Anonymous ID: 5d5f2c Sept. 26, 2022, 12:53 p.m. No.17585499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5509 >>5638

Pennsylvania Department of Education Publishes Toolkit for Teachers to Host ‘Gender Neutral Day’ for Third Graders


The Pennsylvania Department of Education has published a toolkit for teachers to host a “gender-neutral day” for students as young as third grade.


The toolkit was published on a DOE website that contains resources for teachers and school officials to learn how to create “gender-inclusive schools and classrooms.”


A glossary of terms that educators should be using includes, “Binary Gender: The faulty concept that there are only two genders: male and female.”


The toolkit, which is among many other far-left gender-bending plans, is described as providing “planning and implementation resources for hosting a gender-neutral day in classrooms (grades 3-12).”


“Gender-fluid young people navigate a variety of gender-specific spaces throughout their day at school,” the toolkit says. “From seating charts based on gender to dress codes and roles in school activities, we ask students to put themselves into boxes labeled ‘girls’ and ‘boys’ all the time.”


The website continues, “to break away from these boxes and labels, consider hosting a gender-neutral day in your classroom. In preparation for the day, have students brainstorm a list of some of the ways their normal routines are gendered.”


Teachers are given a list of questions to ask their students, which include:


Are there gender differences in what kids are expected to do during recess?

Are more girls than boys called on to answer questions in class? Or vice versa? Does it depend on the lesson or subject?

Do gender differences exist in which sports students are expected to play during physical education class? Or in who gets chosen to be team captains?

In the lunchroom, do students sit together in gender-based groups?

Are there differences in which school activities boys and girls are expected to participate, such as choir, drama club, sports teams, etc.?

When students read aloud in class, do teachers tend to match students with roles based on their gender?


After the question session, teachers are told to “have students pick two to three ways they will reject gender stereotypes for the day.”


“As the teacher, you can also make specific commitments to challenge gender norms in your classroom, such as rearranging the seating chart or assigning speaking roles during class readings without considering gender,” the toolkit continues.


At the end of the day, students are asked to “reflect” on what they learned “through journal writing or as a class discussion.”


The website was cited by Pennsylvania state Rep. Stephanie Borowicz during a press conference last week.


Rep. Botowicz stated that “this is a bill to protect our children from gender ideology and sexual orientation being taught in our children’s school – the same nonsense that is now on the Department of Education’s website.”


The lawmaker has introduced legislation that will prohibit educators from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity with students through fifth grade.


“It is imperative that we ensure that parents have the right to be informed about the services offered to their children at school, and that elementary school children are protected from inappropriate sexual content in our classrooms,” Rep. Borowicz said in a memoranda about the bill. “As similar legislation is signed into law in other states, it is time to take similar steps in Pennsylvania to ensure that parents, first and foremost, have the right to make decisions regarding the upbringing of their children.”

Anonymous ID: 5d5f2c Sept. 26, 2022, 2:49 p.m. No.17586064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6098

UN secretary general wants West to pay reparations for third-world weather crises


On September 20, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres told the U.N. general assembly in New York City that "[p]olluters must pay." He insisted that the international body, of which the U.S. is the largest financial contributor, must "hold fossil fuel companies and their enablers to account."


Having just visited Pakistan, which recently suffered its destructive annual monsoon, Guterres suggested that it was incumbent upon industrious developed nations to confiscate profits from oil and gas companies and redistribute them both to foreign nations "suffering loss and damage caused by the climate crisis and to people struggling with rising food and energy prices."


Guterres previously called the reliance on fossil fuels both a "moral and economic madness" — a madness in which Pakistan, one so-called vulnerable country, partakes, consuming an estimated 503,000 barrels of oil a day. He also indicated that "without renewables, there can be no future." Nevertheless, Guterres intimated in his speech that a green future and climate resilience would ultimately be financially powered by the fossil fuel industry.


The Guardian reported that Guterres, like eco-socialist activists and the European Union, has an eye on the $17.8 billion quarterly profit reported by Exxon in July, the $11.6 billion three-month record profit posted by Chevron, the $8.5 billion profit recorded by BP, and more.


While Guterres regards the direction of funds from these and other such corporations to the third-world as "the first priority of every government," the "climate-related and justice-based" global wealth redistribution efforts won't stop there. He also proposed a new tax on airline travel, a financial penalty on bunker fuels used by ships, additional taxes on fossil fuel extraction, and taxes on financial transactions.


Appropriated funds would allegedly be invested in early warning systems, disaster relief, and the development of infrastructure to withstand additional weather changes.


Richard Heede, who runs the Climate Accountability Institute's "Carbon Majors" project, told Ars Technica that while there are presently no mechanisms for the international body to tax oil and gas companies or force payments from them in this manner, "Guterres is correct" to prompt nations to get the ball rolling.


Although Guterres implicated entire nations in addition to corporations, it is unclear precisely which wealthy countries he would like to see opt in.


