i still think it was the Indian ambassador.
claimed he was Hindu, but I believe he was Arab.
cut-out type off a background
People in the village he allegedly came from did not know him
Mentioned in HRC emails.
Notice Q writes 'foreign posts'
everybody shot me down and thought it was som BS Q already excluded as a possibility.
The 'clean shaven' thing is because they did work (plastic surgery) on his face.
Reality is: it's not Rice, her legs and body type are all wrong, though "she may have been male originally.
don't know why we're even supposed to solve the sofa boi puzzle.
they painted a mustache on sofa boi to make him look older and disguise him.
He was really young (and shorter) in the sofa image?
why is it important ?. have no idea.
he 's a rich dude.
also barry must've banged thousands of young dudes; so why is this one special ; because there's an extant image?