Who is David Lee Hamblin?
How do you keep a secret?
"The Chain of Lucifer"
Who is David Lee Hamblin?
How do you keep a secret?
"The Chain of Lucifer"
Salt Lake Tribune, 1994-07-28, p. 15
"Gordon Bowen refused to discuss the event to be held in his home. He would only say he is a friend of Romney's and 'it's a private party.'
Who is David Lee Hamblin?
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Who is David Lee Hamblin?
Fall of 1999, Gordon Bowen Home, Salt Lake City
"[My mother Roselle "Rosie" Anderson Hamblin, wife of David Lee Hamblin] kept complimenting [Gordon Bowen] and then she told him that [my three sisters and I] were she and David's offering to Gordon for his kindness to them. She said he could do anything he wanted with us. [My sisters] and I looked at each other, horrified.
Then we experienced hours and hours of torture.
Gordon put on the full skin of a man with the crotch cut out and raped me anally, praising Lucifer.
He chained us up to his tables and inserted tools and devices into our vaginas and anuses. At times he chained us to the wall in shackles. He put cloth bags over our heads and made us listen as one of us was threatened with torture. He had animal heads and skins we had to wear and be led around on a leash.
We were not allowed out until the afternoon of the next day."
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How do you keep a secret?
p. 96
1997—1998 [age 17-18]
David and [Chelom] Leavitt's house, Nephi, Utah
"One night we went to David and [Chelom] Leavitt's house for dinner with both families. [My parents David Lee Hamblin and Roselle Anderson Hamblin] threatened us in the car to be instantly obedient to anything they asked us to do. They wanted to impress the Leavitt's (their old friends) and "drum up," as [my dad] said, some more business from them.
After a late dinner [my sisters] and the Leavitt kids ran off to play. [My dad] turned to me and said, "[Daughter 1], is Tabitha here? Maybe she can come out and talk to us?" (I knew he was putting on a show because he rarely asked me in that way.) He and Dave [David Leavitt] (Our family always called him "Dave" or "[Uncle] Dave" when we were younger) grinned at each other and [David Leavitt] clapped. I knew what was required of me.
[David Leavitt] said, "Tabitha, why don't you and [Daughter 1] do something together for us?" [David Leavitt] was trying to be clever and testing me a little. This was my cue to put on a show, undress, and masturbate in front of them. I did. [Chelom Leavitt] leaned over to [David Leavitt / my mom / my dad] and said, "she's really good." Soon they started touching themselves a little. When I orgasmed they cheered and clapped.
After a while, [David Leavitt] stood and put his arms in a "V" and praised Lucifer. The other adults put their arms up and [David Leavitt] prayed for "Lucifer's Holy Spirit" to enter their bodies. Then the elders began to touch each other and an orgy broke out. They started undressing. [David Leavitt] came over to me and pushed [my sister] out of the way. He made me get on all fours and he sodomized me."
Daughters 1-4: We are heartbroken for what you have endured. Thank you for your courage in the face of evil. May God's love comfort you, His angels protect you, and justice, so long in coming, at last be done for your sakes.