China, for instance, boasts the world's second biggest economy, yet it still claims to be a developing country. According to a 2021 report from the Rhodium Group, its emissions far exceed all developed nations combined. Whereas China's contributions exceeded 27%, the U.S., which recently pledged $600.8 million over the next four years to support the "eighth replenishment of the Global Environment Facility," allegedly emitted to 11%, less than half. Whereas China had 1,110 coal power plants as of January 2022, and was building more, the U.S. had 240.


While Guterres did not provide a criteria for precisely which nations are on the hook and precisely to whom they now owe money, he made clear that it was "high time to put fossil fuel producers, investors and enablers on notice."

Anonymous ID: 5d5f2c Sept. 26, 2022, 2:51 p.m. No.17586077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI Responds to Reports That ‘SWAT Team’ Was Used to Arrest Pro-Life Activist in Front of Children


The FBI on Monday responded to media reports and claims that it sent a SWAT team to raid the Pennsylvania home of pro-life activist Mark Houck.


“There are inaccurate claims being made regarding the arrest of Mark Houck. No SWAT Team or SWAT operators were involved,” the FBI Philadelphia office told The Epoch Times. “FBI agents knocked on Mr. Houck’s front door, identified themselves as FBI agents, and asked him to exit the residence. He did so and was taken into custody without incident pursuant to an indictment.”


When reached for comment, the bureau did not directly address claims made by Houck’s wife, Ryan-Marie Houck, that agents had their guns drawn and pointed them at her and Mark Houck, however.


“While it’s the FBI’s standard practice not to discuss such operational specifics, we can say that the number of personnel and vehicles widely reported as being on scene Friday is an overstatement, and the tactics used by FBI personnel were professional, in line with standard practices, and intended to ensure the safety of everyone present in and outside the residence,” the statement said.


The FBI also did not address an allegation that their children could see the arrest and “were all just screaming” while the arrest was being carried out. The bureau’s comment to The Epoch Times on Monday also appears to be a boilerplate FBI statement that was sent to other news outlets about Houck’s arrest.


The agents “had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house,” Ryan-Marie Houck told LifeSite News. “Our staircase is open, so [the kids] were all at the top of the stairs which faces the front door, and I was on the stairs as well, coming down,” she said. “The kids were all just screaming. It was all just very scary and traumatic.”


And in an interview with the Catholic News Agency, Ryan-Marie said agents allegedly told them they were going to break down the door if they didn’t open it.


“They had about five guns pointed at my husband, myself, and basically at my kids,” she said, adding that upwards of 25 agents were involved in the raid. The FBI did not comment on the number of agents that were used in the arrest.


An unnamed FBI source told Fox News that there were possibly 15 to 20 agents, denying that 25 were there.


The individual also said that agents who arrived at the door had guns out already and firearms were never pointed at Houck, his wife, or children, and the guns were lowered and holstered once he was arrested. Another unnamed law enforcement official told Fox that agents never entered their house. The Epoch Times could not independently verify either claim.



Republican officials, including Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, decried the raid and accused the FBI of targeting ordinary citizens for political reasons. The FBI recently has faced significant backlash from whistleblowers and GOP officials in recent days for what they say is increasing political bias among the bureau’s leadership.


“The continued weaponization of the FBI and persecution by Joe Biden’s DOJ against ordinary Americans is an outrage,” Mastriano said in a statement.


As of Monday afternoon, a GiveSendGo fundraiser for Houck’s family raised nearly $200,000.


The fundraiser alleged that with Houck’s arrest, the Biden administration, “Planned Parenthood, and its pro-abortion allies want to send a message of fear to the pro-life community of Pennsylvania”

Anonymous ID: 5d5f2c Sept. 26, 2022, 2:52 p.m. No.17586081   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Government Disclosed Jan. 6 Activities of Five Confidential FBI Sources: Defense Lawyer


The U.S. government has acknowledged for the first time that five FBI confidential informants were involved with the Oath Keepers, but prosecutors failed to disclose that none of the sources provided evidence of guilt, a defense lawyer said on Sept. 26.


Bureau officials have repeatedly declined in congressional hearings to say whether there were agents or confidential human sources (CHSes) in the crowd when the U.S. Capitol was breached on Jan. 6, 2021. But in pre-trial communications in the Oath Keepers seditious conspiracy case, prosecutors disclosed there were five sources informing on the Oath Keepers, David Fischer, representing defendant Thomas Caldwell, said in the new filing.


“What the Government knew—but only recently disclosed to the Defendants—was that none of the CHSes provided evidence of guilt on the part of the Oath Keepers as an organization, or the individual Defendants in this case,” Fischer said.


He said the fact was confirmed by the government telling defense lawyers that only one of the informants will take the stand during the Sept. 27 trial of former Oath Keepers leader Elmer Stewart Rhodes III and four others, including Caldwell.


Top FBI officials have famously declined to answer questions on how many, if any, informants were at the Capitol around the time of the breach. “I can’t answer that,” Jill Sanborn, the FBI assistant director for national security, told Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) during one hearing.


