological understanding. Everything else is just myth, fluff, and religious op-eds from Paul anyway. All that matters is the "living word" which was Jesus himself, so might as well cut to the chase.


Jefferson had slaves, so did most others during that time as was (unfortunately) common for most "affluent" during that time. Jefferson knew money was bullshit, and debt was an unending game. Indulgences (sex, drugs, gambling) were and still are common. Hell, Ben Franklin had porn; so obviously the Founding Fathers were in agreement that gov't should stay the fuck out of personal freedoms and liberty.


You could spend all day pointing out all the flaws of a man but it doesn't outdo the fact he was a tremendous force for the Republic and liberty in general. Jefferson was too smart for religious programming, and realized that "all things in moderation" didn't have to mean just food. That doesn't make you evil to smoke some cigars, get a little drunk from time to time, smash some hotties, blow a paycheck or two on the roulette table, fight for the religious freedom of people you don't always 100% agree with, or watch some consensual titties bounce around on occasion. It makes you a humanist. A realistic, mostly moral humanist. And if God were such a literal thing as many perceive, I bet your left nut Jefferson would get a seat with the 144k just for the commentary alone when the real evil pieces of fucking shit get their final judgement.

Anonymous ID: e7c170 Sept. 26, 2022, 8:27 a.m. No.17584313   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Traffickers of humans and drugs as well as terrorists and copious amounts of drugs, themselves, are being seized at the border like never before due to the plan involving using one of the greatest act of humanitarian aid the world has ever seen using a known trafficking route to set traps for evil people that would take advantage of America's perceived weakness under a Biden pResidency.


You still don't understand what's happening, do you?