here are notes from earlier
beating very dishonest intelligence 1:25
pretty good report; IG blew it with conclusions 1:52
jobless rate best in 44 years 2:30
lost 500 billion in trade last year 2:50
50 billion hi tech tariffs 2:55
protect Silicon Valley: Crown Jewels of the country 3:15
EU made $151 billion on the US last year 4:30
Calls Canada China @ 4:50 when ref the G7
(aside from anon; last week he also called Singapore Shanghai during his G7 exit interview)
Potus made changes to the G7 agreement in favor of US 5:07
G7 leaders called to wish Potus Happy Birthday; how did he take it? 5:30
Immigration: Potus not taking the moderate bill 6:53
no wall, no bill 7:03
new potusism "lottavisery" for visa lottery 7:28
13 angry democrats/ Mueller team 8:17
Potus essentially says you could get trapped by Mueller for miscategorizing the weather 9:05
said he would not be involved with DOJ previously but may change his mind 10:15
Potus thinks that Rod thinks we gotta get the documents? 10:47
"what they did during the election" just tip of iceberg 11:12
what Comey did was criminal 11:30
Comey private email "of all the things" 11:53
Comey was a ringleader of the den of thieves 12:43
Christopher Wray moving step by step 13:08
We are getting the remains (x 3) from NK 14:45
7500 soldiers 15:40
they know where the bodies are 15:55
kim speaks and his people sit up at attention 17:28
3 generals fired (maybe more) 17:50
Potus saluted one: 17:55
Obama told POTUS he had not spoken to Kim 18:11
NFL and pardons (no return calls from players YET) 19:30
10:00 more..happy hunting