Anonymous ID: daf9d7 Sept. 29, 2022, 10:43 a.m. No.17603732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4224 >>4284 >>4361 >>4411

29 Sep, 2022 15:29

Kremlin reveals next step on Donbass, Kherson, and Zaporozhye


Russian President Vladimir Putin will sign accession treaties on Friday, his spokesperson has announced


The Kremlin has revealed when Russian President Vladimir Putin will sign treaties on the inclusion of the two Donbass republics, as well as the self-proclaimed states in Kherson and Zaporozhye, into the Russian Federation. The move follows referendums held in the respective territories.


The ceremonial signing will take place in the St. George Hall inside the Kremlin Palace on Friday at 3pm Moscow time, after which Putin will deliver a “voluminous speech,” according to Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov. The Russian president will also personally meet with the heads of the new territories.


The announcement comes after the two republics and two self-proclaimed states made official requests to join the Russian Federation after having held public referendums on the issue between September 23 and 27. The move was overwhelmingly supported by the local population, according to official results announced late on Tuesday.


Peskov separately noted that Putin’s speech on Friday will not be a formal address to the Federal Assembly – the country’s parliament – stating that such a speech will be held in a completely different format and is yet to be announced.



As explained by Senator Konstantin Kosachev, the vice speaker of the upper house of Russia’s parliament, signing the treaties is only one of the key steps necessary to officially incorporate the new territories into the Russian Federation.


After Putin signs the treaties, they must be submitted to the country’s Constitutional Court to ensure they comply with Russian law. Once they are cleared, the documents have to be ratified by the lower house, the State Duma, and the upper house of parliament, the Federal Council. Only after that will the DPR, LPR, and the regions of Kherson and Zaporozhye officially become integrated into the Russian Federation.


The next session of the Federal Council is planned for October 4, according to chairman Valentina Matvienko, who said that if “everything is confirmed” the body will take the treaties on accepting the new territories up for consideration.


The EU and the US have repeatedly refused to accept the results of the referendums, calling them a “sham.” Western leaders have also vowed to never recognize “any kind of annexation in Ukraine.” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen claimed she was “determined to make the Kremlin pay for this further escalation,” while US State Secretary Antony Blinken stated that Kiev had “every right” to take back the territories that are trying to secede from its rule.


Blinken is the worst SOS in perhaps all of time. The State Department is supposed to support freedom, but they don’t. Our government has lost all authority to dictate anything to anyone. Since when is it not a regions right to recognise and join a country that is not killing them daily for 9 years? Russia and the regions are doing everything by the book of international law. Not exactly what Barry did with the Coup on Ukraine. The more I learn of the savage nature of our authoritarian Cabal government the more I understand the US is responsible for billions of deaths around the world, and they are cool with it. They want to the same in our country.

Anonymous ID: daf9d7 Sept. 29, 2022, 10:43 a.m. No.17603737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4224 >>4284 >>4361 >>4411

29 Sep, 2022 15:22

NATO tested underwater ‘equipment’ close to Nord Stream leak zone – Moscow

In June, the alliance experimented with unmanned subs near the island of Bornholm


NATO conducted exercises using deep-sea equipment in the area where gas leaks in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines were detected this week, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova said on Thursday. She added that the entire Baltic Sea is “packed full” of the bloc’s military infrastructure.


Speaking at a regular press briefing on Thursday, Zakharova dismissed any allegations that Russia was behind the incident. “May I ask you a question? When exactly did Russia decide it wanted to stop supplying energy to Europe?” she asked.


Zakharova said NATO was engaged in military activities close to the location where the leaks were found, noting that it might have presented an interesting “opportunity” for the alliance.


“So, maybe the NATO bases never conducted exercises there, while American soldiers have never been stationed on the territory of nearby countries?” she quipped, adding that this summer "in the area of Bornholm, Denmark, NATO conducted exercises that used deep-sea equipment”.


Zakharova was apparently referring to Exercise Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) 22 in the Baltic Sea, which took place in June 2022 and were meant to demonstrate the military bloc's “mine hunting capabilities,” according to the statement by the US Navy at the time. In particular it sought to experiment with Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) by deploying them off the coast of Bornholm island.


Zakharova urged Washington to offer “an explanation” and “confess” to the truth, saying that the US had left that job to Poland's former foreign minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, who earlier “thanked” the US for destroying the pipeline.