But prosecutors in a recent motion disclosed that multiple sources have been involved in the investigation into the Oath Keepers, a group comprised of former and current members of the military, law enforcement, and first responders.


“At trial, the government or defense may call to testify certain CHSes who were either involved in the investigation that led to prosecution of the defendants, or who became CHSes subsequent to the initiation of the instant investigation,” prosecutors said in the motion, which asked U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, an Obama appointee overseeing the case, to impose a protective order.


Prosecutors want defense lawyers barred from asking any questions seeking personal identifying information from any informant witnesses, including their date of birth; any questions about the witnesses’ participation in investigations outside of the probe in question; and any questions about training in the FBI CHS program.


“The protections requested herein, while minimally restrictive, would ensure the integrity of any ongoing investigations and would reduce the security threat posed to any testifying CHSes,” prosecutors said in the filing, which has not yet drawn a ruling from Mehta.

Anonymous ID: 5d5f2c Sept. 26, 2022, 2:56 p.m. No.17586095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

10 U.S. Code § 903b - Art. 103b. Aiding the enemy


Any person who—

(1) aids, or attempts to aid, the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other things; or


(2) without proper authority, knowingly harbors or protects or gives intelligence to, or communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly;


shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct.This section does not apply to a military commission established under chapter 47A of this title.


(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 70, § 904; Pub. L. 109–366, § 4(a)(2), Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2631; renumbered § 903b, Pub. L. 114–328, div. E, title LX, § 5401(5), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2938.)

Anonymous ID: 5d5f2c Sept. 26, 2022, 3:02 p.m. No.17586129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sexual violence within families 'normalised', consent not understood, Tasmanian report says


A report into the prevalence of sexual violence in regional Tasmanian communities has identified a culture of "normalising" assaults within families and intimate relationships, and a lack of understanding about consent.

Key points:


The report was commissioned by the Sexual Assault Support Service to better understand attitudes about sexual violence

Sexual assault being normalised within families identified as a key concern

A lack of understanding of what constitutes sexual violence is another issue raised


Conducted by the Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES), the report found a need to improve the community's understanding of what sexual violence involves, and to build up trust in services in regional, tight-knit communities.


"A related theme that emerged from interviews with community members and stakeholders was that consent within sexual interactions was often poorly understood," the report summary read.


"Concerns were expressed by participants that sexual violence within families was normalised, and many young people lack the education they need to understand and exercise their rights to bodily autonomy," it added.


Women and children are "commonly the targets", of assault, the report said, and consent was "often poorly understood."


The report, commissioned by the Sexual Assault Support Service (SASS) in southern Tasmania, involved 21 stakeholders and nine community members, and made 11 recommendations to reduce barriers for people seeking support.


Access to services was affected by "extensive bureaucratic referral processes", the report said, with one stakeholder describing the referral pathway as "dysfunctional".

Inter-family violence 'of most concern'


One participant, whose identity has been kept anonymous, said there was a lack of healthy understanding around consensual relationships.


"It's not frowned upon for a 15 or 16-year-old to date someone in his mid-20s and be impregnated by him," they said.


"I mean, two of my siblings, are the children of what I would deem paedophilia … and it was completely normalised. Their families didn't care.


"I didn't realise it was weird until I grew up … it is horrific, and it's everywhere".


Another participant described only realising that something was sexual violence through seeing something on television, due to "not having the words" prior to that

Anonymous ID: 5d5f2c Sept. 26, 2022, 3:06 p.m. No.17586145   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biogen Inc. Agrees to Pay $900 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations Related to Improper Physician Payments

Anonymous ID: 5d5f2c Sept. 26, 2022, 3:08 p.m. No.17586154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6162 >>6176

Optus hacker releases records of 10,000 customers: reports


The personal records of 10,000 Optus customers have been released overnight as hackers ratchet up an extortion attempt, according to reports.


In a post shared widely on social media, apparently authored by one of the hackers, the extortionist warns that 10,000 records will be released each day over four days unless Optus pays $US1 million ($1.55 million).


“If you care about customer, you will pay,” the note reads.

Anonymous ID: 5d5f2c Sept. 26, 2022, 3:10 p.m. No.17586162   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Russian hackers narrative being woven, the Aus Gov said yesterday they have new legislation to stop future hack and suggested Optus hand all customer data to the banks.


This FF is getting bigger and more ridiculous

Anonymous ID: 5d5f2c Sept. 26, 2022, 3:13 p.m. No.17586175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6184

US Ready to Impose New Sanctions on Russia if It Moves Forward With Referenda - WH


"We are prepared to impose additional swift and severe economic costs on Russia, along with our allies and partners, in response to these actions that we're seeing currently if they move forward with annexation," White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said during a press briefing

Anonymous ID: 5d5f2c Sept. 26, 2022, 3:27 p.m. No.17586245   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Chatter this will be the default on the debt on 30th by the trinity City of London, Vatican, DC


It was long suggested they would bring down the banks on a Friday to cause a delay till Monday when they will explain everyone lost their money.


Could be this OPTUS hack FF being run in Aus is related