Massive storm heads to a neighborhood that looks like this.. Yeah the roofs are gone.
>For the first time ever watching a press briefing with this failed abortion
stop right there anon. Go shower.
Oh Yeah, You'll fit right in.
it looks like a Cartoon before editing no?
8Kun don't have a mypillow code?
Metal in your Turkey from the packaging, it's a NATIONAL RECALL, nano graphene metal and mRNA in your turkey - no problem
Masks are being used to Consolidate Democrat State powers by PROXY VOTE, they are fucking dictators.
Ignore my Warning at your peril
Everything tied or linked to Soros is Treason.
FBI shouldn't exist under the 10th Amendment.
though they exist and make great claims of being honorable and a fucking center of excellence. At the end of the day effectiveness is the measure of truth.
Their truth is smith mundt modernization act militarized shit truth.
FBI shouldn't exist under the 10th Amendment.
though they exist and make great claims of being honorable and a fucking center of excellence. At the end of the day effectiveness is the measure of truth.
Their truth is smith mundt modernization act militarized shit truth.
30 agents when 30000 agents of higher rank or better who don't care ain't enough to matter.
The problem as I see it stems from state department and US Military both failed to do national security background checks they have allowed the following who INTEND HARM to get a background clearance and KILL AMERICANS. IT IS TREASON I ACCUSE THEM OF.
commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud
I don't know if you noticed the constitution isn't protecting shit. The FBI is stealing bank boxes and raiding homes.
Second, the MEDIA as you put it is a PROXY for government and has no fucking 1st Amendment in MY EYE.
I have the 1st Amendment, the MEdia being Proxy for government is VOICE FOR GOVERNMENT IT IS GOVERNMENT that which I have 1st amendement against, but ALL OF THIS IS MOOT POINT. it's BROKEN and Constitution isn't protecting me from Government for Jack shit. Government in fact just tried to Genocide my ass and Lied to me with HEAVY propaganda.
Same shit they toppled country after country with. They dropin bioweapons and calling it flu. TREASON is what it is.
On top of the Killing Treason, in another way I look at i, they (smith Mundt) )interfered with NATURAL EVOLUTION and my Religion 1st Amendment again because by LYING TO ME ABOUT WHAT MY PERCEPTION IS AND WHEN ONE OF MY BELIEFS IS " THE WORLD IS WHAT YOU THINK" well when a motherfucker is lying to you he's changing my world.
I don't know what you want me to sauce but your starting to fucking piss me off.
I got four you organized monkey pus pant attacking me what the fuck you on about? Nobody is buying your warez.
>well the Western MSM is now downplaying the Nazi stuff but Russia then is exaggerating it
Correct that's the State Dept/NATO/UN Narrative. (I don't agree with them but YES it is their way)
Lets see Biden's (and his team) Blackberries from 2012-2013 first before we continue with this it seems like we are missing the entire TRAIN and your wasting my time with piddly shit caboose that nearly everyone is either dead or had their hand slapped for now.
Lets Bring back Chris Miller, Coffer Black, and bob bob bob bob bob bobululinsky
hmm, also hillary's servers, blackberries, weiner laptop, hunter laptop. dnc actblue/actblues amalmagated bank I can think of so many fun things to talk about Ukraine.
And We ain't even had Himars, Javellins or Breakfast yet.
I'm no military expert, but I KNOW EXACTLY HOW TO FIX the military.
There's SEA SHELLS on top. (no joke)
Violence once knew the Land in this very spot. I found where the water comes from but never found the rings. I suppose I just didn't know what I was looking for., and while I found a dead horse still in the saddle/whew nasty, the land has turned the evasive rings to a desert "huna pohaku"
How about erasing the bad law instead.
If everyone went and fixed their name there would be TWICE the amount of records, thos who left LA LA LAND, and those still in it, and paperwork for both and the question as to why such a HOAX has any further authority at all begins to emerge.
still some kind of limits to government must be, for as it stands the current government is supporting and giving intelligence national security background checks for DECADES NOW, that who they swore an oath against.
If people in intelligence committee were for America and not comitting treason they would be against commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud but instead they PROMOTE, PROTECT AND RUBBER STAMP THEIR CREDIBILITY AS THEY KILL INNOCENT AMERICANS.
Smith Mundt Modernization Act allows for wave after wave to be spray virginia Benassi's mRNA Biowarfare strain after strain to GENOCIDE us while saying it's only a little rain, just take the Jab Racist..
We have full spectrum treason. I have named the agencies that I believe comit treason MANY TIMES HERE.
One more time eh…
GUTTED/deactivated/"BRAC'd." I suggest
deactivate/secure devices/BRAC them
fbi, doj, ses, cia, ig, jttf, jtf, dtra, fisa, nsa, atf, State Dept, NG that surrounded the Whitehouse, NationalGuard Californa(theywere with nazis in ukraine), State Dept, FCC, FDA.. CDC, NIH, HHS, DHS, WHO, UN/NATO/DYNCORP, iia, dynology, CLEARFORCE, shadownet, OSHA. I know that seems like a lot, but I watched each commit terrorist or treasonous acts against innocent Americans.
The people that did BACKGROUND CHECKS ON BIDEN allowing them on the BALLOT. Those got to go too. We wouldn't have the problems we have if they were not on the ballot in the first place.
That won't get commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud – all threats to America, off the ballot. Only a Judge can.
This game with sheriffs and courts is going fucking NOWHERE to fix America.
I'm not sayin it's right, I'm saying it is. I'm not saying I'm right, I'm saying what I think.
Get it right the first time, these fuckers already wasted YEARS of our natural evolution with this Globalist Democrat horse shit.
How Can I get Trump to stop Kicking California in the Balls?
When it's Dominion Software Democracy Suite v 5.5 MAIL-IN, NO ID, SCORE CARD, HAMMER, Smith Mundt Modernization Act, and putting actual people who intend HARM to America on the ballot with no national security background check!
It's a red state cause the Smith Mundt Poll from the Smith Mundt Media (a proxy for government) said so!? Just stop it already. California is RED not blue and it has the problems it has since it's putting mexican Cartel on the god damn ballot.
I liked the Adam Sandler parody.
Still fuckin mRNA is terrorism.
I think this is a Day old donut but still worth a click.
Should be PENIS instead of Wheat. Wheat has value.
Yes I am the author of 101 ways to walk the plank (updated 4th edition with 10 new photos)
crazy train
I'm not lovin it
The Reality is what it is, it's also a fact Trump was deceived by the mRNA bioweapon terrorists.
I mean we all pretty much trusted government up to the new mRNA time-line.
mRNA now destroyed trust in everything law enforcement, business, judges, media, officials, hospitals, military. Full spectrum Trust is lost.
Nothing like this Ever hit America before. And yet it continues a mere 30 whistle blow in FBI vs 30,000 agents and their commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud support who don't give a fug.
Libra -Aries Gemni aquarius