Praise The LORD! TOTAL VICTORY is being delivered. This is God's battle step up when called. We likely won't be needed other than being a witness. Soak it in.
When I heard White House switchboard I was thinking how funny and badass it would be if my drunken calls to PDJT went primitive. We'll see. If they do, I'll be highest ranking anon for a day. I used to call White House every time I got drunk and fill up the voicemail. I'm cool like that.
Prime time, rather.
Dubious Anon. Just wait til they release the shit. You're gonna love me.
DeSantis IS fat. It's not acceptable. Pudgy okay. Fat like that is not okay. He's a snake.
When is he gonna turn into a she?
That video would get a strong boost with the helmet guy who smoked a couple dudes with his helmet while smoking a cig.