Three short but very interdasting excerpts from the article linked above.
"Cloaking yourself in gold is an ancient ritual and one that suggested you were a god, or had a higher authority over another person. Hollywood “stars” still perform this ritual today. This proclamation of rulership would become significant in the future rise of the Prussian Army. The Prussian army continually evolved into new hosts; it never loses. To best understand the Prussian army, we must understand this: The nation that wins the war, just got occupied by the Prussians. The only reason they won, was because they were already infiltrated, decades earlier. The victory completes the infiltration and seals the belligerent occupation."
"The 13-foot-tall pine cone in Vatican Square symbolizes the role of the Pope as the intermediary between people and God. This was the same authority that resolved the medieval disputes surrounding spiritual and secular jurisdiction over people. The pine cone also represents the pineal gland, or spiritual eye.
In the culture of the ancient Roman Trusts, if no one stood up against their deception and claim, then it remained lawful. All that was ever required was for humanity to resist this regime and the Trustee must stand down."
"The Prussian ideology governs the will of mankind. They ask that we assign our free will over to them, to do with as they please. Without people’s resistance, these world leaders consider that we are in tacit agreement with their rules, which effectively operate like contracts."
Essentially, we the sheople of the world voluntarily comply with the will of our rulers because we don't know how to reject it. It doesn't even require a fight. MOAR here: https://prussiagate.substack.com/