If anon had to guess at DS plan, it would go something like this:
>EU sanctions Russia
>no natural gas, food, or TP from Russia for EU
>US has to save EU
>US gets into war with Chyna over Tiawan
>EU freezes and starves without even having TP
That shit was worth the click.
>sooooo, when's something going to actually happen?
Pull muh finger, hold muh beer, or STFU.
>Oil/gas, whatever the fuck, WHERE.IS.THE.FIRE???
Where was the fire with Deepwater Horizon?
Where is the oxygen for your fire?
Where's the spark?
How are you getting the right fuel/oxygen mix?
>how does it feel to know that less than seven percent of you will live to see the end?
Great shilling.
Keep it going to inspire moar patriots.
global reported
>You know you're in the right place when someone is upset that you did NOT use the word nigger.
When anon sees the F-word, anon knows it's a libtard.
They glow that way.
Nigger is banned so much that only someone who doesn't give a shit will use it.
Fucktards glow
>Luckily we've never been able to smell the gore. That is one thing I am very thankful for. No bullshit.
No shit, anon.
That'd never wash off.
Pics were bad enough.
>Did he took the vaxx?
Rappers took the spreading of hatred and prison culture to heart. They didn't need the vaxx to die an early death.
Goodnight, assholes.
It's anon's bedtime.
Love you.
No homo.
>keep trying what … four leaks detected
Geo-data sauce in notables shows two explosions,
How many leaks per explosion?
Care to sauce four leaks?