If you want to get the Libtards to do 'our' workk for us and petition to release #UNREDACTED I.G. report, then you have to thinkk like them…or (HoggBoy).
Your memes are funny…they are not that creative.
If you want to get the Libtards to do 'our' workk for us and petition to release #UNREDACTED I.G. report, then you have to thinkk like them…or (HoggBoy).
Your memes are funny…they are not that creative.
FFS!!!…How many times do I have to FLUSH before you go away????
Government/politicans/lords…they ALL workk for the same MASTER. They just change the C.E.O.
It's NOT the people…it's the ESTABLISHMENT.
I didn't remember that one…thanks!
Duly Noted…We need to play BOTH sides.
I'm a Britfag…now a Spainfag.
I'm really torn right now…do I (A)call you a RETARD for not recognising that it is CLEARLY Obunga, or do I (B) welcome you into the fold and encourage you to ask questions?
I'm choosing (B)…But I feel embarrased.
No…but these 'BLEET'
It's BULLSHIT…I can't find anything MSM to confirm it