Think D5 … kek, originally it meant TRUST HUBER exposing Clinton Foundation in Dec 5 2018 … now it means 5 year delta from Patriots arresting Hillary
>DNC admits democratic party is a cult
no Dem has a Repub friend, most Repubs have Dem friends, what are the mathematical odds?
>will it be exposed this time around?
>de santis doing the reveal perhaps?
de Santis has funders, fixers who represent the real estate mafia?
anon's guess: an aspiring rapper
>>>17609360 (You)
>grain of salt
>if you get elected in Florida,
>it's a given
>that you are pro-semite
i was just thinking Katrina … it was said that there were shacks and crappy shotgun houses on land that might turn out to be valuable in New Orleans after the levees would be fixed and the blacks away
hmm that looks similar than various temporary architecture for the World Fairs back in the day like over hundred years ago, like in St Louis … or think Crystal Palace in London, very fancy but disassembled after the Fair …
interesting stuff here, also that meme pic
>The Think Tanks Advising Congress on Military Spending Take Money From the Arms Industry
that's not exactly news, think Eisenhower's farewell speech
there are revolving doors between the think tanks pentagon and Big Military