when did you sign in to bake?'
if not before the end, another baker can jump in and claim, espec after 600
edited your notables into this dough, refresh to view
when did you sign in to bake?'
if not before the end, another baker can jump in and claim, espec after 600
edited your notables into this dough, refresh to view
looks like other baker is deferring
notes are edited in
just need to be in dough
Assume you are notetaking and baking for the current bake?
(since you did not indicate otherwise in dough post)
Tired of these recent slides about the clock.
For months, clockfags have been posting with no problem. suddenly, there are problems. Why?
Position of admins is generally supportive, with a few suggestions (below):
Clockfags have as good an argument as anyone to assume Q clock is what Q had in mind, they have worked with the clock extensively, most are autists (would have dropped it if completely worthless)
One reason there's a problem is because many anons don't know the clock and thinks it affects our credibility to notable clock posts.
It's baker's decision about how to treat clockfag posts - most bakers notable them but that's up to them. If a CF post looks fake (made by shill to muddy the waters), please inform baker.
Suggestion to clockfags:
when posting, good idea to explain why some pattern is significant, it's often not obvious to non-clockfags.
If you make a "clockfagging guide" and post in META discussion, will post it in Dough Resources.
Mebbe link to dough if it's really good.
looks like you used your old dough for this bread
please always use most recently baked dough, it's not always just the notables that change.
last night, 3 dead links from Globals were swapped out for live ones, should look like CAP
The correct global links can be found in last night's dough:
insert just the Globals section in the current dough and you're golden.
>shills not anons
you're probably right
but not my place to say for sure
whoever is fussing, doesn't help the board
agree that clockfags are autists not idiots
and all those who complain ever say is that Q should endorse - weak
tx anon.
Your last post was a 90 minutes ago.
Are you still around?
Would like to know if you received this request to restore live links to Globals:
No, the baker i'm addressing does not obfuscate but believe he's newer than most. Thus explaining, didn't get a chance to look close, busy with current events, kek.
why i said "anons" not "shills."
if BB is around, he's not saying.
BAKER does not ghost, leaves, posts no notes, not back by @500
suggest some anon collect notes and another baker sign-in to bake
Must leave now.
Best of luck.
there was another baker or notetaker lb, took notes, gerbil came in and baked at the end wo/really looking to see what was going on. Now he's left, leaving no word.