Anonymous ID: 0c3044 June 15, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.1759295   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There are three possibilities with Mueller:

  1. He's a black hat who is going after the Dem plants and he know exactly where to look because his side put them there.

  2. He's a white hat working with Trump, recruited in that faux interviews, to go after the Dem plants and run an elaborate sting operation to root out deep-state bad actors.

  3. He's a gray hat who did some bad shit with the U1 deal who Trump has by the balls and is forcing to work on his side as a deal to escape prosecution.

Q has given us three pieces of info that are difficult to reconcile: the hint about the faux interview suggesting that Mueller and Trump are up to something together, the clear indication that RR is a bad guy, and the logical inference that if one is dirty than they're both dirty.

I'm I'm leaning towards #3. But I cannot rule out #1 or #2.