There's a third eye on an Indian made helo joke somewhere in that pic.
Why wouldn't this just be Russia turning the gas spigot to Germany to the Off position?
I'm Spartacus.
Wouldn't "Negative 48" just be R? Do these folks even dig?
Whole group seems suss to me.
Wasn't it actually created by a Fed? And ain't Ray Epps in it?
Ah. Pipeline Fever.
I am now saying R2D2 in an indian accent.
Kinda thought gilt, homophone of guilt, myself.
After all these folks do seem to have much to feel guilty about.
Of course not.
What corrupt government would not demand total control over every single penny you spend?
Or a way to stop you from spending any of it?
Or take away every single hiding place where you stashed it?
Anons, maybe you're not "religious" folks, and I get that, but maybe wonder how a guy 1900 years ago called this shot.
An implant, in the right hand (or forehead if you have no hand) that identifies you personally, and controls whether you can buy or sell, among other things.
A global system imposed by a confederate empire at the end of the age, a confederate empire that springs out of the ashes of the "Holy Roman Empire".
That John.
How do he know?
"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
When in the past 1900 years was that even possible?
Clock is a tool. It's either a useful tool, or it is not.
People offended by tools have hidden agendas.
Gee, what an unsolved mystery.
Such a pleasant fellow.
U.S. Congress unveils stopgap bill to avert shutdown, aid Ukraine
WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will take an initial vote on a stopgap spending measure on Tuesday to keep federal agencies running past the end of this week, while Congress continues to negotiate bills to fund the government through the next fiscal year.
President Joe Biden's Democrats control both chambers of Congress and are expected to avoid an embarrassing partial government shutdown just six weeks before the Nov. 8 midterm elections, when control of Congress will be at stake.
Not yet.
Said no Hebrew ever.
Jim's right.
Not all of us have the necessary skills to read an image like this and follow what it is trying to say.
We need, like, an autist whisperer who can explain things to us like we're 6 year olds.
Excellent piece.
The Tea Party was absolutely tame.
Just not tame like the Dims wanted; they like Rinos to just go along with whatever they propose. That is tame to them.
>And then Donald Trump came down the golden escalator. He didn't create MAGA. MAGA drafted him. He agreed to fight for constitutional conservatives, and gave their movement a name – Make America Great Again. How very radical.
Psaki said two things this week; everyone focused, rightly, on the more damaging statement: If the midterms are a referendum on Biden, the Ds will lose. They know that.
But the other half of that message was: If it's about who is more extreme, the Dims will win.
Biden has already sold a percentage of our strategic petroleum reserves to China.
Nobody did anything.
You know, if the pipeline were to be sabotaged, it would be best for Germany if it were sabotaged in the Fall, rather than at the beginning of winter.
Now they have the opportunity to ramp up their coal and nuclear, and stock up on LNG from Israel.
Of all places.
The Germans buying gas from Israel is just too much a sign of the times.
Yeah, if 2020 stands, we really cannot have any trust and confidence in the voting system at large.
However, there is a case before the Supreme Court that deals squarely with the state legislators being the only entities that have power over how a state votes.
And that they cannot delegate that power away, and that the courts cannot seize that power.
If this ruling had happened prior to 2020, the 2020 theft of an election would not have been logistically possible.
That reminds me.
Whatever happened to "Made in Taiwan" being stamped on the things made in Taiwan?
Red October seems to be relevant to the pipeline at the bottom of the ocean suddenly developing an hole in it.
Your purpose in life is to choose whether you wish to remain in the spiritual family you were born into, the devil's family, or if you would prefer to be adopted out of the devil's family and into the Family of God.
Your purpose in life is to choose who you will serve, and the choice is binary.
Jesus, King of Kings, or Other.
ARK was not chosen at random.
>i want to serve good, justice and love
Who embodies Good?
Who embodies Justice?
Who is Love?
Sounds to me that is who you want to serve.
The Ark was a place to take refuge in a storm, a storm where nobody outside the Ark survived.
The source is in every single ancient civilization known to man, most clearly and truthfully in the book of Genesis, in the bible.