NATO said Thursday that the pipelines were damaged in what appeared to be a “deliberate, reckless, and irresponsible acts of sabotage,” promising to meet any attack on its critical infrastructure “with a united and determined response.”


Meanwhile, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the Nord Stream leaks as a probable “terrorist act” which is unlikely to have been possible “without the involvement of some state power.”


On Monday, Denmark reported leaks from the pipelines after the operator reported a loss of pressure on both Nord Stream 1 and 2. Danish and Swedish authorities later said there had been a series of undersea explosions near Bornholm. In total, there have been four gas leaks detected in the Nord Stream system.

Anonymous ID: daf9d7 Sept. 29, 2022, 10:46 a.m. No.17603752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3760 >>3767 >>4224 >>4284 >>4361 >>4411

29 Sep, 2022 15:28


EU state threatens to block new anti-Russia sanctions


If new restrictions target the energy sector, there will be no backing from Hungary, a senior official has said

Budapest will not support any new anti-Russian sanctions proposed by the EU if they target Russian energy, a senior official in the government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has warned.


“Hungary has done a lot already to maintain European unity but if there are energy sanctions in the package, then we cannot and will not support it,” Gergely Gulyas, Orban’s chief of staff, told journalists during a briefing on Thursday.


“We are waiting for a final, full list of sanctions and then we can negotiate about it,” he added. “Hungary cannot support energy sanctions.”


Gulyas was referring to the eighth package of sanctions that EU members are currently debating. The official reiterated his government’s criticism of Brussels’ policy.


The restrictions imposed on Russian trade have failed to put an end to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine, he said. They also hurt European nations worse than they did Russia, contrary to what the EU leadership promised, he added, citing surging energy prices and the profits that Russia has raked thanks to them.


Hungary is heavily dependent on Russian energy supplies and has been resisting Brussels, as it pressured member states to decouple their economies from the source. Budapest secured a waiver for itself when an embargo on importing Russian oil was included in one of the previous rounds of sanctions in May.


The new EU package may include measures to enforce a price cap for Russian oil bought by third parties, more individual sanctions against Russian citizens, and further curbs on EU trade with Russia, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told journalists on Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: daf9d7 Sept. 29, 2022, 10:54 a.m. No.17603791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3821 >>3832

29 Sep, 2022 15:43


US offers a new definition of ‘healthy’kek


Food-safety watchdog proposing an updated product-labeling approach in a bid to improve people’s eating habits

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Wednesday proposed a new set of standards that food products must meet to be labeled “healthy.” The new rules would align the definition, whichhas not been updated since 1994, with “current nutrition science,” the watchdog said in a statement.


Under the updated definitions, in order to obtain a “healthy” label, the products should satisfy two criteria. First, they need to contain “a certain meaningful amount” of food from at least one of the food groups or subgroups recommended by the ‘Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025,’ such as fruit, vegetable or dairy. Second, the foods should adhere to specific limits of certain nutrients, such as saturated fat, sodium and added sugars.


The new standards would not only help people to build healthier diets but could also help to improve the quality of food products, the watchdog believes. According to the FDA, in a bid to secure a “healthy” label for their products, manufacturers might include more “fruits, vegetables, dairy and whole grains, and limit saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars” in their products.


“Today’s action is just one part of the agency’s ongoing commitment to reduce diet-related chronic diseases and advance health equity,”the FDA, which is part of the Health Department, said.


Nutrition-related illnesses are now “the leading cause of death and disability in the country,” according to the agency. By providing manufacturers with clear guidelines, and customers with clear labels on packaging, the FDA hopes to help people “to build healthy eating patterns” and thus to improve public health in general.


The watchdog is suggesting a comprehensive approach to a healthy diet. Under the new rules, some products which currently cannot be labeled “healthy” can eventually get this mark by becoming part of “a diet consistent with current dietary recommendations.” As examples of such products, the FDA cites nuts, seeds, higher-fat fish such as salmon, as well as certain oils.


The public consultations on the proposal will last 90 days. Meanwhile, the FDA is also looking for a new, easily recognizable logo for the labeling of “healthy” products.


According to the ‘Dietary Guidelines,’ more than 80% of US residents aren’t eating enough vegetables, fruit and dairy, while most people consume too much added sugars, saturated fats and sodium. The World Population Review this year placed the US in 12th place globally for population obesity, with more than 36% of Americans categorized as obese.


What??? Isn’t this the agency demanding everyone get jabbed. They approved the addictive ingredients in processed food, now they pretend to care about our health.