So Ghislaine Maxwell is in Florida, and Hurrican Ian is heading her way. That happens to be her brothers name as well.
Manufactured for a breakout attempt.
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a TOW missile!
U.S. Marines with
fire a TOW missile system over water.
2d LAR facilitated the employment of a TOW missile fired from a LAV-AT utilizing a radio frequency signal between the launch tube and missile.
Please stop saying that Kamala blew the pipeline. We don't know that. She hasn't been promoted yet.
Ian to hit Florida today, the 28th day of the month as category 4 🌀
Category 4 to Cat 3 after landfall.
Ian managed to rapidly intensify overnight and it will now stall over the west coast of Florida.
This is weather control.
Destroy and Rebuild.
Disaster Relief paid for by YOU AND ME.
All by the numbers
Seems that way.
#BREAKING NRO awards contracts to study commercial radio frequency remote sensing to
& Kleos Space.
"Russia did it in an attempt to prevent a far worse false flag currently in the planning stages by Nato and the U.S administration. That is an attack on the nuclear power station under Russian occupation. The attack will be a fuck up with massive radiation spreading into Russia and eastern Europe. Once this happens the Russians will attack Kiev with nuclear weapons stored in the Ukraine. Then Sullivan and Nuland will have the nuclear war they have been dreaming and masturbating about for years. One can only hope they go to hell in the first explosion."
This a smart move by Russia for a few reasons. Everyone is concluding that it MUST have been the US who sabotaged the pipeline. Why on earth would Russia destroy their own infrastructure when they could just turn it off? Now the world is looking at the US's actions in the region in the context of a rather childish false flag and wondering what they're planning next in the way of false flags. And privately, the Russians just showed the US that they're quite willing to go full scorched earth if required.
Gonzalo Lira explained some months ago that Victoria Nuland has an irrational hatred of Russia because of the way the Tsar treated her grandfather or something a century ago. It's all so childish and pathetic and yet she has all this power that we gave her. We deserve what's coming, we really do.