Anonymous ID: c2a3ad Sept. 28, 2022, 4:25 p.m. No.17599056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9442

>>17598907 lb

>Democrats and their democracies are going to start a nuclear war.


They hope anon. Boy do they hope. They have built the biggest trap (the biggest boomerang) the world has ever seen. It took them over 20 centuries to plan, design and build this trap. All of them, every single one, are going to gather around the fantastic trap they built and yes, each and every one of them will fall into that trap.

Anonymous ID: c2a3ad Sept. 28, 2022, 5:10 p.m. No.17599368   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WOW. Out Front's Erin Burnett just made a big mistake. She got an interview with a lady officer of the Cajun Navy sitting in a pickup on the ground in Florida. Erin kept asking stupid questions and the Cajun Navy officer kept her cool. She did take a few seconds to check with a teammate in the truck with her and she nodded and went back to Erin. Finally the Cajun Navy officer said: I keep repeating this, we are on standby, our only objective now is to protect ourselves, keep our our equipment safe. We will go in (to save people) when we can. It took a while but Erin finally realized she was talking to a woman much smarter, stronger and more committed than she could ever be, even in her dreams, so Erin cut it off. The Cajun Navy lady ever so politely knocked Erin's fake socks off. The much better woman called Erin ma'am two times.

Anonymous ID: c2a3ad Sept. 28, 2022, 5:29 p.m. No.17599481   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This was something The Project for a New American Century published back in maybe 2002. It called for America to attack any country, or group of countries, who even questioned America. They were the flaming neocons. Yes Wolfowitz was deeply involved. They even installed a group (can't remember what they called themselves, ..just remember) and called themselves the special operations group. There was no longer any input from anyone in the Pentagon. This way beyond crazy group on neocons took over command of the U.S. military and still control it today. Note: there was a brief few year period where Donald Trump had them go into the timeout room.